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Guest wootman

New Hulk Hogan DVD coming

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Guest wootman
A new Hulk Hogan DVD will be released by WWE on April 4, 2006. - PWInsider.com


Hmmm, just in time for Wrestlemania too.


Anyways, I can't wait. The first Hogan DVD was good at the time as it was like first of it's kind, however, it was made in the primitive stages of WWE's development of DVDs and it doesn't seem to stack up as well to the DVDs on Flair, Bret, Taker, etc.... today. I always felt that there was some room for improvement and it didn't do enough justice to Hogan's career as there was a lot of stuff left out. Well, I'd assume that this one will be three DVDs, it just has to be.


Also, it should be interesting to see if they do another documentary piece on Hogan for DVD or if it'll just be a match compiliation like the Taker DVD. I'd imagine that if they do a documentary piece on Hogan, it would be more indepth this time around in terms of dicussing controversial stuff he did in the past and not totally fluff like the last one. The last one seemed to gloss over a bit of his career as it just zipped by some of late-80's/early 90's feuds and his WCW career which I would have liked to have seen more on. I think it would be interesting if Hogan talked about his relationship with Randy Savage a bit more.


I'm not sure what this is for, but the WWE crew spent 10 hours interviewing Moolah and Mae Young on 12/3 for some sort of project, most likely a DVD. - Wrestling Observer Newsletter


It's not totally confirmed, but it looks like Moolah and Mae will have their own DVD. Why else would WWE shoot 10 hours of footage of Moolah and Mae talking? Considering that WWE has been releasing nothing but DVDs on stars of the past as of late, one on Moolah and Mae probably shouldn't be too surprising. I guess they could make use of their WWWF footage for this. I'd imagine it would have all their wacky skits from the past few years as extras.


So ..... is anyone here willing to buy a DVD on Moolah and Mae? I'm not totally pressed for it, but I'll probably get it myself as I just want to see what the heck would be on a Moolah and Mae DVD.


Also, I'm guessing some people's first reaction to the news of Moolah and Mae having a DVD is that it will flop and not sell at all. Well, I can see why people would think that, that was my first reaction to the news, however, if you think about it a bit more, I think it should sell decently at least. It probably won't set records, but I think there is a niche audience for it. There are some people out there that like straight-up women's wrestling and women's wrestling from the 60's, 70's, 80's, I guess this could be a DVD for those fans who don't care to buy a Diva swimsuit DVD. WWE wants to appeal to all people, and they're trying to reach into the pocket of people who doesn't spend money on WWE products otherwise. Also, this DVD might sell well with senior citizens who remember them from back in the day. Or maybe it could appeal to a grandma who's not really a wrestling fan, but they see someone like themself on the cover at the store and they might buy it. Grandma wouldn't spend money on a WWE product otherwise, but they'd maybe buy this. And I guess it could appeal to people that just want to see Mae's zany antics over the years. I think this will sell alright, it's worth a try at least.

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The only other thing I could think of is if they do some kind of general WWE match compilation set, with Mae and Moolah commenting and stuff in between matches (kind of like the old Colliseum Home Videos where people like Lord Alfred Hayes and Gorilla Monsoon would do skits, or something). I just find it hard to believe that they'd try to release a DVD of matches involving the two. I mean, any of the stuff since 1998, while humorous, probably doesn't hold up well ona second viewing. Also, I know there's probably a decent amount of Moolah stuff, but is there really even that much footage of Mae Young wrestling in WWE's archives?

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Guest wootman

I would think that Moolah and Mae have footage of their matches from their career in their possession which they'd probably loan to WWE to make use of for the DVD. I'd guess they'd have to ask for permission from whoever owns the footage though, but it's probably not too much of a problem. They pretty much have most of Moolah's career on file, except for when she started out early in her career, if footage is even available. Everything from the 70's and on they should have though. I'm guessing the majority of the wrestling footage on the DVD will be from that time period.


I don't think there is much footage of Mae Young actually wrestling out there, but they probably don't need anything more than a few matches anyways, this DVD will probably be one disc. Surely Mae would have some footage of at least a few of her matches.


I'm guessing that the documentary portion of this Moolah/Mae DVD will mostly show really old photos instead of video footage for the most part, spliced into them telling stories about their careers. I don't think it will be a problem for Moolah and Mae to supply them with old photos.

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Why do we need another Hogan DVD? I thought the first one was pretty well done, excluding the usual Hogan bullshit. I suppose it's a way to make more money out of Hogan becuase the first one was released when it was still the WWF.


As for Moolah and Mae Young, who the hell would buy a DVD on these two?

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Guest wootman

Oh yeah, that Hogan DVD was made just before they had to stop using the WWF logo. WWE couldn't sell the DVD for too long as a court ruling soon came out. Maybe some people want a DVD on Hogan's career, but it's not easy to get as it's not available in most stores now. It's one potential money stream WWE is losing out on by not having one available to sell now, and this thing is guaranteed to make money.


Also, WWE may be running out of ideas on who to make DVDs on. When in doubt, just turn to good ole trustworthy Hogan for a boost.

