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Lt. Al Giardello

NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

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Tampa Bay has not been the same since Khabibulin left. Look Ottawa has dominated most of the competition in the Eastern Conference.



Except for Montreal who have been on even par with them this season.


If the Habs do win this series, its not because of Huet, its because of Gainey, a person who knows how to win cups, and simply outcoached Lavioette.

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Wings look bad, and are down 3-0 towards the end of the second. The speed thing is killing them, and the defense is doing nothing in front of Legacy. Add to that Legacy being average at best all series and Roloson outplaying him, not looking good. 3-1 now on a Shanahan breakaway( that in fairness came off of a turnover on a hook/trip to Peca that wasn't called). I think win or lose this series, it's time to retool the team.

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Well, it was a great season that no one expected. They all played their hearts out but without Jagr they just had no hope. Watching Ortmyer, Hollweg, Ward, Betts and all the hard working guys play this year was great to see, but with Daws, Staal, Dubisnky, Torpedo, Immonen, Pock and others ready to come up, I doubt anybody beside Hollweg ( who really was our best player in the series) is going to be back. Straka and Nylander had terrific seasons, and hopefully they'll resign Straka to a deal. Rucchin played the entire playoffs with a broken toe, he provides leadership and I really hopes he comes back. With Poti, Strudwick, Sykora (fuck off) and others gone, this team will be back next year. Renney really has built a new kind of attitude on this team, and with Henrik and Jagr back fully healthy next year they'll do some damage.

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Shush with the Refs and Wings vs Oilers. Homer crap sucks, you sound like the Yankees fans in the baseball thread. The refs have been bad on both sides and the Oilers have been the better team. I don't want a pissing match about it, but the officials have reamed both teams at various times. Take heart in the 3-2 series lead and how good Roloson has looked.

Edit: Penalties were 6-Oilers vs 4-Wings. Having watched the game also, there were the usual missed calls on both sides. The "refs are against my team" stuff is annoying( especially when you win), it drags down most any discussion here. The hockey thread usually isn't that bad about it.

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Looks like it's going to be another early exit for the Wings, unless they play two flawless games. It's very frustrating to have all the regular season success and then do jack shit in the playoffs. Don't get me wrong, if Edmonton wins they deserved it with the way they played but it doesn't make that any easier to accept.

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I firmly believe alot of it has to do with age, speed(specifically on defense) and the lack of toughness/grit/checking.

They didn't defend at all in front of the net today, and as per usual they seem a step slow to the loose pucks and in keeping up with the Edmonton forwards. Most of the scoring chances are outside shots with few rebounds and alot of blocked shots(credit the Oilers for this).The guys that used to be counted on to get in the corners or in front of the net(except Holmstrom for the most part) are now older and slower. The new guys that they've brought in on both offense and defense aren't all that hard nosed(Kronwall will throw the occasional check.) And where the hell has Datsyuk been the last few years in the playoffs? He hasn't had a goal in 20something playoff games and 3 assists this series( yes, I take into account he's still probably hurt). He's supposed to be the next coming of..(insert name of whoever). Legacy of course hasn't looked good either. Of course I could be flat out wrong about all of this.

As a follow-up cause I was curious, every game the penalties have been even or within 2 minors total per game. Wings looked to have taken more penalties in the third period/overtimes. I personally don't attribute that to "the evil refs" but due to the age/speed factors as the game goes on. Edmonton deserves every game they've won so far, and here's to hoping for a comeback.

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Congratulations to the Ottawa Senators, they deserved to win this series. The Bolts gave a good effort tonight but it fell short. The interesting local rumors around here right now is that John Tortorella may be fired or will resign in the coming days. He is HATED in the locker room right now primarily because he threw players under the bus through press conferences way too frequently this year. That stuff worked between 01-04 when he did it less frequently and more to send a message to the team and they usually responded. Doing it every game is Mike Keenan-type bullshit. Now, its just stale and the team has a glass ceiling as long as he's the head coach. If he does leave look for Craig Ramsay to be promoted to head coach, he has a calming influence that would go over well after dealing with Torts for 4 1/2 years.

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Flames win 3-2, and Phaneuf looks like he dodged a MAJOR bullet late in the third when Corey Perry tried to take out his knee. That's okay, though, because Calgary has an answer for any knee-first garbage that Anaheim tries, and his name is Marchment.

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Just picked up tickets through presale for Game 1 of the conference semis.


Amazingly, someone in the Scotiabank Place front office thought it would be a terrific idea to book Dora the Fucking Explorer for Saturday AND Sunday. So, there's no hockey in Ottawa this coming weekend -- it'll probably be a Friday-Monday start to the series, or possibly even Monday-Wednesday.


Someone deserves to be fired.

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Just have Chris Neil start a fight with Dora. She'll retaliate and Neil will turtle, resulting in Dora getting kicked off the bill.

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The interesting local rumors around here right now is that John Tortorella may be fired or will resign in the coming days.

Please, please, please, I beg.

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I'm not sure if LA would be the best fit for him, I think he would work best with a re-building team like the Bruins if they were to let Mike Sullivan go.

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I don't know...him calling out Hannu or Timmay might result in chaos.



And goodnight Dallas. Brunette scores in OT to send them home.

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I'm not sure if LA would be the best fit for him, I think he would work best with a re-building team like the Bruins if they were to let Mike Sullivan go.

I think he's a great fit for LA and the Bruins. There wouldn't be any reason for him to call out a good goaltender.

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After a second view of LA's roster, Torts wouldnt be a bad fit in LA although he coaching Roenick would be a VERY interesting thing to watch.

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He's not coming back. No fucking way, the fans hate him, and the guys in the locker room do too.


Now that I remember, on Satellite Hotstove they were talking about how Dave Taylor may be the next GM of the Bruins. Guys, I'm sorry, if this happens you may as well forget about a good draft this year, and ever having a winning franchise. He's more concerned with being fiscally responsible. The B's would also have to give up a 2nd round pick, as even though Taylor was fired as GM, he's still under contract. They decided to reassign him within the organization.

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Habs lose.

Sabres win.

Cena wins.


Jesus Christ, I was ridiculously nice to customers this weekend at work; where'd the bad karma from?


Shake it off tomorrow for the Alberta games, I hope. Rexall's gonna be nuts.

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Sharks are through to the next round. Turned out that Nashville's problem wasn't really goaltending...they just didn't have anyone who could put the puck in the other net. 10 goals in 5 games usually won't cut it.

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