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Kanyon talks about being "banned" from TNA

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Kanyon asked me to post this, it can be read in blog form at his myspace webpage (myspace.com/chriskanyon), apparently TNA doesn't want to associate with him at all due to some controversy over the gay thing.


Please credit myspace.com/chriskanyon if you post this elsewhere









On March 5, 2006, I wrestled for the World Wrestling Legends PPV taping at Hard Rock Live at the Universal Studios City Walk in Orlando Florida, where I publicly came out of the closet and announced that I was gay after a match with DDP. (This PPV airs April 29, 2006 on InDemand http://www.indemand.com/viewProduct.jsp?pr...ge_sectionId=2) Over the next week, I stayed in Orlando, a good portion of the time with my roommates Zack and Skip, until the following Monday, March 13, 2006, and headed to Vero Beach Florida to visit my Parents, Grandmother, Aunt and Uncle who were vacationing at my parents new Vero Beach home.


That Sunday, March 12, 2006, however, I was still in Orlando and I was seen at the hotel pool by a few of the TNA wrestlers who had a PPV that day. As usual, I exchanged pleasantries with the boys, but was unsure if I was going to attend the PPV. After the way TNA had treated me in the past and with them trying to, in my mind, underhandedly get the rights to market me and any of my characters for the rest of my life without ANY compensation to me, I did not feel comfortable hanging backstage. But, because I feel some of the wrestlers there are very talented, I thought about possibly attending the show with some friends. Unfortunately, I couldn't persuade anyone to go, so I decided not to go alone.


Now, I find out that even had I found someone that wanted to go to TNA, I would have been stopped at the doors and not allowed into the arena. In fact, TNA security had printed up flyers with my face on them so all the guards at all the checkpoint would know to not let me in. Why? Why all the paranoia? What could cause this much paranoia with TNA management?


I have come to find out it was because I posted here on my MySpace page part of the contract that they wanted me to sign for a one-match, 3 minute loss to Monty Brown. I had asked them to take out the part of the contract that I didn't like, and I would have been more than happy to do the job for Monty. They told me it was a standard, legal contract that all the guys sign. Now, I ask this: if it is such a fair, legal, standard, normal contract that wouldn't make the wrestler potentially less attractive to Vince McMahon, than why have I been banned from TNA for putting part of it online? I wish some of these Internet (so-called) journalists would do some investigative reporting on why I have been banned if TNA doesn't feel like that contract makes them look bad.


Regardless of all of that, I just wish that TNA management would have been upfront and honest with me from the beginning. When I pitched the idea to Jeff Jarrett about signing with TNA and coming out of the closet with them, he seemed very excited. I pitched this to him on Jan. 31, 2006. He actually told me before that conversation that I was one of about 6 guys that he wanted to sign/use once they got more TV time, but that he didn't want to bring me in just to beat me. He seemed even more excited once I told him a few of the things we could do with the gay idea. Than, after telling me he didn't want to bring me in just to beat me, I get the call less than 1 week later on February 6, that they want me to put over Monty Brown. I thought that was a little weird after what Jeff had told me just 6 days earlier, but I figured it was no big deal....until I read that contract.


After they refused to remove the part of the contract that I did not agree with, Terry Taylor told me that they would not let me work without signing and that they would not change the contract. This was at the February 14, 2006, taping. I was cool with that and I thought they were too. I didn't think it was worth $500 to allow them to market me and any of my characters in any way, shape or form they wanted to for the rest of my life with no further compensation to me. We didn't agree on this contract, but I certainly didn't take it personal, and I assumed they wouldn't either.


I than attempted to talk to Jeff Jarrett about whether they still wanted to sign me full time and have me come out of the closet on their show. Now, in fairness to Jeff, he did tell me back on Jan. 31st after I gave him my ideas, that Universal Studios may have a problem with a legitimate gay wrestler who was out of the closet performing at their theme park. Plus, after that, on February 10, 2006, I talked with Jeremy Borash online and he told me, thru Instant Messaging, that Spike TV may not be cool with any type of homosexual content in the wrestling show, including potential homosexual-related chants from the crowd. He wrote me, and I quote:

Jeremy Borash: "Spike wont allow faggot chants... which is possible in any wrestling crowd."

Chris Kanyon: "well...all your TV is taped...we would have to bleep it."

Jeremy Borash: "I'm just forecasting the political bs we'd face...,"

Chris Kanyon: " political bs to one is great publicity to another."

Jeremy Borash: "unless its your network. I think they are anti-faggot chants, bleeped or not."


