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Guest Princess Leena

Taylor Hicks 05 39.274

Chris Daughtry 06 38.363

Elliott Yamin 02 35.556

Katharine McPhee 01 32.992

Kellie Pickler 03 29.113

Paris Bennett 04 26.387


Let's hope Kellie gets the boot.


Or, if you're a VoteForTheWorst type of person, hope Kathi loses so I go crazy and turn heel.

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As long as the top 4 on that list are safe, I really don't care whether Kellie or Paris goes since they both annoy me.

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Chris was my favorite performance tonight and Katherine had me going batshit.


Soooo hot it makes me want to cry.

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Nice to see that Katherine FINALLY realized that she was, you know, hot and showed it off. I'd also like to send a hearty "fuck you" to the judges - they said exactly what I thought they'd say by bringing up Whitney. I think that the singers KNOW that they're not going to be the next Whitney (insert Bobby Brown joke here) and they're not trying to be, so stop bringing her up when they sing one of her songs.


My personal rankings








Huge gap between Paris and Taylor, I thought. Chris gets points taken away for singing <i>fromage du Hoser</i>...

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Seriously? Paris much better than Taylor? I thought Paris was shit tonight. Taylor was great and the judges were unfairly harsh on him. They want him to go crazy and dance around, but ignored the fact that his vocal performance was great. And he still has the charisma and puts on a good performance when he stands at the mic.

Elliot was fucking amazing. 4 or 5 weeks ago I was pretty indifferent to him maybe getting the boot, he just didn't look like a winner when he was performing. But damn, the last 3 weeks he has so been the man.

Chris was awesome as usual. Katherine looked really hot. The judges were way too harsh on her, but it wasn't a perfect performance or anything.

Kellie was terrible for most of her song, huge pitch problems and flubbed notes abound. However, the last 20 seconds, I thought, were really really good. After that falsetto note it showed them working on in the video she nailed it. But overall it was horrible, and yeah 'robotic' was a good way to put it.

So my order (with appropriate spaces):
















If Paris and Kellie are the next 2 to leave, I'd be happy with any of the remaining 4 wining it. Still pulling for Chris though.


And David Foster is awesome.

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Seriously? Paris much better than Taylor? I thought Paris was shit tonight. Taylor was great and the judges were unfairly harsh on him. They want him to go crazy and dance around, but ignored the fact that his vocal performance was great. And he still has the charisma and puts on a good performance when he stands at the mic.

Paris wasn't the best vocally - as you said, that was Elliott, hands down - but I thought she sold her performance really well. Then again, she usually does, and my main problem is that she's playing a role rather than being herself. It's kinda like Miss Piggy (the Idol contestant, not the Muppet), except that Paris is adapting to the theme and turns it off once she's finished singing.


Taylor, on the other hand, looked really uncomfortable and I thought his singing was way off from where it normally is. What's more, I KNOW he's better than that, and I guess I'm judging him harshly based on it.


Elliot was fucking amazing. 4 or 5 weeks ago I was pretty indifferent to him maybe getting the boot, he just didn't look like a winner when he was performing. But damn, the last 3 weeks he was so been the man.

My thing with Elliott is that I don't think he's got the fanbase - or can grab some converts - to win the whole thing. Fourth sounds about right for him - puts him in the same slot as Federov last year.


Chris was awesome as usual. Katherine looked really hot. The judges were way too harsh on her, but it wasn't a perfect performance or anything.

The apparent unwritten rule is that singing Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston automatically gets you compared to them, and I've always found that to be bullshit.


If Paris and Kellie are the next 2 to leave, I'd be happy with any of the remaining 4 wining it. Still pulling for Chris though.

I wouldn't cry even if Paris won. Although she won't - if she makes final two I think she'll be the victim of an anti-vote.


Kellie though - ugh. I figured by now that people would be tired of her but apparently Kellie's fans are on the same shit Paula's on.


And David Foster is awesome.

The Symphony Sessions was way underrated.

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I'm not worried about Katherine leaving tonight. But I don't even want her to be in the bottom 3 and be sad again since I thought she had the best performance of the night. She wasn't perfect, she did have a few problems, but she did a nice job overall. She didn't do anything to be ashamed of, or to deserve the lashing she got from the judges. The criticism they gave her was so stupid. She didn't sound as good as Whitney? Wow, well you don't say. None of the songs they sing sound as the original singers. Did Paris sound as good as Streisand? That's a laugh. Why didn't tell her anything?


The only explanation I can come up is they were using reverse psychology to give Katherine some pity votes.

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Guest Princess Leena

I'm sure Kathi will be in the bottom 3.


I'm 50/50 on her leaving today. Her, or Paris.


She can't leave. She's too hot.

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Guest Princess Leena

Good. Hopefully that means they'd rig the voting for my Queen, if necessary.

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Guest The Satanic Angel

Agree that Paris and Kellie are bottom two.


Really praying for Kellie to go tonight.

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Guest NYankees

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH AMERICA??? The hot blonde gets booted off. All the other bitches are fucking ugly.

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Do you believe in miracles? YES!


Dude, Kellie is a blond a dozen who coasted on her ditzy personality. When it comes down to it, looks+talent prevails. Katharine, has completely killed stick girl all season long.


Awesome, they cut her off too. Perfect ending.

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Guest Princess Leena
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH AMERICA??? The hot blonde gets booted off. All the other bitches are fucking ugly.


K. Time to pull the plug on this one.


Yay, Kathi survived past Pickler... now she gets the desperate loser guy votes, and horny lesbian vote! Top 3, holla!

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I'm glad Kellie is gone. Not because she sucked, though she clearly is behind the others, but because now I don't have to read how much people hate her everyweek and act like they haven't been saying it since day 1.


God I hope she does porn.

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Guest Princess Leena

She'll need a boob job.


And that will ruin her.


Now, McPhee. I'd pay to see things inserted between her luscious breasts. And ass.

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