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Guest jlvideo

Who should TNA go after next and who's available

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Guest jlvideo

I think there are several guys out there after being released or doing indys that TNA could use or those that could use more work. Like:



Matt Morgan

Kevin Fertig(aka seven,mordici)

Billy Kidman

Matt Hyson(formerlly spike dudley)

Bryan Danielson

Jim Cornette(who is working for ROH and heard he wasn't interested in TNA,but i'm not sure why)

Steve Corino

Colt Cabana

Low-Ki(bring him back)



And does anyone know or think about the status on paul heyman and chris benoit's contracts? I would like to see benoit sign tna and free him some time at home and also gives him freedom to work new japan if he chooses to. He would not be far from atlanta to orlando. Paul E, would be great as a work behind guy and help TNA over the hump. I think they need more talent to get the fans more interested in the shows. Any cooments on any other people TNA should try to make a play for?

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After Benoit took a match in the best of 7, you can scratch him off your want list.


Heyman has been given a contract offer, but he has yet to reject or accept it. Not sure if it's more or less than the $250,000 a year he was getting in the current contract.

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After Benoit took a match in the best of 7, you can scratch him off your want list.


Heyman has been given a contract offer, but he has yet to reject or accept it. Not sure if it's more or less than the $250,000 a year he was getting in the current contract.


Heyman can take a big paycheck because Vince would not want TNA to get Heyman, and continue to have his personal playground in Louisville.


Low Ki burned his bridges, he will not be in TNA again for awhile, if ever again.


Cabana would be a great addition to the roster and Danielson is a no-brainer.

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Guest JMA

I wonder if TNA could get away with bringing in Spike and calling him "Mr. Spike TV" or some shit like that. Then again, he'd have to be a Cyrus-like character for that to work.

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Guest Coffey

TNA needs to stop going after new people all the time. Everytime they bring in someone "new" like Christian, The Dudley Boyz & Rhyno, it just fucks up whatever they currently have going. Look at Monty Brown. He's on a backburner now when he seemed to be in line for a title shot. Rhyno comes in and gets a week long reign. The Dudleys come in and now we have a clusterfuck main event nWo-style.


It's like, the guys that come in are "established" so they don't have to pay their "dues" in TNA. It's unfair for people like Monty Brown & AMW, however, it's not like you can bring someone like Buh-Buh in and job him out in the undercard when he's been at Wrestlemania bombing people through tables.


It's a thin line. Obviously if there's a big talent out in the pool, TNA should pursue them. However, it just seems like TNA doesn't have a real solid direction because new blueprints keep getting added to the construction. It's also why the "WWE reject" stigma gets thrown onto TNA. They bring in former WWE wrestler and then they're the ones that get pushed over the homegrown talent.

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Low Ki made it pretty clear to TNA that his #1 priority is NOAH. D-Lo also apparently told them his main priority was AJPW (although gawd knows why in his case.) Guys who spend any significant amount of time in Japan can't really get over in TNA because they spend half their time out of the country. Likewise, one of the main reasons Tajiri went back to Japan is because he wanted to be at home. He has already shown up at one NJPW card, and the odds are he'll probably end up there.

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It's like, the guys that come in are "established" so they don't have to pay their "dues" in TNA.


Isn't this the basis of the whole JJ/AMW/Team Canada/Monty Brown/Christian/Rhyno/Team 3D thing?


Anyways, until TNA shows that they can build some characters, then they should stay very far away from AmDrag and guys like him. I mean, I've heard good things about Bryan Danielson and seen some of his work, but the guy screams "generic, pasty white guy". Dean Malenko had more to him than that.

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Guest Leelee



Not even The Rock.


TNA already has a roster of nearly 50 wrestlers that they have no idea how to utilize. Or, more accurately, don't even attempt to utilize.


And poster above me... you couldn't be more right about AmDrag. There's reasons why kids like him aren't on TV. Unless TNA just wants to continue bringing in sparse ratings with only smarks.

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I've heard good things about Bryan Danielson and seen some of his work, but the guy screams "generic, pasty white guy"

That should be his gimmick the pasty white guy who isn't Canadian.

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Not even The Rock.


TNA already has a roster of nearly 50 wrestlers that they have no idea how to utilize. Or, more accurately, don't even attempt to utilize.


And poster above me... you couldn't be more right about AmDrag. There's reasons why kids like him aren't on TV. Unless TNA just wants to continue bringing in sparse ratings with only smarks.


Yeah...The Rock wouldn't help TNA at all. If they could get him, they should ignore the idea. I mean, barely anybody knows who he is anyhow. And American Dragon? He's just like all the other generic wrestlers out there right now...well...except the fact that he's probably the best young mat wrestler active in North America right now...but aside from that...he's no good. Only smarks like him, so he's no good. They shouldn't look to improve the product or anything like that. They should try and get Randy Orton and have him walk around with his shirt off. That would be much better.

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Low Ki made it pretty clear to TNA that his #1 priority is NOAH. D-Lo also apparently told them his main priority was AJPW (although gawd knows why in his case.) Guys who spend any significant amount of time in Japan can't really get over in TNA because they spend half their time out of the country. Likewise, one of the main reasons Tajiri went back to Japan is because he wanted to be at home. He has already shown up at one NJPW card, and the odds are he'll probably end up there.


I thought most of the guys like to wrestle in Japan because they can be treated like walking gods over there while making a very good paycheck. I'd love to see how Japan would react to Jeff Hardy.

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It probably has something to do with the fact that most of the Japanese population wouldn't laugh at you if you told them you're a wrestler, whereas the myth of wrestling has long since been dead and most folks think you're an idiot for watching it. Perfect example: I put TNA on the TV at work(we have a DVR in the cable box) and people complain about not wanting to watch it because it's fake and all this but they'll happily go and see King Kong or something, because, you know, that's perfectly real or something

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