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Why is Rey getting booed?

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Conventional wisdom was that Kurt Angle is simply more popular than Rey Mysterio, but I think there's more to it than that.


Could it be because people percieve his TV character as someone who is simply milking Eddie Guerrero's legacy, and people resent him for it? Or is it something else?



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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

I think they would have booed Jesus over Angle that night.

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Could it be because people percieve his TV character as someone who is simply milking Eddie Guerrero's legacy, and people resent him for it?


There ya go.


When Chavo first mentioned Eddie on RAW the fans booed, but then started cheering for him. I think the fans are sick of the use of Eddie's name, and can you blame them?


Some of it has to do with Angle being so over, but that's not the only reason Rey is being booed.

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Don't forget that the guy in the ring who is supposed to draw that reaction has zero ability to draw heat, so the fans had to choose between the two faces and Rey won in a landslide.

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Conventional wisdom was that Kurt Angle is simply more popular than Rey Mysterio, but I think there's more to it than that.


Could it be because people percieve his TV character as someone who is simply milking Eddie Guerrero's legacy, and people resent him for it? Or is it something else?




That, and it's one thing when a 5'3 guy beats top guys every now and then, but it's not easy to suspend disbelief when Rey is the World Champion. I said this would happen, people thought I was just being a hater, but now it's happening because the novelty act has worn thin. Having him take Angle's title was also right up there with turning Orton face just after winning the belt in terms of destroying any momentum the new champ would have.

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Rey has only been really booed at WM, which has a track record of booing faces due to weird circumstances. I didn't hear of Rey getting booed at the SD tapings.


It may be a little early for this thread since he was only really booed on one show.

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I agree that I believe fans are disgusted with Eddie's name and memory being mentioned constantly. I also believe how he was booked leading into Mania turned people off. He was stupid and lost his title shot to Randy Orton. He was then given his shot back without really doing nothing to earn it. He was jobbed out to Angle and Orton. Randy Orton was constantly mentioning that Rey didn't deserve to be in the match and was a charity case and he never did anything to prove that theory wrong leading in Mania. I think they wanted to create this underdog thing going into Mania but they instead just made him look like a little dumb loser milking the memory of his best friend. His over-done ring entrance probably didn't help matters much with the Chicago crowd.

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Guest Coffey

I agree with DA in that we should wait a little while and see if the people continue to boo Mysterio like they do Cena.


However, a little speculation didn't ever hurt anything.


I think it's because of the constant mentioning of Eddie, Rey's size and the fact that Rey is getting the "WWE push" right now. He won the Rumble then won the World Title at 'Mania. No one thinks that Rey could realisticly beat someone like The Undertaker or Batista. It's too unbelievable.

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I think some of it goes back to how fans don't like and can't get behind dumb, incompetent babyfaces.


As Coffey pointed out, Mysterio got outsmarted and outmaneuvered for his shot by Orton and then he lost it. He got it back by being awarded it back by Teddy Long. Then he jobbed on the way to WM. That makes Rey look weaker than his actual size. Look at Cena. He's been painted as a goober since the beginning of his feud with HHH. He's been told he sucks, he's incompetent, and he was lucky to get out of WM with a win. That doesn't sound like someone I'd want to get behind.

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Guest wildpegasus
I think some of it goes back to how fans don't like and can't get behind dumb, incompetent babyfaces.


As Coffey pointed out, Mysterio got outsmarted and outmaneuvered for his shot by Orton and then he lost it. He got it back by being awarded it back by Teddy Long. Then he jobbed on the way to WM. That makes Rey look weaker than his actual size. Look at Cena. He's been painted as a goober since the beginning of his feud with HHH. He's been told he sucks, he's incompetent, and he was lucky to get out of WM with a win. That doesn't sound like someone I'd want to get behind.


But he's got lots of heart!!!! and can always overcome the odds!!!!

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I think some of it goes back to how fans don't like and can't get behind dumb, incompetent babyfaces.


As Coffey pointed out, Mysterio got outsmarted and outmaneuvered for his shot by Orton and then he lost it. He got it back by being awarded it back by Teddy Long. Then he jobbed on the way to WM. That makes Rey look weaker than his actual size. Look at Cena. He's been painted as a goober since the beginning of his feud with HHH. He's been told he sucks, he's incompetent, and he was lucky to get out of WM with a win. That doesn't sound like someone I'd want to get behind.


Sting, made this work for years until he finally got intelligent and got even more over. Why you think Batista is so over? He's not a moron.

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Guest Princess Leena

I think some of it goes back to how fans don't like and can't get behind dumb, incompetent babyfaces.


As Coffey pointed out, Mysterio got outsmarted and outmaneuvered for his shot by Orton and then he lost it. He got it back by being awarded it back by Teddy Long. Then he jobbed on the way to WM. That makes Rey look weaker than his actual size. Look at Cena. He's been painted as a goober since the beginning of his feud with HHH. He's been told he sucks, he's incompetent, and he was lucky to get out of WM with a win. That doesn't sound like someone I'd want to get behind.


But he's got lots of heart!!!! and can always overcome the odds!!!!


Indeed. And this is why the Rey situation sucks. At best, he can only be a transitional champion. If you think the "overcome the odds" shit with Cena is done way too often, it's all you can do with Rey. Or, make him the ghost of Eddie, which is even worse.

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Rey actually barely got booed at WM. There was some boos, yes, but it was mixed. It's not that the crowd didn't like Rey, they just wanted Angle to win more. They cheered LOUD whenever he did something to Orton. Most of the crowd was cheering when he won.

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Could it be because people percieve his TV character as someone who is simply milking Eddie Guerrero's legacy, and people resent him for it?


There ya go.


