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NFL Playoffs

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There wasn't an official thread yet and I was bored so I figured I would make one.


This weekends matchups:


Washington at Tampa Bay

Jacksonville at New England

Carolina at NY Giants

Pittsburgh at Cincy.


As for my predictions....


Washington over Tampa Bay by 10.


New England over Jacksonville by 6.


Carolina over Giants by 7.


Pittsburgh over Cincy by 14.

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No Eagles.....suckage. I could care less about any of these teams really.

What do you do when your team isn't in the playoffs? Make a board with all the teams on it and throw something at it and root for whoever it sticks to?

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Someone clear this up for me:


If Jacksonville beats New England, would they play Denver instead of the Colts, or does it go by seeding? I thought it went by records, but my uncle thinks differently.

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The key is the 3 vs 6 seed game...


If 3 wins, they go to the 2 seed while the 4-5 winner goes to the 1 seed

If 6 wins, they go to the 1 seed while the 4-5 winner goes to the 2 seed


The AFC 3-6 game is Pitt-Cincy. If Pitt wins they go to Indy and if Cincy wins they go to Denver, while the NE-Jax winner goes to the other

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You know, I seriously hope Jacksonville wins this weekend. It'd be the funniest thing if they did. I recall about 10 years ago they ended the Bills' run, now they can do the same to the Pats.


Either way it doesn't matter, I'm thinking Pittsburgh beats Cincy and then gets the Colts the next game. The Pats then go to Denver and I don't really see them winning that one.


The other games: I'll take the Giants over the Panthers for no good reason other than I'd like to see the Giants do something and have no interest at all in Carolina going far again. As far as Tampa/Washington, hell I have no idea. That is one of the most heatless playoff games I've ever heard of. That said, when in doubt bet against Chris Simms. I'll take the Skins by 10.

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What do you do when your team isn't in the playoffs? Make a board with all the teams on it and throw something at it and root for whoever it sticks to?


Option #1: Stay impartial and watch the games purely because you like the sport. God knows I've gotten used to it with baseball.


Option #2: Cheer for the team you bet on.


As for the games, I think the two NFC matchups are by far the most interesting. Carolina is fantastic one week and horrible the next, so who knows what is going to happen against the Giants, and Redskins/Bucs played probably the best game of the regular season back in Week 10. Right now I like Carolina (those injuries have really hurt the Giants defense) and Tampa Bay, but they are far from sure things.


In the AFC, expect New England to completely overwhelm the Jaguars who ended the season playing one of the easiest schedules in the league. In the other game, the Bengals have ended the season ice-cold and already lost to Pittsburgh once at home. Cincy can't stop the run, and that's what the Steelers do best on offense.

Edited by Kahran Ramsus

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I forgot to answer the "What do you do when your team isn't in the playoffs?" question earlier, oops


Root for any team that I may find myself liking for some reason, and root against any team I hate... for the last decade I was always guaranteed interest in the playoffs by wanting to see Green Bay lose

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You know, I seriously hope Jacksonville wins this weekend. It'd be the funniest thing if they did. I recall about 10 years ago they ended the Bills' run, now they can do the same to the Pats.

The Bills had a run? I thought it was a brisk jog that they kinda got tired during. Like when you're out jogging and say "okay I'm not gonna stop til that tree" but you do anyway

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You know, I seriously hope Jacksonville wins this weekend. It'd be the funniest thing if they did. I recall about 10 years ago they ended the Bills' run, now they can do the same to the Pats.


I thought the Dolphins ended the Bills' run to the Super Bowl by beating them the year earlier (Dolphins later lost to San Diego after missing a last second FG). The Jaguars game was the next year which I remember b/c I rooted for the Broncos as a little kid and the Jaguars beat them in the divisionals.

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The Jaguars ended Marino's career by whooping Miami by 55 or something and then they shocked Denver in 1996 leading to them losing in NE in the AFC title game. Pittsburgh were the ones that ended the Bills' streak of AFC title wins in 1995.


