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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

I hate humans. We are such evil bastards.

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No, Jingus, they in no way have it easier than at least free ranged cattle. I guess they don't starve to death, but truly, their life is terrible.


Real animals like to move.

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Guest NYankees

It's not just China, though... they have videos of Canadians killing seals. I don't know how a person could do that shit.

But they were Gook-Canadians, or Chink-Canadians, right?


Only monsters step on a animals neck to break it while they try to skin them. These people are inhumane and non human beings.
So call them that: Monsters. Or sadists, or subhumans or something more applicable. To throw out "gook" or "chink" makes you sound as ignorant as the guys that are killing the animals.



So me calling an inhumane midget a "Chink" is just as bad as a slanted eye midget fuck who kills animals by stepping on their necks to break them is just as bad? WOW!!!!

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Yankees, no, horrifically killing an animal is obviously worse than calling someone a derogatory word.


But to call them a "chink" when there's countless other, and more applicable, words, makes you sound ignorant. What if they were white? What would you call them then?

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Having grown up on a farm for a few years of my life, I must say I've seen the animals treated well. They've had room to move around, been fed lots of food, and never been beaten or really mistreated.


I did however have to witness one injustice that really bothered me. The process of "de-horning" cattle. Basically they are locked in place in a pen and a person places this metal device, much like reverse hedge clippers over a horn and it slices it off. The cows really bellow and bawl loudly and blood squirts pretty high in the air. After seeing this happen to one cow, I'd had enough and walked 2 miles back to the house.


Another story which isn't as sad, my uncle had this full grown boar pig that was sick and dying. So he decided to put it out of it's mysery and shoot it. He loads up his 6-shot revolver, lol, and shoots him in the head. 6 shots later, the pig still stands. He only has 3 bullets left, so he uses those up. And the pig is still walking around like normal(or as normal as it was with it's sickness). So my uncle just opened up the gate to the pen and walked away. I agree with him, if you can take 9 shots to the dome, you've earned your freedom. The pig wandered out of the gate, and was never seen again.

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I wasn't talking about farms, I was talking about Food Factories.


just google factory farms.


.org, .com they're all there.


But, it's no real shock why cows get so sick and stuff. They're raised like inches apart by the hundreds. So many beef contained in one place, on cow plague and we lose a lot of food.

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Hey, I'm not trying to "pretty up" the seal hunt; I just don't think that a hunt in which animals are killed using tools designed for killing them in a relatively humane fashion is as bad as animals being routinely skinned alive and tossed into piles of dying, skinned animals.


And yes, I am aware that regulations for seal hunting are not always followed, and some of the seals do suffer quite a bit. However, that said, seals aren't just killed for their pelts (though it is the most desired part, seal oil and meat is still used by some people) and by your own admission Eric, they've got it better then a hell of a lot of other animals. You're the one who said:


The most humanely killed animal is hunted


Not that I'm a big fur person or anything. It's just that I hear a lot of bitching about the seal hunt, being an Atlantic Canadian, and I just wanted to point some stuff out.

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Guest wildpegasus
Having grown up on a farm for a few years of my life, I must say I've seen the animals treated well. They've had room to move around, been fed lots of food, and never been beaten or really mistreated.


I did however have to witness one injustice that really bothered me. The process of "de-horning" cattle. Basically they are locked in place in a pen and a person places this metal device, much like reverse hedge clippers over a horn and it slices it off. The cows really bellow and bawl loudly and blood squirts pretty high in the air. After seeing this happen to one cow, I'd had enough and walked 2 miles back to the house.


Another story which isn't as sad, my uncle had this full grown boar pig that was sick and dying. So he decided to put it out of it's mysery and shoot it. He loads up his 6-shot revolver, lol, and shoots him in the head. 6 shots later, the pig still stands. He only has 3 bullets left, so he uses those up. And the pig is still walking around like normal(or as normal as it was with it's sickness). So my uncle just opened up the gate to the pen and walked away. I agree with him, if you can take 9 shots to the dome, you've earned your freedom. The pig wandered out of the gate, and was never seen again.


I've helped to dehorn cattle several times and I hate doing it. In fact, I even did it today. One cow we were worried about its horn growing back into its skull and the others were about 7 calves who all unfortuantely had little horns. We used some mini horn cutters for the calves and a wire for the two cows. Horns can be dangerous so that's why they're taken off. And yes the process isn't pretty. Blood can squirt anywhere -- I had it my hair, on my hands and clothes but that's nothing because I'm not the one bleeding. It does hurt them a lot especially when you snap it off. They'll jump all over the place and be completely wild running around around for a little bit afterwards and I feel terribly sorry for them. For cutting, I'd rather be there than someone else be there. It's not something I want to do at all though.

