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Dangerous A

TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

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Guest Kobe24KGold
I would agree that it is preposterous to think that the NBA would endorse the fixing of games. They would just have to much to lose if a story ever broke linking them to that kind of behavior.


That being said, I always flash back to Kings-Lakers, Game 6 of the 2002 conference championship. It was one of those times that it seemed that every call was going LA's way, almost as if the refs were trying their hardest to give LA a shot at winning the game. It was very suspicously officiated.



And the Lakers were fleeced in Game 5 in that very series. How easily you forget Bobby Jackson blatantly tugging on Kobe's jersey during the last shot. The refs ignored it. How about the fact that it should've clearly been the Lakers ball preceding that, when Bibby hit that 17 foot jumper (which should've never happened).


Bottom line...the refs wanted to extend it to 7 games, at which point they would not interfere or influence the outcome. And, in that game, the Lakers won fair and square.

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That being said, I always flash back to Kings-Lakers, Game 6 of the 2002 conference championship. It was one of those times that it seemed that every call was going LA's way, almost as if the refs were trying their hardest to give LA a shot at winning the game. It was very suspicously officiated.


As a Kings fan, it took me awhile to get over this particular game. It did feel like the Kings were being jobbed out. However, with time and more perspective, I have come to some conclusions. While I don't believe in the conspiracy, teams that are hosting know that refs will help them out if they help themselves. The Lakers got fouled up the wazzoo taking it to the basket and drawing lots of fouls. I believe Shaq fouled out 2-3 guys by himself. The game took damn near 4 hours because of all the foul stoppages. Now, the thing is, the Lakers still have to make the free throws and shots off of second oppurtunities. They did that. IIRC, Shaq was like 13-16 from the foul line. He has to hit those and he did. Same with the other Lakers. Refs can only do so much. Yes, it comes off fishy and the Kings did what they could, but it wasn't enough. The Kings still fucked it all up by 1) losing game 4 when they had it in hand and 2) losing game 7 when that game was on their floor and as a team they missed something like 10-12 free throws and Peja airballs a 3 to win in the waning seconds of regulation. I'd say the Kings lost the series more than the Lakers won it, however the Lakers took advantage of the Kings mistakes.

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That's gotta be a hardcore grudge because I hate Kobe as much as the next Laker hater and even I wouldn't endorse calling him a rapist or going along with the league conspiracy to help the Lakers win ball games.


Both are completely idiotic beliefs to have as Kobe was completely dismissed from the charges and if the NBA wanted to fix games, they wouldn't have Miami jobbing to Chicago or Cleveland dropping games to Washington.


I'm not going to get into an arguement about it, but I really doubt Kobe(Who was raised right) would have resort to raping someone when he has the most beautiful wife at home. I just think Kobe gave it too rough to the girl and she thought she could cash in. But whatever no one knows except those 2.


But I do feel NYankees is a racist, because when the white lacrosse players from Duke raped the black female, he was all defensive and saying they are innocent, and yet he calls Kobe a rapist when there is no real prove.

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I'll agree with Dangerous A about problem players getting calls against them. Poor Ron Artest has to be careful or they'll be all over him.

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BTW I love Artest but I don't like the Kings and I never liked the Pacers so it kind of sucks. He can never get on a team I can get behind.

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I'm really pulling for the Bulls to beat Miami. I've always been a huge fan of Ben Gordan back in his college days at UConn. He reminds me of Reggie Miller with better slashing ability.

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BTW I love Artest but I don't like the Kings and I never liked the Pacers so it kind of sucks. He can never get on a team I can get behind.



I'm just hoping the Kings can make a serious run next year (I just don't see it happening this year from a realistic standpoint) and they can get a ring out of him before he burns the organization. Don't get me wrong. I hope things work out with Artest and the Kings, but in the back of my mind, I know he is just a stupid move away from fucking up a whole season and I'll end up like Alfdogg: a bitter, bitter man. :asshole2:

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Haha. I'm really starting to wish that we took the Maggette trade instead, though, regardless of his injuries. Peja's already missed two games in this series, and early indications are he's not playing tonight, either. Plus there's still the chance that he doesn't even stick around beyond this year.

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The Pacers need to do themselves a favor and let Peja go or do a sign and trade. He's not worth the trouble and he has bad foot problems stemming back since 2003. Get something for him, but don't re-sign this guy.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

There are reports out of LA that say Kwame Brown has been accused of rape.


No joke.

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There are reports out of LA that say Kwame Brown has been accused of rape.