I think I'll go with New England and Pittsburgh winning on the AFC side and the Giants and Washington in the NFC this weekend.

Edited by KingPK

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I'm a Giants fan but there's a small part of me that wants the Patriots to three-peat and crush the Colts like a jely bean in the process. I had a heated discussion with someone last month about why I don't want the Giants to go far in the playoffs this year. I brought up the fact that they weren't disciplined enough to win a championship and that I would rather have them pay their dues before they receive the rewards and they said I wasn't a true fan. The Giants were second in the league in penalties this year and while Eli has gotten better, he still will throw the ball 30 + times and only get 200 yards. I mentioned the Vikings game as an example because that was a game that I felt they deserved to lose. You can't play like shit and expect to win games, I don't care how talented you are. So, I want the Giants to win their first game and have something to build on, but I want them to get better next season and earn their stripes before they talk about championships. If they do get eliminated I want the Patriots to win the championship and then fall into obscurity forever.

Edited by pinnacleofallthingsmanly

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Earn your stripes? Fuck that. I'm not expecting the Giants to get to the SB, but I don't want them to lose. And when has Eli thrown 30+ times and not gotten over 300 yards? That hasn't happened.

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I don't know if you actually can be a fan of a team while hoping they lose. I mean, wanting them to have more discipline is one thing, but why are actually wishing losses on your favorite team (when they're not in position for a good draft pick)? Are you saying that if the Giants win the SB that you'll be unhappy? And if so, how does that make you a fan?


It's one thing to say "They don't deserve to win because of (insert item that needs improvement)," but it's another to say "I don't want them to succeed."


The way the Astros hit in the WS this year, I didn't feel like they deserved to win those games, but I cheered for them through all of it.

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Earn your stripes? Fuck that. I'm not expecting the Giants to get to the SB, but I don't want them to lose. And when has Eli thrown 30+ times and not gotten over 300 yards? That hasn't happened.


Week 4 vs. StL - 35 att., 296 yds.

Week 7 vs. Denver - 42 att., 214 yards

Week 8 vs. Washington - 31 att., 146 yards

Week 9 vs. SF - 33 att. 251 yards

Week 10 vs. Minn- 48 att., 291 yards

Week 13 vs. Dallas - 31 att., 152 yards

Week 15 vs. KC - 32 att., 186 yards

Week 16 vs. Washington - 41 att., 244 yards


IMO, when it comes to the playoffs you have to just root blindly. In the regular season, you can question if a loss wouldn't be bad or that they might need to lose to learn something. But when it comes to the playoffs, I can't see being anything but a rah rah fanboy as the future means nothing. When a SB now and the future becomes gravy.

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Granted I have blind season ticket fanboy stuff, but seriously Pittsburgh by 14? Might as well give them a bye and set up the Pitt-Indy divisional playoff game. Cincy will be ready to play.

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Since I have a bye week in KKK's pick'em, I'll just post what I think will happen in here.


Washington over Tampa Bay by 3


Jacksonville over New England by 6


Carolina over G-Men by 13


Cincy over Pittsburgh by 3


I'll say it now, Byron Leftwich will become a household name this weekend if he plays. He has the heart and ability to put the Jags on his back and carry them over New England, but does he have the ankle?


I'm thinking a Carolina-Denver Super Bowl, but I'd love to be wrong on the AFC side of the draw.

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Guest Leelee

You know, I seriously hope Jacksonville wins this weekend. It'd be the funniest thing if they did. I recall about 10 years ago they ended the Bills' run, now they can do the same to the Pats.

The Bills had a run? I thought it was a brisk jog that they kinda got tired during. Like when you're out jogging and say "okay I'm not gonna stop til that tree" but you do anyway


It technically was the end of the Bills' run... as it was Kelly's last game, and the last playoff run for the Kelly-Thomas-Reed era. Although, that 1996 year, the offense sucked... and the team was carried by a bunch of free agent old guy pickups on defense.