When Chavo first mentioned Eddie on RAW the fans booed, but then started cheering for him. I think the fans are sick of the use of Eddie's name, and can you blame them?


Seriously. It's fucking disgusting how far they've taken this shit.

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Could it be because people percieve his TV character as someone who is simply milking Eddie Guerrero's legacy, and people resent him for it?


There ya go.


When Chavo first mentioned Eddie on RAW the fans booed, but then started cheering for him. I think the fans are sick of the use of Eddie's name, and can you blame them?


Seriously. It's fucking disgusting how far they've taken this shit.


Someone should go back to the week after, and point out all the "WWE would never exploit this" sentiments.

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I watched the WM 3 way, and yes Rey got booed noticeably. Angle got cheered, Rey got booed, and Orton got his usual jack shit reaction.


This isn't shocking. History has shown that whenever Rey gets pushed beyond what he is capable of people turn on him. It happened in WCW circa 1999 when he beat guys like Bigelow and Nash and did the whole idiotic Master P angle.


And to be honest, there's something that's quite frankly smarmy about Rey. Let's face it, in the past year he's used his son in a wrestling angle, used the death of his best friend to get himself over, etc. Add this to him being 165 lbs. and 5 ft. 3 and it's not hard to see why a backlash is inevitable.

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Could it be because people percieve his TV character as someone who is simply milking Eddie Guerrero's legacy, and people resent him for it?


There ya go.


When Chavo first mentioned Eddie on RAW the fans booed, but then started cheering for him. I think the fans are sick of the use of Eddie's name, and can you blame them?


Seriously. It's fucking disgusting how far they've taken this shit.


Someone should go back to the week after, and point out all the "WWE would never exploit this" sentiments.

Exploiting the death of Eddie + exploiting his son Dominiac = shitty booking

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Guest jac52

+ the 619 is the worst excuse for a move ever invented. The sooner rey loses the belt the better

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That, and it's one thing when a 5'3 guy beats top guys every now and then, but it's not easy to suspend disbelief when Rey is the World Champion.


Thank you! That's exactly what I've been trying to tell people leading into Mania!


And of course a guy his size who has done jackshit in the mid-card division (no IC / US title wins) gets hotshotted to the world title as part of a pity push doesn't help things either.

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Guest Fook_Theta

This isn't a complex answer. Wrestlemania is a smart mark crowd. The only reason Rey is finally getting the belt is because a man died. The crowd knows it, thus they make sure to shout from their lungs how much bullshit that is.


I guarantee huge pops for Mysterio at houseshows and most Smackdown tapings.

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This isn't a complex answer. Wrestlemania is a smart mark crowd. The only reason Rey is finally getting the belt is because a man died. The crowd knows it, thus they make sure to shout from their lungs how much bullshit that is.


I guarantee huge pops for Mysterio at houseshows and most Smackdown tapings.


Until he ends up beating Angle or Undertaker, or jobs the title in less than a month. Then he will be the Mexican variant of Cena as his pandering will just lead to louder boos in the future.

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I find it funny that maybe a year or so ago, a lot of people would have loved/liked to see Rey hold the title at one point. The WWE did a good job turning the fans on Rey, so they can go "Well see, that's why we didn't give him the belt earlier!"


/end conspiracy theorist

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I find it funny that maybe a year or so ago, a lot of people would have loved/liked to see Rey hold the title at one point. The WWE did a good job turning the fans on Rey, so they can go "Well see, that's why we didn't give him the belt earlier!"


/end conspiracy theorist


I'm still happy Rey finally got the belt, but yeah, I don't care for the route they went with him to get it.

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I think you're reading too much into it. That was just a really weird crowd in Chicago that night. They seemed completely arbirtrary on which matches they played along with the storyline heel/face dynamic (like Taker/Henry. HBK/Vince, etc) and which matches they went completely against the grain and booed the top babyfaces out of the building (Trish/Mickie, both title matches). No rhyme or reason that I could see.

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It comes down to respect. Guys like Kurt Angle, Triple H, Undertaker, Chris Benoit & Shawn Michaels are seen by a portion of the fanbase to be 'legitimate' wrestlers. It is odd in HBK's case in particular, because this was the same group that couldn't wait to boo him 10 years ago when they saw him as a pretty boy stuntman. Rey due to his size and mask (the lousy booking hasn't helped) seems more of a gimmick than the above guys (yes, for some reason Undertaker seems more real to a lot of these people, probably because of longevity). Even so, unless it happens again with Misterio in the near future, it seemed to be more of a cheering for Angle moment than cheering against Misterio. Rey got the heaviest boos when he would come to Orton's rescue when Angle was about to beat him.


The one exception to this would be the Women's Match, where Trish is pretty much in a league of her own talent-wise. But she has been on top for well over a year, and the fans possibly just want fresh blood. Either that or they hate women's wrestling in general and was cheering against its most visible star.


Just some theories.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

This thread is retarded, Rey is not "getting booed". Bloody hell, he was briefly booed against KURT ANGLE for one night, and people are discussing why the fans hate him? They weren't booing him before this, it has nothing to do with him, and everything to do with Angle. The fans don't hate him, there were 619 chants in the match, for fucks sakes. If he continues to get booed, I'll take this back, but if not, you're all dumbasses.

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I'll chalk-up the booing to a mix of "it's the cool thing to do", and people just plain-out wanted Angle to win. If you look at the size of these guys, Angle would be able to maul both Orton and Mysterio in a straight-up fight, and has no business loosing to either, and the fans know it. The same thing happened between John Cena and JBL at WMXXI. People were calling for JBL's head and wanted the belt off him, but the second he lost it, the same people bitched for him to get it back ASAP. This was long before the fans started turning on Cena. I think it's just that people can't make up their minds of what they want.

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