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Guest wildpegasus

People scare me when they talk about animals


I'm a sympathetic person and it's the reason I'm a vegetarian.

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I'd be curious if it's actually more cost effective to have fur coats then something of a synthetic fiber in a 3rd world country like China.

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Guest wildpegasus


I didn't think an ethical vegetarian would dehorn cows.


gimmick,level, rising.



Not a gimmick. I'm just contributing to the thread. I think it's better for the cattle to have someone more experienced there than it is for a newbie to be there. They are going to get dehorned wether I'm there or not. Believe me, it's not something I like to do.


On the other hand I do like helping cattle who are having a diffucult time give birth to their calfs.

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I don't like the arguement about turning the cheek because of PETA.


I can't stand PETA, but I'd be a hypocrite if I let their actions in the name of saving animals make me turn my cheek at what's nothing more than torture. If your offended by how they act it's most likely because they represent animal lovers horribly. How does turning the cheek to spite them help anything?


And killing an animal that doesn't want to die isn't humane, so there's no humane way to do it. Fucking chinkadians....:)

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I kind of want to run that video here, even though it might get me fired.


I know a couple of the people here own a little fur, and it might cause some discussion.


But maybe it's not worth it, I haven't seen it yet.

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Guest wildpegasus
I kind of want to run that video here, even though it might get me fired.


I know a couple of the people here own a little fur, and it might cause some discussion.


But maybe it's not worth it, I haven't seen it yet.


Where's "here" at?

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Honestly, animal rights will never be high on my priority list, but even I have to say they ought to at least put the animal out of its misery before skinning it. Fuck.

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Hey, I'm 100% against inhumane treatment of Animals, it's distgusting and totally inexcusable, but I don't quite get the argument that killing and eating animals is inhumane. These PETA nuts love to show the same tired old videos of a few isolated instances of Animal Cruelty and use it to make one generalized statment on the treatment of Animals. The problem is, that you know, we're Animals too. You think out in the Jungle, those Lions look for the Zebras that have passed away from old age before they maul them to death? When you have coyotes in your back yard, do you think they're going to euthanize your puppy or kitty before it chews it to pieces? Absolutely not, but for some reason, when Humans decide to raise animals and slaughter them for food so we can like eat, and stay healthy and stuff, we're barbaric! Explain that to me.

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"Animals don't have morals. People do.


Hell, some animals eat their young - does that make it okay for people to do the same?"


Who are you to say an animal doesn't have morals? I hate this general notion that we're obviously more advanced than animals because they can't talk or show compassion or do word problems. Animals are programmed to do what they can to survive, all animals. Just because we have a thought process that inhibits that in favor of a better emotional state doesn't mean all other species are half-retarded people who would be nice to eachother if they knew what it meant.


We need to start following the lead of bears.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
"Animals don't have morals. People do.


Hell, some animals eat their young - does that make it okay for people to do the same?"


Who are you to say an animal doesn't have morals? I hate this general notion that we're obviously more advanced than animals because they can't talk or show compassion or do word problems. Animals are programmed to do what they can to survive, all animals. Just because we have a thought process that inhibits that in favor of a better emotional state doesn't mean all other species are half-retarded people who would be nice to eachother if they knew what it meant.


We need to start following the lead of bears.



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"Animals don't have morals. People do.


Hell, some animals eat their young - does that make it okay for people to do the same?"


Who are you to say an animal doesn't have morals? I hate this general notion that we're obviously more advanced than animals because they can't talk or show compassion or do word problems. Animals are programmed to do what they can to survive, all animals. Just because we have a thought process that inhibits that in favor of a better emotional state doesn't mean all other species are half-retarded people who would be nice to eachother if they knew what it meant.


Yes, we ARE more advanced than animals. Crack open a book and find out exactly how smart animals are, we've got a pretty good idea.



We need to start following the lead of bears.


You need to watch Grizzly Man. And I need to stop laughing like a stoned hyena.

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Okay, I honestly can't tell if Battlenutz is kidding or not, but you say:


Who are you to say an animal doesn't have morals?


And then you say:


Just because we have a thought process that inhibits that in favor of a better emotional state


Isn't that exactly what morals are? The ability to put aside what is easiest for you in order to do what is best for more people?


It just seems like you said "Who are you to say that? Only I may say that."

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