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WWE notes from Da Meltz on Figure Four Daily

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to be fair to Mark Henry, even though it's not saying much, this is the best he's ever been utilized...with a little more building up, he could be a one month transitional champ, if necessary, say later on this year to get the belt back on Batista or something.

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I'd rather Foley never come back again if he keeps coming back like he did last time. I'm sick of the guy, and all of his unmotivated work, and I'm talking about both on the stick and in the ring. That feud with Carlito was horrible, and it was not just Carlito's fault.


I'd love to see him come back as a heel, and as the same guy that he was years ago (I'm not even talking about him taking huge bumps, it's not about that), God knows I would.


That was Foley stuck in a heat-less feud where he had very little time to do anything with it and Carlito wasn't going to bring it either.


Foley, when motivated can make anything work. A program with Hogan at WM would easily motivate Foley and we all know Foley can easily turn that heel switch on and just like Shawn, he'll make it work against Hogan.


Will the match be worth anything? Doubtful, even if Foley imitates Shawn and bumps like crazy but it should be an excellent spectacle and quite frankly, it's the only credible "MONEY" match left for WWE to use since Austin won't be able to work Hogan for right now.


Foley also brings something to the table to match Hogan, moderate mainstream credibility. While Foley isn't as known as Hogan is, Foley does have a credible stamp with his name thanks to his status in WWE during it's peak and for his work outside the wrestling business.

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I'd rather Foley never come back again if he keeps coming back like he did last time. I'm sick of the guy, and all of his unmotivated work, and I'm talking about both on the stick and in the ring.


Count me in, and it goes triple for Hogan.


There is absolutely nothing to this feud. Even the marks have to know by know that Foley only comes back to shill the latest offering of the Mick Foley Corporation and job to whoever. Hogan flat out doesn't job. Neither guy can do shit in the ring anymore, so we're going to have a fat guy and an old guy doing punch punch punch until Hogan hulks up.


This match "could be good if done right" in the same way that Hassan's character "could be good if done right." WWE doesn't have the skills or desire to do it right, and probably neither do the participants of the match.

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I'd rather Foley never come back again if he keeps coming back like he did last time. I'm sick of the guy, and all of his unmotivated work, and I'm talking about both on the stick and in the ring.


Count me in, and it goes triple for Hogan.


There is absolutely nothing to this feud. Even the marks have to know by know that Foley only comes back to shill the latest offering of the Mick Foley Corporation and job to whoever. Hogan flat out doesn't job. Neither guy can do shit in the ring anymore, so we're going to have a fat guy and an old guy doing punch punch punch until Hogan hulks up.


This match "could be good if done right" in the same way that Hassan's character "could be good if done right." WWE doesn't have the skills or desire to do it right, and probably neither do the participants of the match.


Here is the thing, Foley can do it. He is one of the very few people who can and would be allowed to do what he wants and Hogan, as proved by the Shawn program is willing to let someone carry the load for building the program as long as he gains the personal statisfaction of going over.


While Hogan/Austin would be a bigger draw, Foley/Hogan would have more offer.


This doesn't mean I am endorsing this to occur but WWE will need something big for Mania, they will want to use Hogan because they are desperate right now. Hogan isn't putting anyone over, so if they are going to force us to more Hogan stuff, Foley is the best option as he'll make it mean something and go all out for the match and he isn't damaged by a lost either.

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Guest nokia

Just read my Observer for the 30th and Dave states that GOLDUST are on the way back to wwe cause of Dusty Rhodes, that Goldust will start in March and that he could be a surprice entrance in the rumble...

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Bookdust reunion on Smackdown vs MNM @ Mania for the Tag Titles. Make it happen.



The problem is as soon as they team him with Booker, Orlando Jordan will suddenly have a thing for both Sharmell & Goldust. So Booker will feud with Orlando because he's trying to get with his woman & his Homie. The writers will then probably think it's a good idea to have Booker catch Orlando, Sharmell, And Goldust in bed together. And we will all be forced to watch this drama unfold week in and week out.

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Bookdust reunion on Smackdown vs MNM @ Mania for the Tag Titles. Make it happen.



