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The Tino Standard

The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

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I was hoping he'd dump all over the wannabe-ECW fans who go to WWE shows and chant "ECW" all the time. I guess that would have been hitting a little too close to home.

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Remember when JR "shot" on Michael Cole when JR returned with his ailments? SO GAY.


"So here you are, Michael Cole. Oh, nice young guy. You're a pretty boy. You got your pretty boy hair, nice tight ass, pretty boy, oh yeah."


Swear to God he said that.

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I am actually glad that Joey ended the Promo by insulting the WWE fans, I mean for one, they/we truly all deserve to be told that, and secondly, it adds to the dynamic of course that it is going to be WWE vs. ECW including the fan bases. Of course, I guess it is kind of hard when that whole arena was chanting "ECW" five minutes prior to the Style promo....LOL.

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And so it begins. "Bingo hall" and "Paul Heyman" references for everyone!



Don't forget the Kool Aid


That comes after guys start going over to the ECW brand, or someone (CM Punk?) runs out and decks someone during a match a la The Invasion.

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Danggit. Stupid RAs took the lounge TV away so I can't watch Raw! And look what I miss!


It wasn't as great as some of these guys are making it out to be. Just think back to every interview that challenged authority, that is pretty much what this was. He threw in a few insider terms but everyone does these days.

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That was odd. If you want to have an ECW vs. WWE battle, it would probably be the better idea to have ECW be the good guys.


ECW is going to be a huge group of tweeners. There are going to push it to the point where some WWE fans boo ECW and what they will be doing while the ECW fans, more traditional type fans also, will be going crazy for them.


This was a fantastic start to what looks to be one hell of a Summer (for better or for worse).

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ECW aren't heels.


They aren't doing "ECW Vs. WWE" for more than 1 or 2 shows. ECW will be a seperate entity, so they HAVE TO alienate ECW from the sports entertainment fans. Believe me, ECW will have more than enough fans.

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It's hard to be excited when you know that the revived ECW will suck balls.


And now we have Todd Grisham...

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Damn I am hungry for more of the ECW storyline to develop. I mean after that promo, I truly can give a shit about this ME....well then again, did I really care before the promo?

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I am actually glad that Joey ended the Promo by insulting the WWE fans, I mean for one, they/we truly all deserve to be told that, and secondly, it adds to the dynamic of course that it is going to be WWE vs. ECW including the fan bases. Of course, I guess it is kind of hard when that whole arena was chanting "ECW" five minutes prior to the Style promo....LOL.


That's what I got. He didn't insult the all the fans, he insulted all the fans that were more into "sports entertainment" than "wrestling". There were a few cheers in there after he got done.

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10 years ago this summer was Bash At The Beach...the beginning of the nWo...



This summer is One Night Stand II ...and the apparent re-emergence of ECW.




If things can play out from this fairly reasonable starting point...it could be what the WWE and Pro Wrestling in general needs to hit an up-cycle again.

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ECW aren't heels.


They aren't doing "ECW Vs. WWE" for more than 1 or 2 shows. ECW will be a seperate entity, so they HAVE TO alienate ECW from the sports entertainment fans. Believe me, ECW will have more than enough fans.



Well not only that but as far as what Meltzer is reporting up to now, the ECW shows are going to be taped prior to Smackdown in front of the same live crowd, so I am pretty sure it is going to be hard to decipher crowds.

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You know, I could really buy them putting the title on Kenny. Probably not tonight but you have to figure they want to end that whole "Randy Orton=Youngest champion in history" thing and Doane, being a more talented version of Orton would be the ideal person.

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