No joke.


Won't believe until it's on ESPN.com

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Guys, he's not lying...



Lakers center being investigated in reported sexual assault

Associated Press

National Basketball Association News Wire


LOS ANGELES -- Police said Tuesday they are investigating whether Los Angeles Lakers center Kwame Brown was involved in a reported sexual assault.


"The assault is alleged to have occurred in the early morning hours of April 29," said Officer Jason Lee, a police spokesman.


The Lakers beat the Phoenix Suns in Game 3 of their NBA playoff series the night before.


The case is under investigation by the department's Robbery Homicide Division. Police have notified the district attorney's office of the investigation.


Team spokesman John Black said the 24-year-old Brown was with the team but wouldn't comment further.


No further details were immediately available.


The Lakers were in Phoenix to play the Suns in Game 5 of their Western Conference playoff series Tuesday night.



I guess Kwame can ask his team captain about something other than tips on his game.

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I am trying to avoid it, but damn....


I won't comment until more comes out. Oh and Kobe raped that girl.

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I'd buy Kwame before I do Kobe. Kwame isn't a big enough star to try to extort money from (let's face it, its all the girl in Colorado wanted to do, along with dragging Kobe's name through the mud)

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Until Kobe admitted he raped her. Understanding if the girl thinks it was consentual sex is admittance of guilt to me.



And my last comment about game 4...or what ever.


I think that NBA refs are very interested in having EXCITING games. I don't think they are saying "Lets go Lakers" but alot of times, I think they make calls or no calls so that the game can either go on longer or be more exciting.


The thing about game 4, for get Waltons foot, forget that. Two plays earlier, the ball was inbounded to Nash in the middle of the floor. Two lakers come over to foul him and stop the clock. They keep fouling him and no call is made. Nash makes the biggest mistake of the night (yeah, bigger than the Smush turnover in my eyes) and passes the ball while complaining to the ref. Boris Diaw gets TOUCHED and they call the foul. Borism, the worst free throw shooter on the court gets one of two.


I personally think theywere avoiding sending Nash to the line in hopes of making the game longer.


Personally when you are up 5 and you are shooting 90 percent from the freethrown line for the series, just foul them, don't let them hit a three and free throw shoot them to death instead of giving Smush that 3. But like it has been said. That game isn't going to change, and its over.


But I do think that the refs are interested in a great play as much as the next guy and the more chances for a game winner is much more exciting than a free throw competition.

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By the way, just like with Kobe, I HOPE this isn't true. Kwame was always a pretty good kid here in atlanta and in Washington. I hope this isn't true. If it is, I hope he has the best body on the prison yard.

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There is some ridiculous home court ref bias in this matchup tonight. Nocioni just got shoved in the back on that play.


This is pretty icky, miami is clearly getting bailed out in this game so far.

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah I doubt either of them raped anyone. The fact that Kobe's case was dismissed proves him innocent.

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Yeah I doubt either of them raped anyone. The fact that Kobe's case was dismissed proves him innocent.

That's a rather naive viewpoint. Next we'll be hearing about how OJ didn't do it because the jury found him not guilty.

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Dwyane Wade just made # 1 or 2 in the top 10 on tonight's SportsCenter with that move. It depends entirely on whether or not Kobe hits a game winner tonight.

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah I doubt either of them raped anyone. The fact that Kobe's case was dismissed proves him innocent.

That's a rather naive viewpoint. Next we'll be hearing about how OJ didn't do it because the jury found him not guilty.

It's different because throughout the trial (the Kobe one that is) there had been questions about the girl's case being legitimate or not. When she refused to testify and dismissed the case, that just reeked of someone who didn't want to try to go any further without having a legit case. Also, that Kobe admitted he cheated on his wife but that he didn't rape the girl makes me believe him more.


I remember MikeSC made a point when the trial ended that Kobe should've sued her for dragging his name through the mud the way she did when she accused him of it. I agreed, but I doubt that would've been much of a case either.

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First, the girl who accused Kobe was an absolute mental case... and, it didn't even go to trial and this country has a presumption of innocence.


Second, OJ was found liable for wrongful death in the civil suit filed against him.



In better news, Go Lakers!

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Of course he didn't do it.



His first name begins with K and ends with E and he plays for the Lakers. That's automatice exemption and when your name has those qualities, it means at least once in your life, you will be accused of sexual assault.


So the next Laker named Kyle, watch out!

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeesh, so much for all the calls going the Heat's way.


Without Wade, the Heat are fucked.

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