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The Amazing Race 9

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They just had to move The Amazing Race to a work day of mine, didn't they.... well, did I miss the best one yet?

Not exactly. It was a pretty linear leg. They were told to drive to the other side of Sicily, where there was an equalizer that meant nothing since the Bong Squad were the only two there. The Frats pulled ahead of the Hippies, and Rolanda pulled ahead of the Nerds, so the Nerds got Philiminated.


Best part was at the beginning, when the Hippies and Frat Boys talked trash about each other during the confessionals, and that the Hippies took the time to create an "entry list" at the supposed bottleneck. BTW, the Hippies were actually a good 1:40 ahead of the Frats, who in turn were 50 minutes ahead of Monica's breasts. And they're probably way ahead of the pack again this time around...

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I could have sworn the Hippies went the wrong way going to the pit stop, and I could have sworn the preview last week had them going the wrong way, and I could have sworn the episode was building to the hippies being philiminated because they kept showing the turn off sign every time a group went passed it and they never showed the hippies getting lost (which I figured was saved for last since they like to do these things semi-chronologically.)


Was I totally high on that?

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"I cry all the time" she says, while crying and then smiling.

Normally I'd make fun of her, but Tito Ortiz said basically the same thing, so I got nothing.


Nice to see dumbass got Philiminated. Thankfully the Hippies are still in it. Must be tough, not being first or second...

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I'm guessing the next leg is non-elimination and then the leg before the 2-hour finale is the other non-elim.


Man, now there really isn't a team that has someone I truly dislike left (I couldn't stand Lake anymore). The frats are just cruising along right now and unless they hit a tough Roadblock/Detour or somehow get lost, this is their race to win.

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When I found out the Hippies were going in the wrong direction, I stood up and screamed FUCK! Glad to see they're still in it. And how can you not love the Frog hat? I gotta get me one of those now.

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The Hippies are great. The look on their faces when Phil said they were 5th was wonderful.


Also, how lost did that moron Lake get? They had to have been hours ahead of the hippies. Maybe his beard gave him powers.


Also, Amazing Race is the only show that makes me yell at the tv. Example: JUST FUCKING JUMP ALREADY BITCH! Fran's pathetic leap did make me laugh though.

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Hey, it's perfectly natural and normal to pee.


What's NOT natural, and what's NOT normal is to confine outselves in these fucking cloths and garmets and to repress our natural bodily functions into a Orwellian situation where society tells us where to pee and where not to pee.

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Hey, it's perfectly natural and normal to pee.


What's NOT natural, and what's NOT normal is to confine outselves in these fucking cloths and garmets and to repress our natural bodily functions into a Orwellian situation where society tells us where to pee and where not to pee.

Which reminds me - I'm disappointed that women in Ontario still won't walk around topless...


...and if you don't live in Ontario you probably didn't get that. Oh well...

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The Hippies are making this show. I hope they win it all, somehow. How could you not have lost it when he was competing in the Olympic games in a frog hat?

To be honest, because from the 50 million previews of the show I knew they were gonna get whupped on by the wrestler...

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You must really hate this entire season then.


They've had more needle-in-a-haystack challenges this season than in the first three seasons combined.


Exactly. There's almost no point in being intelligent or athletic because at some point you just need some dumb luck to shine on you.

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Yolanda's muttered "Yo momma" line killed me. Just killed me.


The Hippies pretending to travel with the dead teams was also great. Heat-stroke Hippie did a pretty good impression of Lake.

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Yolanda's muttered "Yo momma" line killed me. Just killed me.


The Hippies pretending to travel with the dead teams was also great. Heat-stroke Hippie did a pretty good impression of Lake.


Those were two of the best scenes of the season so far. The only thing BJ's impression was missing was a 'DANGIT!".

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You must really hate this entire season then.


They've had more needle-in-a-haystack challenges this season than in the first three seasons combined.

I think that this was the first needle/haystack Roadblock though, and so far it's the only one that seems to have caused major position changes.


Thank God the Hippies only got non-Philiminated though...

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