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Smackdown Spoilers for the Febuary 3rd Show

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Guest Dr Stupid

To me, giving Rey's title shot to Orton says they either don't have confidence in Rey in the ME, (which is stupid, cause as you said Black Lushus, he's super over, even before this Eddie thing), or they want to keep Angle face against a heel (which is stupid as well, cause Angle will have to be tweener for Undertaker at NWO)


there's nothing wrong with dedicating shit to Eddie, the WWE has just been going all out over the top with it, like they usually do. I wouldn't say Rey is always "riding on Eddie pops", dude's been over forever, even when Eddie was alive.


I would like to see Rey win at WM and dedicate to Eddie, but this stuff with Orton and "Eddie's in hell" shit is too much. That's the sort of stuff that has to end. I'm sure that there is a respectful way of doing it without sinking down to that level.

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This is what you call the last hail mary desperation play to get Orton heat. Remember, Orton was the guy who wore a Legend Killer t-shirt on the Eddie RAW and had to lose by DQ to protect him. This shit has been in motion for months and months. Hell, "Orton mocking Eddie's death" has been the only constant leading up to Wrestlemania.


So actually, it's good writing in a way. You know, in a demented way.

And Vince wouldn't listen to Eddie's wife, they probably wouldn't even let her into the building.

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Orton would be the kind of guy I'd expect to see go to Eddie's "grave" and take a leak on it as an angle, so this is pretty tame from him.

Wait ... are you saying that Randy, as an on-screen character, is the kind of performer that the writers would write that as an angle for?


I don't really get why you're slamming Orton for that ... you should be slamming the writers that came up with the ingenious notion of using Eddie's death repeatedly.

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Orton would be the kind of guy I'd expect to see go to Eddie's "grave" and take a leak on it as an angle, so this is pretty tame from him.

Wait ... are you saying that Randy, as an on-screen character, is the kind of performer that the writers would write that as an angle for?


I don't really get why you're slamming Orton for that ... you should be slamming the writers that came up with the ingenious notion of using Eddie's death repeatedly.


I'm saying that the Orton character has no semblance of being tasteful. It's well within his "limits" to go urinate on Eddie's "grave" in an angle. The only other person who could be on that level is HHH, but he's more harmful to his opponents during his matches while Orton only gets over by saying or doing stupid things since they never let him actually get big wins.

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^ But, to confirm, you're speaking of the Orton character, not the real person playing the character, correct?


I'll reiterate: slam the writers for that. Not Orton

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^ But, to confirm, you're speaking of the Orton character, not the real person playing the character, correct?


I'll reiterate: slam the writers for that. Not Orton


I'm not blaming anyone for the character or his actions, I just think people being shocked that he would say "Eddie's in hell" is kind of silly considering that's perfectly within the range of a heel trying to get under Rey's skin. I hope that clears it up.

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So, refresh my memory, why did Orton NOT win the rumble? If it's Angle vs. Orton at WM, then why include Rey?


It doesn't make sense to not give him the rub against UT. I know it's just UT being UT, but don't you think that they would've asked UT if he would EVER give Orton the rub before they started a program together?


If they want to push Orton to the top again, they should've kept with the Batista feud, but no, the feud with UT isn't done. Orton loses clean and keeps losing clean at midcarder status. What the heck is going on???


Is he slated to win the title at WM?


Oh yeah, so is UT a heel or Angle? I'm so confused.

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I think they booked Rey to win the Rumble to exploit Eddie some more and did it with no intention of putting Rey in the ME of Mania. Vince and Co. still have Eddie on the brain and since his death was on their watch, the company tries to babyface themselves by constantly acknowledging Eddie with the thinking that they are remembering Eddie and memorializing him when all they're doing is exploiting him.


Rey is a great character who doesn't need to harp on Eddie's memory, but there is the 'E' there to capitalize on the man's death. The story of the smallest superstar chasing after a dream is lost because Vince wants exploitation.


WM looks very weak and I can't believe they cut the legs off a Rumble winner like they did. Too bad Rey isn't a foot taller, eh?

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So, refresh my memory, why did Orton NOT win the rumble? If it's Angle vs. Orton at WM, then why include Rey?


Other people have said this, that WWE thinks if Orton can "screw" Rey out of his WM title shot, that he will have all kinds of heat and people will pay money to see him lose to Angle.


But that's WWE logic.


