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-Wrestlers backstage are quite shocked MNM has been left off the WrestleMania card thus far, after working solidly and being very over for the past year.


-Rey Mysterio has been receiving assurances recently he is being groomed for the main event scene and a World Title run over the next couple of years.


-Jim Ross has been offering advice and constructive criticism to Joey Styles over the past few months regarding his RAW announcing performance. Its said even the JR critics has been very unsupportive of Styles, due to his old criticisms of WWE on his website and cocky reputation, with management deriding him rather than offering assistance. Styles' attitude has changed from excited and easygoing, to tense and paranoid.


-Nikolai Volkoff is running for the Maryland House of Delegates.


-Triple H has been reported saying he and Stephanie are planning to bring their baby on the road aboard their private bus with them travelling between events.


-Commercials running for Backlash feature John Cena pledging to take back what is his, suggesting plans are in place for Triple H to win the title at WM.


-McMahon has informed John Laurenaitis he wants the mid-card roster built up with experienced big guys, hence the recent tryouts and confirmed returns by Test, O'Haire, Palumbo etc. with those who can looked the most jacked on low steroid and HGH levels (due to the drug policy) having the best chance at receiving roster spots.


-There was a recent altercation between Edge and a fan at an Iowa house show where the fan threw a soda that hit Edge, who responded by going into the crowd and grabbing the guy by the shirt, shaking him around as the guy went limp. Security broke it up within seconds and escorted the fan away, while Edge walked off angrily.


-SmackDown! is holding live events in Israel in July for the first time in 12 years.


-Stevie Richards assisted Shane McMahon in some in-ring training and warm-ups before SNME.



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I've debated on whether to go see Backlash in Lexington...it'd be about a 70 mile drive. Not sure if I'm THAT excited to see Cena try and take back what is his.


And let's be honest. If Cena jobs at WM, he's jobbing at Backlash too.

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Edge=Ron Artest. I'm really shocked Vince never did anything during the whole Artest constroversy, anyways.


MnM's absence from the card is really mind boggling. I figured they would at least do a six man against Kristal with random tag team at the very least. Considering they have been so high on Melina, and MnM were main eventing SD's just 2 months ago, they disappeared fast.

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Wrestlers backstage are quite shocked MNM has been left off the WrestleMania card thus far, after working solidly and being very over for the past year. yeah, i don't understand this move at all...they could have had a 3 way match with them, The Mexicools and London/Kendrick


-Rey Mysterio has been receiving assurances recently he is being groomed for the main event scene and a World Title run over the next couple of years. "over the next couple of years" eh? I don't like the sound of that for some reason.


-Jim Ross has been offering advice and constructive criticism to Joey Styles over the past few months regarding his RAW announcing performance. Its said even the JR critics has been very unsupportive of Styles, due to his old criticisms of WWE on his website and cocky reputation, with management deriding him rather than offering assistance. Styles' attitude has changed from excited and easygoing, to tense and paranoid. poor Joey, just as I was warming up to him...


-Commercials running for Backlash feature John Cena pledging to take back what is his, suggesting plans are in place for Triple H to win the title at WM. surprise surprise...rematch, burial, back down the card you go Cena.


-McMahon has informed John Laurenaitis he wants the mid-card roster built up with experienced big guys, hence the recent tryouts and confirmed returns by Test, O'Haire, Palumbo etc. with those who can looked the most jacked on low steroid and HGH levels (due to the drug policy) having the best chance at receiving roster spots. As I said before, O'Haire looked like shit...I don't know how Test is passing this new testing


-There was a recent altercation between Edge and a fan at an Iowa house show where the fan threw a soda that hit Edge, who responded by going into the crowd and grabbing the guy by the shirt, shaking him around as the guy went limp. Security broke it up within seconds and escorted the fan away, while Edge walked off angrily. ANGRY EDGE~! Seriously, just shift him over to SD so he can be the REAL #1 heel over there.

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I think SD should've put MNM and Burchill in the MITB match.


Aside from doing a C4 off the ladder through the tables, Burchill wasn't giving you much else for the match.

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-There was a recent altercation between Edge and a fan at an Iowa house show where the fan threw a soda that hit Edge, who responded by going into the crowd and grabbing the guy by the shirt, shaking him around as the guy went limp. Security broke it up within seconds and escorted the fan away, while Edge walked off angrily.

Where does Edge rank on the Eddie (the fan was wrong, Eddie should have killed him) to Orton (Orton should be fired for doing what he did!) scale? Is it Ok that Edge did what he did, or are smarks going to be up-in-arms over it?

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That's all he needs to do. The match will probably be less than 15 minutes, so it's not like you need more than one or two big spots per person.


Besides, that would still be more than Flair's gonna give us.

