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The OAO RAW thread for April 10, 2006

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Cena made to look...strong??? at the end of RAW???

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My brain's telling me I shouldn't be attracted to Lita, but my pants are telling me otherwise.


Your clothes talk to you?




Don't yours?

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OK...maybe I'm insane...but is anyone else thinking this "Cena is hated by 50%+ of the crowd" thing is starting to work for him? I mean, think about it...there's a portion of the crowd that likes him and wants to see him overcome the odds he faces...OK, he's a good babyface. Now, there's a portion of the crowd that hates him and wants to see him get his ass kicked. OK, that makes for a good heel.


Catch my drift here? He's drawing on both sides.

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Odd match with an odd ending. HHH gets punked out. I should be happy, but instead I have a strange sense of foreboding, of imminent disaster, as if millions of wrestling fans cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

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Trish Stratus' ass is ...


man oh man.


Thumbs up for Raw, cuz it had that. PLUS MICKIE!!!


Fued of the *checks watch* decade?

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I think Rudo might be onto something when he said Edge may well win the title at Backlash. I bet next week HHH does in fact job, but Edge won't factor in (Cena will pin him). Right now Edge is the only one of the 3 who is obsessed with winning the WWE title.


Let's face it, if Edge just jobs like we all think he will...where does he go from there? I mean if he wins the title you can set up him vs. RVD at One Night Stand, then you don't have to worry about HHH playing politics or Cena getting TOO negative of a reaction. HHH could then feud with Cena for a while longer.


Anyway I'm hoping that RVD/Shelton match is actually an IC match with no MITB on the line. They could stand to have Shelton win that Backlash match actually, thus setting up a challenger should RVD win the title with the MITB.


I think you guys bash RVD's mic work way too much. If anything tonight showed RVD going back to his cocky, confident persona that was closer to his ECW character.

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Edge/RVD is probably the best match to do at the ECW PPV.


1. Edge was reamed out at the last ECW PPV during the Matt Hardy thing

2. Edge was the previous MITB winner, RVD is the current one

3. Edge is an actual heel

4. Edge is fucking Lita, former ECWhore. They could have Lita come out and make fun of ECW fans for more heat, talk about their attitudes towards women. RVD can bring out Fonzie and those two can go at it.


It actually works too much for the WWE to do it.

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Back to back weird Raws, I see.


I'm still liking the Trish/Mickie feud even though WM was definitely the high point for the feud. I'm not quite sure I understand Trish's mind game motives here from a character standpoint, but I'll give it time to pan out. No question this is feud of the year so far.


Vince doing the HHH pose with the holy water was awesome.


Rest of the show was average to bad. Oh, and us hearing Kane's voices in his head is not cool.

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I agree with Rudo, Edge would be the best choice, he'd also probably have the best match with RVD out of the various people involved.


I don't think they'd have a Cena/RVD match at ONS, because Vince is apparently in love with Cena's babyface character, and whoever RVD faces that night will be booed out of the fucking building. (Remember the "Fuck John Cena" chants last year, long before the Cena-hating trend started, when he wasn't even there that night?)

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Edge also gives them the best options before that ECW PPV. For instance, if he wins it'd drive fans nuts and in the weeks after that you can have HHH and Cena both going after him but he constantly escapes with the title (maybe they cost each other these matches, thus furthering the HHH/Cena feud).


But yeah, for ONS you'd already have Edge as an anti ECW invader from last year. It also has the amusing booking of "He who lives by the MITB dies by the MITB." There would be no danger of really bizarre crowd reactions, since Edge would be there to get shit on anyway. Cena going to ONS would be bizarre and while I can see him losing I can't see him getting utterly humiliated. And let's face it, isn't that half the fun from the first One Night Stand? Seeing the WWE guys get their asses kicked.

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Edge/RVD is probably the best match to do at the ECW PPV.


1. Edge was reamed out at the last ECW PPV during the Matt Hardy thing

2. Edge was the previous MITB winner, RVD is the current one

3. Edge is an actual heel

4. Edge is fucking Lita, former ECWhore. They could have Lita come out and make fun of ECW fans for more heat, talk about their attitudes towards women. RVD can bring out Fonzie and those two can go at it.


It actually works too much for the WWE to do it.


Agree 100%.

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I actually thought back when I first thought they might do another MITB that RVD should win it, cash it in vs. Edge at ONS and win the title. It'd have worked better had Edge had one continuous reign though, since now he wouldn't have won it with the MITB.


HHH's current character doesn't lend itself 100% to the insane heel reaction that someone would get at ONS. He makes the most sense on the surface, but somehow I can't see him getting his ass kicked to the glorious degree Bischoff got his kicked. Edge would show his ass more, be willing to lay unconscious from a Van Terminator for 10 mins. as all the ECW guys celebrate over him. He's the most heelish, and thus the guy we'd most want to see get his ass beat.

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