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Guest Edgehead

Im probably guessing the mae/moolah stuff will be used for 24/7. A dvd on them wouldnt really sell tbh.

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Oh yeah, that Hogan DVD was made just before they had to stop using the WWF logo. WWE couldn't sell the DVD for too long as a court ruling soon came out. Maybe some people want a DVD on Hogan's career, but it's not easy to get as it's not available in most stores now. It's one potential money stream WWE is losing out on by not having one available to sell now, and this thing is guaranteed to make money.

The "Hulk Still Rules" 2002 DVD has the WWE logo on it.

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As for Moolah and Mae Young, who the hell would buy a DVD on these two?


I would for one. I may not like the stuff they have been doing since they got older, but they actually meant something to the business back in the day. I doubt there is too much footage of them when they were a lot younger, but they have so many stories to tell, it would be a great watch as long as they focused more on the past. Some of the more recent stuff could be in the extras section and maybe easter eggs.


As for why we need another Hulk Hogan DVD, it's pretty obvious. The last one, while the main feature was pretty good, the actual matches included didn't even hardly touch on all of the important matches in his career. A new main feature would be great as well. As stated before, the other Hogan DVD was when WWE was really just starting doing these DVDs, and now that they seem to be going full steam ahead with the DVD projects, Hogan deserves one on part with the Flair and Hart DVD.


Not to mention that the current Hogan DVD is OOP.

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Oh yeah, that Hogan DVD was made just before they had to stop using the WWF logo. WWE couldn't sell the DVD for too long as a court ruling soon came out. Maybe some people want a DVD on Hogan's career, but it's not easy to get as it's not available in most stores now. It's one potential money stream WWE is losing out on by not having one available to sell now, and this thing is guaranteed to make money.

The "Hulk Still Rules" 2002 DVD has the WWE logo on it.


But the footage is full of unedited mentions of the "WWF" as well as instances of the scratch logo. I've still yet to have given a explanation as to why it matters if the product itself says WWE, but oh well.

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Guest wootman

Oh yeah, that Hogan DVD was made just before they had to stop using the WWF logo. WWE couldn't sell the DVD for too long as a court ruling soon came out. Maybe some people want a DVD on Hogan's career, but it's not easy to get as it's not available in most stores now. It's one potential money stream WWE is losing out on by not having one available to sell now, and this thing is guaranteed to make money.

The "Hulk Still Rules" 2002 DVD has the WWE logo on it.


That's true, as it says WWE on the cover. However, the WWF logo and WWF references are splattered all over the DVD, which is why they can't sell it anymore, or most DVDs from 1999 through early-2002 for that matter.


WWE's kinda losing out on a lucrative money stream by not having a Hulk Hogan DVD that they can sell to fans, especially during this whole nostalgic ride they've been on in the last year, and Hogan's the king of nostalgia. WWE is looking for any way to make money these days and who better than to sell a DVD then Hogan? They've already released DVDs on most of the money people such as Bret, Warrior, Flair, Taker, etc... so they're kinda running out of wrestlers to focus on that that are guaranteed to sell DVDs. I bet a Randy Savage DVD would sell, but I don't think they want to go through the trouble of dealing with him, at least for now.


Also, now that WWE really "knows" how a compilication DVD on a wrestler should be like, it's only fair that Hogan has one on par with the DVDs of Ric Flair and Bret Hart. The first Hogan DVD was their first try at the DVDs they're making now. It was a good for the time period, but it doesn't seem to hold up as well compared to the other ones that have since been released. Also, WWE didn't include several important matches in the original release, so there was always room for a second edition anyways. Actually, I think a box set would be the only way to warrent the magnitude of Hogan's career.



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Also, WWE may be running out of ideas on who to make DVDs on. When in doubt, just turn to good ole trustworthy Hogan for a boost.

How could they possibly be running out of ideas? They have virtually all footage of American wrestling from the past 30 years at their disposal. The list of guys whose DVDs would sell is pretty long: Dusty, Piper, Snuka, Rude, Hennig, DiBiase, Steamboat, Vader, Sting, Savage, Andre, Sammartino, Lawler, Taz, Angle, "The Self-Destruction of Lex Luger," Iron Shiek (the promos would be worth the price), Slaughter, etc...

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Guest wootman

Also, WWE may be running out of ideas on who to make DVDs on. When in doubt, just turn to good ole trustworthy Hogan for a boost.

How could they possibly be running out of ideas? They have virtually all footage of American wrestling from the past 30 years at their disposal. The list of guys whose DVDs would sell is pretty long: Dusty, Piper, Snuka, Rude, Hennig, DiBiase, Steamboat, Vader, Sting, Savage, Andre, Sammartino, Lawler, Taz, Angle, "The Self-Destruction of Lex Luger," Iron Shiek (the promos would be worth the price), Slaughter, etc...


Ok, I stand corrected, hehe. I forget about all these people for some reason. I heard a Dusty Rhodes DVD is going to come out eventually, probably in 2006 or 2007. I think a Piper DVD will come out in due time.


Hogan's DVD would probably sell the most out of anybody listed, not to mention that it would probably be the the most convenient one to make as not much thought has to be given to how Hogan's wrestling story goes.