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My team obviously didn't make it. I'm hoping for the Bears to go out early (Yeah, I know they aren't playing ths week) and for a Carolina/Cincy Super Bowl, since they're the only teams left who remotely interest me.

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Guest Rrrsh

Pats will beat a Jacksonville team that has had way too much trouble with bad teams this year to be taken seriously vs the 2 time Champs.


Skins are a real trendy pick, but Tampa still has a great D and I think can handle a very overrated Cliton Portis.


Panthers and Giants I think will have a very fun game to watch. Its Tiki vs the run D that will decide this game, and I think that Carolina will win that battle.


Biggest weakness of Pitt? Pass D. Biggest strenth of Bengals? Passing

Biggest weakness of Bengals? Run D. Buggest Pitt strength? Running


Coin flip, I say Home feild takes it.







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I was just looking over their stats, and I noticed that while Alexander's big thing over Tiki for MVP is TD's (even though Tiki could probably have 15+ if they didn't give the ball to Jacobs on the goal line) the thing Tiki has over Alexander is that Tiki has over 500+ recieving yards, while Alexander has 78. I doubt Tiki is going to win MVP, but I really don't think Alexander deserves it over Tiki. Alexander has Max Strong and Walter Jones, while Tiki has had a makeshift O-Line for basically the 2nd half of the season. Plus Alexander has those tough games vs St Louis twice, Arizona twice, San Fran twice, Houston and Green Bay.

Edited by mike546

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Washington at Tampa Bay

Jacksonville at New England

Carolina at NY Giants

Pittsburgh at Cincy


I'm a Bengals fan and have been since the 1995 but the Steelers still scare me in ANY type of matchup whether it be regular season or playoffs. I'm glad we split 1-1 with them in the regular season, but I'm not confident enough to pick Cincy to win although I'll be rooting for them to pull it out and get into the divisional round.


Also, I can't believe I'm picking three wild card teams to win this week, something I've never done before.

Edited by Danville_Wrestling

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The final NFL game on the ABC network will be Another Uninspiring Patriots Win. I guess it could be worse.


ABC has the Super Bowl so this weekend's 2nd contest won't be the final ABC game. Although I suppose that the Patriots beating an overmatched NFC team in Detroit could be uninspiring.

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This week I just hope the Bengals and Giants win. I think all the games are intriguing, though, and that's good enough for me!


And yeah, as a long-time 'Hawks fan, watching football can just be fun. Root for the underdogs, against a team you hate, or for particular players you love. Or just enjoy a good game, whydoncha.

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Guest Vitamin X
Root for any team that I may find myself liking for some reason, and root against any team I hate... for the last decade I was always guaranteed interest in the playoffs by wanting to see Green Bay lose




You know, this whole "missing the playoffs" thing is funny, I remember back in `99/2000 (the only other time the Packers didn't make the playoffs in the past decade or so.. pretty much as long as I've been a fan/watching football) I found a really easy team to root against in the Rams. This year, I don't really have any team I'm rooting against, but I like both New England and Pittsburgh, and on the NFC side, I wouldn't mind seeing Holmgren, Gibbs, or Gruden close to the top of the football world again. Carolina's a likable team as well. Only team I'm really rooting against here is the Bears, which I don't think will be much of a problem as they'll be packing by the end of this month, I'm sure. And not for Detroit.

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the Redskins are red hot right now and are really fun to watch for the first time in years, they'll beat TB.


New England is my lock to win the Superbowl, so of course I'm picking them over the Jags.


I don't think the Giants are for real this season, I'll take Carolina.


Pittsburgh is on fire while Cincy is very blah, I'll go with Pittsburgh.

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Guest Leelee

Bleh... not interested in any of these games. Shittsburgh/Cincy again... YAWN.


I just care about the Pats beating the Colts.

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