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THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

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Wasn't it reported a while ago Vince had plans to keep the title on Cena through out most of this year? There's good chance Triple H could job at WM if Vince really wants Cena to be the golden boy. Plus, if Cena gets cheered Triple H can claim he really is the best heel.

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To add something to this. Let me just say that it's not like WWE has some big money maker or ratings draw right now to justify RVD not getting the spot for at least a month or so. If he fails miserbly, then oh well, what's new, welcome to the Current WWE ME picture. It would be different, REAAALLY different if we were asking Austin or the Rock, or hell even Triple H from a few years ago to step aside for RVD, but who exactly are we asking here, Cena, Orton, Edge...!?!


The way I look at:


The belt has been on Bradshaw.


Fucking Bradshaw.


I know he has won some people over, but he had nothing when they put the belt on them.


So why not put the belt on RVD? Hell, why not put the belt on Barry Horowitz?


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Hyper, I think you're being a bit melodramatic here. I know some seem to think Carlito is going to win that MITB but he really makes no sense at the moment. I checked the post WM house shows and it's all just him tagging with Chris Masters against Michaels/Flair or in tag title matches with Kane/Show. Conversely, I took a look at what RVD was doing and it was facing Shelton some and then right before Backlash it was RVD/Edge, leading me to believe that match will happen at Backlash and obviously would be Edge wanting the MITB from RVD.


RVD in my view HAS to win the MITB. There's literally no other option that makes one iota of sense. And if he does that, they have to pay it off with some kind of title run, even if it's just a brief one from ONS till SS. Hell, I've been proposing that particular booking idea for a couple of months.


I guess my point is this regarding the MITB: Who else besides RVD can win it and believably win the title? I'm sorry but Carlito is not remotely a threat at this point (I think he's more of the Jericho role, the guy who suggests the match but comes up short). In a lot of ways I think Carlito and Masters took the spots of Jericho and Christian. But sorry, Carlito has jobbed too many times to Cena to be believable right now, and there's zero money in HHH/Carlito.

You make a lot of sense, however, this is one requirement that needs not be met if you work for WWE "creative."


That is actually a good idea, but as stated elsewhere on the net the wwe has turned into a company that loves to be average and have no one really outshine certain people. If it were 1997-1999 RVD's reactions would have him at the top of the card and Cena would have been a heel long time ago.

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I wish HHH luck in making Cena look like an uber over face. Hell, just last night when confronted with this scenario the fans shit on Cena.


Actually, keeping it on Cena at WM would be funny. It also fits fine with my RVD/MITB scenario, as well as the idea that RVD and Cena should form an alliance. RVD could tell him "Look Johnny Boy, I don't wanna be like that fool Edge. If I'm going to challenge you, I'll come right out and do it." Then of course you book it for ONS, RVD wins the title, the ECW crowd REALLY shits on Cena, etc.


Then of course you have RVD end up transitioning to HHH at SS. You have thus protected Cena to the nth degree, RVD gets a moment in the sun and a title run, and HHH gets the belt.

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Guest Princess Leena

HHH should come to this board to boost his ego.


All these people with their stupid reasons why they hate him. That's when you know you're successful. :)

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I want to know where this idea of there being a match for a WWE title at One Night Stand came from. That would undermine the entire idea of the show.


As negative as the reactions are for Cena, I don't want HHH winning the title again. I think I made a post around the time that he lost the heavyweight title to Batista that he should stay at the nice flat number of ten reigns and let that become his new hook, like how every time Flair wrestles they mention his 16 reigns.

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I want to know where this idea of there being a match for a WWE title at One Night Stand came from. That would undermine the entire idea of the show.


As negative as the reactions are for Cena, I don't want HHH winning the title again. I think I made a post around the time that he lost the heavyweight title to Batista that he should stay at the nice flat number of ten reigns and let that become his new hook, like how every time Flair wrestles they mention his 16 reigns.

I think HHH is actually trying to break Flair's record (I mean I think I've heard that rumor somewhere).

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I want to know where this idea of there being a match for a WWE title at One Night Stand came from. That would undermine the entire idea of the show.


It's based on the ill-conceived notion that RVD winning the belt in front of a WWEized crowd at an "ECW" PPV would somehow mean more than if he won it at another event.