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This reminds me of someone, in WCW (I forget who) was cutting a promo in the ring and someone threw a cup of soda at the guy and nailed him square in the back of his head. That said person no-sold it and commenced with the promo as if it never happened.

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That's all he needs to do. The match will probably be less than 15 minutes, so it's not like you need more than one or two big spots per person.


Besides, that would still be more than Flair's gonna give us.


Flair, is there to pop the crowd. He'll probably do a Flair flop off the ladder to a big pop, have a chop-fest on all 5 other guys and do a comeback sequence that'll have the crowd rabid. Flair, won't need to take big bumps when he's already over as he is.

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This reminds me of someone, in WCW (I forget who) was cutting a promo in the ring and someone threw a cup of soda at the guy and nailed him square in the back of his head. That said person no-sold it and commenced with the promo as if it never happened.



Are you talking about Scott Hall?


I remember him getting hit with a drink in the ring square in the head and he proceeded to slick his hair back with whatever drink was thrown. Just an excellent improv moment.

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This reminds me of someone, in WCW (I forget who) was cutting a promo in the ring and someone threw a cup of soda at the guy and nailed him square in the back of his head. That said person no-sold it and commenced with the promo as if it never happened.



Are you talking about Scott Hall?


I remember him getting hit with a drink in the ring square in the head and he proceeded to slick his hair back with whatever drink was thrown. Just an excellent improv moment.


Along with Bischoff's "And it still looks good!"

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-SmackDown! is holding live events in Israel in July for the first time in 12 years.

Doing it for the troops, again?


Uh...what troops, Carmen Sandiego? The US doesn't have any troops in Israel, at least officially.

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Birchill would have been AWESOME for the ladder match in his Pirate gimmick.


He could have a rope fall down near the turnbuckle where he swings off it to prevent someone from getting the MITB.


He could take a ladder, lay it on the mat, stick it out under the bottom rope, stand on one end in the ring and make his opponent walk the plank on the other end.


Those two spots alone would have stolen the show.

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Guest JRE
-There was a recent altercation between Edge and a fan at an Iowa house show where the fan threw a soda that hit Edge, who responded by going into the crowd and grabbing the guy by the shirt, shaking him around as the guy went limp. Security broke it up within seconds and escorted the fan away, while Edge walked off angrily.


So soda doesn't rule?

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-There was a recent altercation between Edge and a fan at an Iowa house show where the fan threw a soda that hit Edge, who responded by going into the crowd and grabbing the guy by the shirt, shaking him around as the guy went limp. Security broke it up within seconds and escorted the fan away, while Edge walked off angrily.


So soda doesn't rule?

It wasn't RC Cola. That pissed Edge off, only RC rules.

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Guest Timmer

MNM v. Mexicools will be the pre WM match...


Gonna need something to make the crowd look excited before they go on air...

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Birchill would have been AWESOME for the ladder match in his Pirate gimmick.


He could have a rope fall down near the turnbuckle where he swings off it to prevent someone from getting the MITB.


He could take a ladder, lay it on the mat, stick it out under the bottom rope, stand on one end in the ring and make his opponent walk the plank on the other end.


Those two spots alone would have stolen the show.


I wish you worked for the WWE. They'd have my $50 now.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

MNM or the cruisers at Wrestlemania???.....nah they had to make time for the Playboy pillow fight and the nameless nu-metal band that will perform, not to mention to give more time for Triple H's match.


They could at least have a battle royal or something to get the rest of the roster involved somehow...it has to suck to work hard for WWE all year only to be snubbed for their biggest event.

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I didn't like MNM to start with, but they have grown to be my favorite tag team in years. They really take me back to the days when the tag team division meant something, and I'm talking way back when, even before the Edge/Christian era.


MNM should be taking on another strong, well built up team, at this WM show. The problem is that there aren't really any other built up teams to make for a truly great match, interms of both quality and emotional level. Sure there are other teams that could provide for a great match, but it wouldn't really be a match that would mean anything in the end.


I really miss tag team wrestling. I miss the days when the division was made of of actual teams, instead of just guys who got together (TBS/Kane and Carlito/Masters).


Hell, I miss when there was an actual division.

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I get the feeling if Mike Goldberg would've said yes to Vince in October, he would've either quit by now and/or people would have been screaming for JR to come back. (probrably the former more than the latter)

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I think SD should've put MNM and Burchill in the MITB match.


Aside from doing a C4 off the ladder through the tables, Burchill wasn't giving you much else for the match.


Honestly, as much as I like Finley and Lashley, Burchill would be better then anyone of them in the MITB match.


They should've had Finley and Lashley in a singles bout, because their fued was over HUGE by the fans, but the WWE didn't know what the fuck to do with it.

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