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Guest lo0p

These are the WWE DVDs that I want to to see and would definitely buy


Hogan proper 3 disc set

Shawns Michaels proper 3 disc set

Kurt Angle 3 disc inluding some amateur stuff like the gold medal match

Eddie Guerrero Proper 3 disc (including the tribute shows)

Bret Hart 3 disc vol 2

Ric Flair 3 disc vol 2

Randy Savage 2 or 3 Disc

Roddy Piper 2 disc

Mr Perfect 2 disc

Owen Hart 2 or 3 disc (including Raw tribute show)

The Rock proper 3 disc set

Steve Austin proper 3 disc set

Ted Debiase 2 disc set

Britsh Bulldogs 3 disc set (both as team and indiviual matches)

Andre the Giant proper 2 disc set

Ricky Steamboat 2 disc set

Chris Jericho 2 disc set

Rick Rude 1 disc

Vader 2 disc set

HHH proper 3 disc set

Kane 2 disc set

Dusty Rhodes 2 disc set

Harley Race 2 disc set

Sting 2 or 3 disc set


theres probably more that im forgetting . . . .

Edited by lo0p

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Guest Ransome
Also, I'm guessing some people's first reaction to the news of Moolah and Mae having a DVD is that it will flop and not sell at all. Well, I can see why people would think that, that was my first reaction to the news, however, if you think about it a bit more, I think it should sell decently at least. It probably won't set records, but I think there is a niche audience for it. There are some people out there that like straight-up women's wrestling and women's wrestling from the 60's, 70's, 80's, I guess this could be a DVD for those fans who don't care to buy a Diva swimsuit DVD. WWE wants to appeal to all people, and they're trying to reach into the pocket of people who doesn't spend money on WWE products otherwise. Also, this DVD might sell well with senior citizens who remember them from back in the day. Or maybe it could appeal to a grandma who's not really a wrestling fan, but they see someone like themself on the cover at the store and they might buy it. Grandma wouldn't spend money on a WWE product otherwise, but they'd maybe buy this. And I guess it could appeal to people that just want to see Mae's zany antics over the years. I think this will sell alright, it's worth a try at least.


I sincerely doubt this.


I wouldn't buy a DVD solely dedicated to Mae Young/Moolah, but I might consider buying a 'Best of the Women's Championship' DVD. That way, you can include both plenty of footage from Moolah's early years to appeal to an nostalgic crowd (if one exists) as well as the more pallateable post-1998 'Diva' era. And while there haven't been that many classic Womens' matches moments, you would get to add stuff like Wendi Richter/Cyndi Lauper, the 'Spider Lady' controversy, Alundra Blayze vs Bull Nakano (several good matches to choose from), Madusa trashing the title, Lita vs Stephanie McMahon, and assorted Trish matches.

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Maybe they just filmed interviews with Moolah & Mae to put on other DVDs, during the documentary portion? For example the recent DVDs on Bret, LOD, Jake and Warrior all had comments and interviews from various wrestlers, agents, etc. That's just my guess anyway as I really doubt they would release a Moolah and Mae DVD

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You can bet that Hogan's DVD will include Hogan talking about how he's the Babe Ruth of Wrestling BLAH BLAH :blink:

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Kurt Angle 3 disc inluding some amateur stuff like the gold medal match


Who owns the footage of the 1996 Olympics? If its NBC, then there might be a shot.

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Kurt Angle 3 disc inluding some amateur stuff like the gold medal match


Who owns the footage of the 1996 Olympics? If its NBC, then there might be a shot.


The International Olympics Committee owns all Olympic game footage. By NBA being the official American network, they are just granted permission to rebroadcast parts and such.


WWE would have to ask the IOC directly for permission.

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They should do something like the old 'Best of the WWF' series on Coliseum video. A new dvd every other month or so with a few good tv matches, a few good dark/house show matches, a few oldies, and some vignettes/promos.

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If they do Shawn, I'll pretty much be set on WWE DVDs for the foreseeable future. Maybe Angle, I guess. Or, like, Funaki, or Kanyon, but these are less realistic goals.

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Wait, you better not mean that "From the Vault" BS. It's seven matches, admittedly good ones, and minor backstory. I DEMAND (you hear me?!) at least fifteen matches and a complete life retrospective.


....I'd settle for just the matches.

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Wasn't it reported last year that WWE wanted to release all six of the Hulkamania VHSs on DVD? Maybe this will be that set since they had to delay it since they lost the right to use the Hulk name back then.

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Wasn't it reported last year that WWE wanted to release all six of the Hulkamania VHSs on DVD? Maybe this will be that set since they had to delay it since they lost the right to use the Hulk name back then.

True, a hulkamania box set might be cool, but I have a feeling this will be a a new one similar to still rules (which I own BTW)




I agree on why do they have to blur stuff out and edit on the video itself if the package says WWE? They arent using the WWF initials to sell it.


Im still convinced that Vince does all the blurring crap just to be overprotective . especially considering that here in teh states he could use the logo and initals all he wants on videos sicne the lawsuit applied to overseas right? Probably just too lazy to do different dvd releases for different countries

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