The problem is as soon as they team him with Booker, Orlando Jordan will suddenly have a thing for both Sharmell & Goldust. So Booker will feud with Orlando because he's trying to get with his woman & his Homie. The writers will then probably think it's a good idea to have Booker catch Orlando, Sharmell, And Goldust in bed together. And we will all be forced to watch this drama unfold week in and week out.


are we allowed to hunt you down when this actually happens?

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-I wish they would bring back the original Goldust character. I loved the comedy bits as much as everyone, but the very original Goldust is one of my favorite characters ever. I hate that they aborted his push back in the day.


-I can not put into words how much I hate the Mick Foley that they put on TV. Mick Foley hasn't hardly been worth anything since WM2000, with only a time or two here and there since then where I have enjoyed his work. I wish he could go back to a character like Mankind or Cactus Jack, because it is then when he is one of my personal favorites ever. It's like day and night though, how he has been on TV and his wrestling characters. Yes, when he is motivated he is fantastic, but when he is not he can be horrible. If he is motivated, and we get the good Foley, then I want to see him vs. Hogan.


-I'm the biggest Hogan mark here, so I'm all for him showing up anytime, have it be in a match or not, I really don't care.

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He's not great, but he's a hell of a lot better than he's been throughout most of his career.

That's really saying something isn't it?


I don't understand why people are so entertained my Mark Henry. He's doing the same old shit for the past ten years. He's just like the "monster" types they used against Hogan back in the 80's and Undertaker in the 90's. The guy is totally fucking worthless and the sooner his contract runs out the better.


It's all in the booking. Nothing that they're doing with Mark Henry now is anything new or innovative, as you've said this has all been done before in the past. But Henry is believable as a monster. Also, chalk this up to the ridiculously low depth of talent on BOTH rosters. Why are guys like the Boogeyman getting over? Because Boogeyman, like Snitsky before him, was something different than the same boring OVW worker we've been fed for the last few years. Plus, there isn't any other believable monsters on the SD roster, now that Batista is injured and Taker is off doing....whatever.


The quarter hour ratings, on Raw at least, have been more consistent. On Smackdown, the quarter hours are highest for Rey Mysterio, with them being “way above everyone else”.


Put the belt on him already.


Honestly, with Angle in the state he's in, I would seriously put the belt on Henry this Sunday. Have Rey win the Rumble. Continue booking Henry as a monster, all leading up to Rey v. Henry at Mania. Do the drama of the outsized, but brave, Rey Jr. against the mammoth big man, with Rey winning the belt.


Just read my Observer for the 30th and Dave states that GOLDUST are on the way back to wwe cause of Dusty Rhodes, that Goldust will start in March and that he could be a surprice entrance in the rumble...


I'm pleased with this, actually. Her'e hoping we're getting the motivated Dustin, cause he can work his ass off when he's in the right mindset.

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Just read my Observer for the 30th and Dave states that GOLDUST are on the way back to wwe cause of Dusty Rhodes, that Goldust will start in March and that he could be a surprice entrance in the rumble...

I'm pleased with this, actually. Her'e hoping we're getting the motivated Dustin, cause he can work his ass off when he's in the right mindset.


Good God yes! That's great news to hear. Dustin was tearing up the ring in WWE during his last run with the company. I was pretty pissed to see him not return after Taboo Tuesday, but if he's coming back, thats great.

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Bookdust reunion on Smackdown vs MNM @ Mania for the Tag Titles. Make it happen.



The problem is as soon as they team him with Booker, Orlando Jordan will suddenly have a thing for both Sharmell & Goldust. So Booker will feud with Orlando because he's trying to get with his woman & his Homie. The writers will then probably think it's a good idea to have Booker catch Orlando, Sharmell, And Goldust in bed together. And we will all be forced to watch this drama unfold week in and week out.


But, if anyone can make that angle work it's Goldust. :D

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Honestly, with Angle in the state he's in, I would seriously put the belt on Henry this Sunday. Have Rey win the Rumble. Continue booking Henry as a monster, all leading up to Rey v. Henry at Mania. Do the drama of the outsized, but brave, Rey Jr. against the mammoth big man, with Rey winning the belt.