So, after these conversations, regardless of the Monty Brown match contract situation, I wanted to know if Jeff was still willing to do the gay "storyline" on TNA TV with me, but he had Terry Taylor come to me and tell me that he didn't want to talk to me about anything. Jeff didn't even want to tell me that face to face. That is why I didn't feel comfortable On March 12, 2006, going back stage. But I did not realize TNA was so upset with me as to ban me from Universal Studios.


As a matter of fact, I E-mailed both Jeremy Borash and Jeff Jarrett on Saturday, March 11, the day before the banning. Here are those e-mails, the one to Jeremy being a little more personal, since I invited him (and he accepted) to live in my house after WCW went out of business since he told me he had no where else to live. He also visited me and stayed at my place on the beach in Florida for July 4th weekend in 2003, so I thought we were friends, and felt like I could/should be more personal with him.


Hey Jeff,


It has been over a month since I gave you the idea to bring me in as the first active openly gay pro athlete in this country. Just wondering where you/TNA stand on the idea and if there has been any discussion of using me. I know you are very busy, but could you please respond to this E-mail as quickly as possible, so that I can continue to plan for my future. I would really appreciate that. Thanks in advance.






Chris "Kanyon" Klucsarits






Hellooooooooooooooo, Borash,




Just wondering, it has been over a month since I gave Jeff the idea to bring me in as the first active openly gay pro athlete in this country. Just wondering where he/you/TNA stand on the idea and if there has been any discussion of using me. I know you are very busy, but could you please respond to this E-mail as quickly as possible, so that I can continue to plan for my future. Bills keep coming in . I would really appreciate a quick response. Thanks in advance.






Chris "Kanyon" Klucsarits





Because all three of us use AOL, I was able to see that they both read the e-mail within an hour or so of me sending it. Here it is, almost a month later. Neither has responded yet.


So, that is the whole story. I am not really mad or bitter. I am just wondering why Jeff or Jeremy or anyone from TNA has not gotten back to me about the possibility of signing me. Regardless of their decision and their personal feelings, it just seems like calling me would be the professional thing do. And if they have not called me because they are mad that I put part of the contract online, I would really like to know why that upset them so much. The reason I put that contract online was to stop the rumors, at the time, that said that I did not wrestle because I didn't want to put over Monty, or that I was just being difficult. I did it to protect my name. I now offer TNA the opportunity to respond to all that I have written and to protect theirs.

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Why is it okay for Gay people prance around saying "OMGWTF! I'M GAY AND PROUD! LET'S HOLD A PARADE!" when heterosexuals don't do such things? If I ever join TNA, I want my gimmick to be declaring my pride upon being the 5,234,345,535,399th openly heterosexual male wrestler.

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I'm still not buying this gay thing. It's pretty clear that he's using it as a means to create some publicity for himself.

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I thought it was a publicity stunt?


I wouldnt bring him in anyways, never been a kanyon fan, who better than kanyon? i havent got that sort of time to answer the question.

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I really like Kanyon as a worker, I always have and always will, but if he keeps acting like a twat then I'm going to start hoping more people "ban" his ass. He's coming across like "I'm gay, OMG, the world owes me so much, especially the wrestling business!!!"

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Maybe they haven't asked him to come back because there isn't a spot on their current roster.

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I thought it was a publicity stunt?


Well his "character" Kanyon "came out" in February. Then a month later HE "came out" again, literally, to end the confusion, saying that himself the person and the character he plays are BOTH gay. I still thinks it's a crock of shit to get publicity.

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Guest Princess Leena

So, you announce you're gay, and instantly want to build your character around it?



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Why is it okay for Gay people prance around saying "OMGWTF! I'M GAY AND PROUD! LET'S HOLD A PARADE!" when heterosexuals don't do such things?


Maybe because heterosexuals haven't been a villified minority for 2500 years?



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Why is it okay for Gay people prance around saying "OMGWTF! I'M GAY AND PROUD! LET'S HOLD A PARADE!" when heterosexuals don't do such things?


Maybe because heterosexuals haven't been a villified minority for 2500 years?



Neither have homosexuals?

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So, you announce you're gay, and instantly want to build your character around it?







It could work!


Who wants a snacky cake?

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The man is a tool, plain and simple. keep his desperate ass away from the six sided ring.


I miss the roman empire.


Dont we all....

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Why is it okay for Gay people prance around saying "OMGWTF! I'M GAY AND PROUD! LET'S HOLD A PARADE!" when heterosexuals don't do such things?


Maybe because heterosexuals haven't been a villified minority for 2500 years?



Neither have homosexuals?


Maybe he confused homosexuals with...




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I miss the roman empire.

Ahh the vomitoriums..


Orgys without the risk of STD's.

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Guest Coffey

So, does this now mean that when Lita made fun of Kanyon's lisp that it was a hate crime?

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