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Of course ECW is dead. But it seems to me to be almost the equivilent of winning it in a hometown. Sure, Angle's win at Unforgiven '01 was meaningless in the long run, but hey, that moment celebrating with his family was sweet.

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I agree, RVD winning it at ONS makes for a moment, but somehow I'd feel like it was an artificial moment, not a genuine one.


I agree. I'd rather RVD capture it at Summerslam or a big WWE PPV than at ONS. Plus why the fuck would Triple H be wrestling on an ECW show to begin with? It's stupid enough they are doing another one but now people want a non-ECW alum to defend his belt there?


Save an RVD title win for the Slam.

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It would be a great moment, the fans there would go insane over it, but it really doesn't make sense at all, considering he'd be winning a WWE title at an "ECW PPV".


OMG, RVD just beat HHH for the WWE Heavyweight Championship, here at ECW ONS!!!

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So I went to Raw last night. I was in the 9th row behind the commentary table. Yeah, it's been discussed, but I was actually shocked at how much Cena was getting booed. The last Raw in East Rutherford right before NYR he got booed, but I figured that most fans were cheering him again, based on the most recent reactions.


So, when he came out at the end, it was mixed at best. Then, after HHH left the ring, he sat in the ring, and the crowd just did almost nothing but boo him. Meanwhile, the camera crew tried to ignore all of it and show all the pro-Cena signs they could possibly find on the titantron. "Cena Sucks" chants followed. Cena grabbed the mic and called out Edge for the dark main event... throwing in that Edge hates Foley. Edge came out and got cheered, so he grabbed the mic and insulted the crowd, telling them that he didn't want us to cheer him. I left at the start of the match to beat traffic. When you know who's winning, it's not worth it to watch.

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As negative as the reactions are for Cena, I don't want HHH winning the title again. I think I made a post around the time that he lost the heavyweight title to Batista that he should stay at the nice flat number of ten reigns and let that become his new hook, like how every time Flair wrestles they mention his 16 reigns.

I think HHH is actually trying to break Flair's record (I mean I think I've heard that rumor somewhere).

Yeah, that's been thrown around quite a bit and I don't doubt it, but I was talking about an ideal situation.

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I want to know where this idea of there being a match for a WWE title at One Night Stand came from. That would undermine the entire idea of the show.

Thank you. FUCK. They'll just shit on whoever RVD would be facing. Winning the title there would just further prove the fact that RVD can't shake his ECW days, and the second he didn't get a reaction that big, he'd be dropping the belt.


Creative's not stupid enough to let their titleholders get shit on by that crowd. They're just stupid in other ways.


I guess I missed the part where it says you have to be a fan in this folder, if someone can point it out to me I'll be glad to leave. Thanks.

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HHH would get a fair amount of heat vs. RVD in Philly.


To say the least.


However, I can only imagine the um, reaction, if HHH pulled the same shit then that he pulled last night.


Talk about trash getting thrown into the ring...


But I'm for an actual match. If it can be the "tag" to get WWE fans to watch, instead of a goddamn invasion *please* go ahead and do it. Even if HHH can take credit for the buyrate. I don't care.


It would be excellent if it were a REAL ECW show, with some old vets AND some new blood. I'm not saying they should sign much indy talent, but put London in it vs Spanky, or Punk vs. Simon Dean. Bring in Danielson for one night, let him fight Regal.

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Something like that, but no titles from another promotion. That's so anti-ECW. They can have HHH in a tag or something like that, but he wouldn't work that show. There's no way.

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Guest Dr Stupid

If RVD doesn't win the title at ONS 2 (i'm not crazy for the idea) i would prefere him to win it sometime before the PPV, and be able to show it of at ONS 2

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If RVD doesn't win the title at ONS 2 (i'm not crazy for the idea) i would prefere him to win it sometime before the PPV, and be able to show it of at ONS 2

That's better, but even still, do you think WWE would want their title to be put on display at that show? I doubt it.

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You know what gets me for a very SMALL second I thought they would have Big Show do the job. I mean why else would they have a 3 way match? Guess for Trips to show the fans how big his balls are. He made very sure to pin RVD.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
You know what gets me for a very SMALL second I thought they would have Big Show do the job. I mean why else would they have a 3 way match? Guess for Trips to show the fans how big his balls are. He made very sure to pin RVD.

It made Show and RVD look like failures at the same time. RVD was Pedigreed getting up from a pincover, and Show failed in all his goals.

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