No, that's terrible. You never put the title on a guy with the hope that you can build him up AFTER he wins the Championship. Mark Henry is not a threat -- he's a guy that's only been back in WWE for a month and a guy that we have all seen fail miserably several times before. This is like when The Big Show won the title off Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series 2002. Show was losing matches to Jeff Hardy only months earlier, and simply no one in the crowd bought him beating Brock for the title. Hence, he jobbed it off rather quickly to Angle next month. That title switch failed and you can be rest assured, it would fail again if they handed it off to Mark Henry. Mark would not be a credible champion and, honestly, I don't know if WWE can even turn him into someone close to that level before his contract ends.


If you hand the title off to Mark Henry, you are severely damaging the credibility of the championship. It's as simple as that. You do not reward someone who not only lacks fan interest but is hardly even considered a threat, and hope that it will simply work out for the best.


Besides, Rey/Henry has already been done TWICE already in two consecutive weeks. We simply don't need to see that match so soon at WrestleMania again. I'm still not sure in what direction Vince is planning to go yet but if Mark Henry is involved, he's in trouble.

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I'd rather Foley never come back again if he keeps coming back like he did last time. I'm sick of the guy, and all of his unmotivated work, and I'm talking about both on the stick and in the ring. That feud with Carlito was horrible, and it was not just Carlito's fault.


What he said.

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No, that's terrible. You never put the title on a guy with the hope that you can build him up AFTER he wins the Championship. Mark Henry is not a threat -- he's a guy that's only been back in WWE for a month and a guy that we have all seen fail miserably several times before. This is like when The Big Show won the title off Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series 2002. Show was losing matches to Jeff Hardy only months earlier, and simply no one in the crowd bought him beating Brock for the title. Hence, he jobbed it off rather quickly to Angle next month. That title switch failed and you can be rest assured, it would fail again if they handed it off to Mark Henry. Mark would not be a credible champion and, honestly, I don't know if WWE can even turn him into someone close to that level before his contract ends.


Your analogy is flawed because Show was never meant to be more than a transitional champion to get the belt off of Brock and onto Angle so Brock could win it back at WM19.

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I sure as hell hope they're not even remotely considering putting the belt on Mark Henry. That would be a huge fucking joke. Henry's just another hoss that Vince seems to blow his load for.


I have never been a Hogan fan...but I could get behind Hogan-Foley for WM...especially if they have Foley as Cactus Jack or the heel Mankind. And I'm talking the heel Mankind when he first arrived, not the corporate Mankind with Mr. Socko (although I'm a huge Socko mark).


HBK vs. Vince...feh. No interest, don't care.

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The only two matches I'd like to see Hogan in at WM that might get a buyrate from me would be Hogan vs. Foley or Hogan vs. Cena. According to Meltzer it doesn't appear Hogan-Cena is going to work out so I'd buy into a Hogan-Foley program. The only issue, though, is whether Hogan would work with Foley b/c didn't Hogan prefer to work with Cena, Angle, or Big Show?


I don't necessarily think Foley would have to take on a persona to wrestle Hogan at WM, although if he chose one I think he'd have to be Cactus Jack. I mean, Foley could just go off about how Hogan hasn't busted his ass as much as he did for the business and didn't have to pay as many dues to get to the top as he did. However, while the mic work for this feud would be pretty good to watch I bet the match would be atrocious as I don't think Hogan would be taking the bumps necessary for a hardcore match situation.

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Mick Foley was supposed to have retired almost SIX FUCKING YEARS AGO. SIX.


I'm wondering why Foley or Hogan have to be there period. Hogan is going to want to go over which means putting him in the ring with Show or Cena or hell even Angle is a fucking joke, Foley doesn't seem to give a shit anymore and frankly it's amazing he's walking upright, and it's not like they are going to improve buyrates since it's Mania anyway.


The Hogan thing was fun for the Rock match. Hell, maybe even the one more match bullshit with HBK. But it's gotta stop and it's gotta stop now. He no longer serves a purpose since it's obvious he cannot put someone over.

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Guest Princess Leena

It must be just me... but seeing Foley now just doesn't give me that legend feeling at all. There's no nostalgia. Just a guy who shills things and can't walk away.