In reality, it's just going to make people NOT want to watch wrestlemania.


You can't Bait & Switch at Wrestlemania. That is just horrible business.

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This week looks worth watching ONLY for the Benoit / Finley match.


Birchall getting a push pleases me. Pirate Burchill does not.


I'm also sad to see the Eddie exploitation taken to YET ANOTHER level.


But not as sad as I am at the sneaking suspicion I have that they're going to start a Boogey / Booker program. Because I so don't want to see U.S. Chamption "The Boogey Man".

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From Meltzer


"There were a lot of unhappy people backstage during the Randy Orton interview for Smackdown taped last night (check spoilers). Let's just say the respect in some circles with management hit an all-time low."

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From Meltzer


"There were a lot of unhappy people backstage during the Randy Orton interview for Smackdown taped last night (check spoilers). Let's just say the respect in some circles with management hit an all-time low."


So? Seriously, so what? They just take it anyway.

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From Meltzer


"Let's just say the respect in some circles with management hit an all-time low."


Bah, I've been reading stuff like this for about 3 or 4 months. What's actually going to change it now?


Hope Rey enjoys the US title.

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Boo fucking hoo.


That's the sentiment. If people are really upset with Eddie exploitation, why don't they step up and say something or do something about it? If it means that much to you, why don't you ask for a release? Or step up to the McMahon family and say enough is enough, you need to knock it off.


Guess it's easier to just clam up, bitch under your breath, and collect that check? Yes, I know Vince and Co. hold a lot of the guys livelihoods up and if they speak up, they'll be buried or whatever, but c'mon. Nut up.

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In a heroic and strong-willed effort Rey Mysterio emerged victorious from the 2006 Royal Rumble. In a match that was dedicated to his good friend Eddie Guererro, Rey became the first #2 entrant as well as the first Hispanic to ever win this event. Rey now has the opportunity to reach the same goal as his good friend and be part of the Main Event at WrestleMania. Rey was nice enough, during the middle of his emotional high, to sign this chair as soon as he stepped backstage. As well as the match, Rey also dedicated this item to the memory of Eddie. Celebrate this momentous event by placing your bid today and join Rey on his journey to the Championship Match at WrestleMania!


Looks like Vince isn't the only one exploiting Eddie's death.

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If these are real, this is easily the most disgusting thing this company's ever done. How in the world do you think that not even three months removed from one of the company's biggest stars dying, it's wise to say he's in hell just for the sake of getting a storyline over?

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If these are real, this is easily the most disgusting thing this company's ever done. How in the world do you think that not even three months removed from one of the company's biggest stars dying, it's wise to say he's in hell just for the sake of getting a storyline over?



If you looked up the term "cold and detatched", you'd find a picture of the McMahon Family.

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I'm beginning to hate pro wrestling. On Monday, I found myself watching a Godzilla movie over RAW


WWE isn't the only pro wrestling promotion out there. Don't let WWE's antics sour your like for professional wrestling.

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Boo fucking hoo.


That's the sentiment. If people are really upset with Eddie exploitation, why don't they step up and say something or do something about it? If it means that much to you, why don't you ask for a release? Or step up to the McMahon family and say enough is enough, you need to knock it off.


Guess it's easier to just clam up, bitch under your breath, and collect that check? Yes, I know Vince and Co. hold a lot of the guys livelihoods up and if they speak up, they'll be buried or whatever, but c'mon. Nut up.


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In a heroic and strong-willed effort Rey Mysterio emerged victorious from the 2006 Royal Rumble. In a match that was dedicated to his good friend Eddie Guererro, Rey became the first #2 entrant as well as the first Hispanic to ever win this event. Rey now has the opportunity to reach the same goal as his good friend and be part of the Main Event at WrestleMania. Rey was nice enough, during the middle of his emotional high, to sign this chair as soon as he stepped backstage. As well as the match, Rey also dedicated this item to the memory of Eddie. Celebrate this momentous event by placing your bid today and join Rey on his journey to the Championship Match at WrestleMania!


Looks like Vince isn't the only one exploiting Eddie's death.


Speaking of Vince, he was the 1st #2 entrant to win the Rumble in 99. He'll be pissed when he reads this!

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Lashley is the only reason to watch Smackdown! They should of had him win the Rumble, then move to RAW where he can face Cena and HHH in a Triple Threat, where for 20 miniutes he just suplexes the shit out of all of them.

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