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I'm wondering why Foley or Hogan have to be there period. Hogan is going to want to go over which means putting him in the ring with Show or Cena or hell even Angle is a fucking joke, Foley doesn't seem to give a shit anymore and frankly it's amazing he's walking upright, and it's not like they are going to improve buyrates since it's Mania anyway.


The Hogan thing was fun for the Rock match. Hell, maybe even the one more match bullshit with HBK. But it's gotta stop and it's gotta stop now. He no longer serves a purpose since it's obvious he cannot put someone over.


He can, he just won't. That's why I've hated Hogan since the first time I saw him. It's sad that it took most people 20 something years to finally get tired of his bullshit and see him for the fraud he's always been. Every time I see Foley now he just reminds me of a junkie who'd suck someone's dick "for just one more hit daddy". Ugh.

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It must be just me... but seeing Foley now just doesn't give me that legend feeling at all. There's no nostalgia. Just a guy who shills things and can't walk away.

It's not just you. He comes back too often, and for the same reason each time, to be of the kind of value he could be. Foley should come back once every 12-18 months and work a short program to get someone over, either by wrestling them or being in their corner for the last match of a feud to ensure the babyface finally gets the win.

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I don't understand it - if Foley is well off financially, living a low-profile life that's kind to his pocketbook, why is he still coming back for paydays after the Orton program? I can't imagine his Taboo Tuesday payoff being anywhere as big as that one, and it's not as if he's giving the inspired performances that he's known for.

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I don't understand it - if Foley is well off financially, living a low-profile life that's kind to his pocketbook, why is he still coming back for paydays? I can't imagine his Taboo Tuesday payoff being as big as his ones from 2004, and it's not as if he's giving the inspired performances that he's known for.

He can't walk away. The pop is most addictive drug of them all.

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It must be just me... but seeing Foley now just doesn't give me that legend feeling at all. There's no nostalgia. Just a guy who shills things and can't walk away.

It's not just you. He comes back too often, and for the same reason each time, to be of the kind of value he could be. Foley should come back once every 12-18 months and work a short program to get someone over, either by wrestling them or being in their corner for the last match of a feud to ensure the babyface finally gets the win.


I was sick of seeing him 2+ years ago. The WM2000 comeback...okay, he had lied, but it wasn't that big of a deal. And the first run as commissioner was gold, because of him chemistry with E+C.


However, everything from then really wore on me.

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No, that's terrible. You never put the title on a guy with the hope that you can build him up AFTER he wins the Championship. Mark Henry is not a threat -- he's a guy that's only been back in WWE for a month and a guy that we have all seen fail miserably several times before. This is like when The Big Show won the title off Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series 2002. Show was losing matches to Jeff Hardy only months earlier, and simply no one in the crowd bought him beating Brock for the title. Hence, he jobbed it off rather quickly to Angle next month. That title switch failed and you can be rest assured, it would fail again if they handed it off to Mark Henry. Mark would not be a credible champion and, honestly, I don't know if WWE can even turn him into someone close to that level before his contract ends.


Your analogy is flawed because Show was never meant to be more than a transitional champion to get the belt off of Brock and onto Angle so Brock could win it back at WM19.


1) I think you missed the point of what I was saying.


2) That doesn't change the fact that the Big Show's title reign in 2002 was collectively shit on by the fans. They didn't buy it because, despite the guy's size, he still wasn't a credible champion. Mark Henry would have the same problem.

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2) That doesn't change the fact that the Big Show's title reign in 2002 was collectively shit on by the fans. They didn't buy it because, despite the guy's size, he still wasn't a credible champion. Mark Henry would have the same problem.

If Henry was shit on, he'd just turn around and eat it.

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I don't understand all of the recent smark love for Mark Henry. He's the same useless, boring piece of garbage he's always been in the ring. I'd say he's comparable to Viscera, only less entertaining.


I wish WWE would just have him sit out the rest of his contract instead of putting crowds to sleep with him on Smackdown.


And if Mick Foley ever wants to wrestle again, he needs to seriously get into shape. And he needs to get motivated. But, as his signing with WWE instead of TNA shows -- Foley is just in it for the money.

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