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I know I'm over analyzing the picture with my dirty mind, but Rey looks like a girl on prom night hugging her boy of choice.

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Well, it looks like I will never watch SD! again, what with GayBL winning the World Title, and embarking on another shitfuck title reign.


GayBL? What are you, 12 years old? That has been the most childish thing I've read on this board.


Seriously, I'm glad JBL is getting another title run. He is in my opinion, the best character on WWE TV right now.

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Why JBL? Let JBL have a good run with the US Title, making that belt more prestigious. Put the title on Booker T for the love of god. That guy has been great since he turned Heel, just let him play the coward Heel until Batista returns.

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Why JBL? Let JBL have a good run with the US Title, making that belt more prestigious. Put the title on Booker T for the love of god. That guy has been great since he turned Heel, just let him play the coward Heel until Batista returns.

Do you think Booker T would start saying 6-time, 6-time, 6-time (and so on)?


That being said I do like him better than JBL for the world title right now.

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I cannot believe they'll fuck up a good thing with Classy Colt Cabana because it's the same name as an infrequant Carlito skit.


Hopefully if they ever actually use him they won't do that.


It's a very indy name, but it's still him!

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Chris GUY? Scott Colton is a lot better name then Chris Guy...


You are aware that Colt used that name to rib Ace Steel correct? Ace used Cabana's name 2 years ago in a skit. Colt just returned the favor after he was probably told they wouldn't use the Cabana name.


I'm aware of that, and no offense to Ace, but 'Chris Guy' screams JOBBER.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel
My only hope is that the "Rey Mysterio Experiment" never gets repeated. He never should have been given a World Title, and hopefully Vince realizes that this was a monumental mistake.

Yeah, let's stick to good old fashioned hosses. We can only hope Vince relalises his mistake and no-one under 6 foot 5 ever gets the belt again.


I swear, you whine about Vince favoring big no talent guys, then bitch when a small, talented worker gets the strap. Rey Mysterio should have gotten this title, no question, but it should have been booked better, this is the worst booked title reign I can remember right now.

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My only hope is that the "Rey Mysterio Experiment" never gets repeated. He never should have been given a World Title, and hopefully Vince realizes that this was a monumental mistake.

Yeah, let's stick to good old fashioned hosses. We can only hope Vince relalises his mistake and no-one under 6 foot 5 ever gets the belt again.


I swear, you whine about Vince favoring big no talent guys, then bitch when a small, talented worker gets the strap. Rey Mysterio should have gotten this title, no question, but it should have been booked better, this is the worst booked title reign I can remember right now.


Jericho is the measuring stick for horribly booked title reigns. Mysterio's was too short to match up.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

True, but if Mysterio's goes a bit longer, it will be worse.

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Nobody's going to buy Rey as Champion for a simple reason. It's not his size, it's moveset.


The Seated Senton is the worst move in the company (The 5 Knuckle Shuffle being second, only because Cena changed it up on Monday), The 619 can't be sold properly by anyone, his finisher is a rana or sometimes even a weak legdrop. They're sticking him against Mark Henrys and JBLs and it's so business exposing because the only thing Rey has in his arsenal that looks like it's even remotely damaging are his kicks to the hamstrings (OMGDANGERUUUSSS!). The same would happen with Booker, with Lashley, with Taker, with Batista when he comes back, with Khali god forbid. It even happened with Orton to an extent. It's too far fetched for him to be winning 20 minute matches with 3 headscissors, sitting gently on someone's chest from a height and a crappy legdrop.


And we're not even taking into consideration his slow transformation into "Rey Guerrero"

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See, I wouldn't have minded Rey Mysterio being world champion had they booked it properly. Yes, he's a good wrestler. Yes, he's over. Yes, he's been a Cruiserweight Champion and a tag team champion many times, but had they given him more time to flounder around in the mid-card division to be the IC or US champion, I think people would have bought him as world champion, but nooooooooooo they wanted to hotshot the title to him out of the blue just because his best friend passed away. I mean seriously, if they wanted to do that sooo bad, it should have been Chris Benoit. At least, he's been the champ before. Hell, even Chavo would have been more believable.


I never thought I'd be eThe only reason I'm sketchy on this title change is that although I do like JBL he got SQUASHED by the friggin' Boogeyman less than five months ago at the Royal Rumble. Are the fans just supposed to forget about that?


Yes, the WWE expects us to forget about everything it seems like.


I never thought I'd be excited to see JBL scheduled to win a World Title match.


Yeah, no kidding. Unfortunately, many TSM posters don't want Orton to get another shot even as a heel. And definitely, including myself don't want HHH or Mark Henry so yeah our choices for a heel world champion are sadly limited.


Well, it looks like I will never watch SD! again, what with GayBL winning the World Title, and embarking on another shitfuck title reign.


Well, if the ONS rumors are true, the upcoming title reign won't be for long so I wouldn't worry about it and at least its not the WWE Championship.


I thought that if he won the strap that I'd be into it in a big way, and I'm not. I love the guy, I've loved his work for over a decade now, but I just don't give a shit about him being the champ


Well said. I think a lot of us on here feel the same way.


Edit: I dunno about you guys, but I'm still iffy on the D-X reunion thing.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel
The Seated Senton is the worst move in the company. The 619 can't be sold properly by anyone, his finisher is a rana or sometimes even a weak legdrop. They're sticking him against Mark Henrys and JBLs and it's so business exposing because the only thing Rey has in his arsenal that looks like it's even remotely damaging are his kicks to the hamstrings (OMGDANGERUUUSSS!). The same would happen with Booker, with Lashley, with Taker, with Batista when he comes back, with Khali god forbid. It even happened with Orton to an extent. It's too far fetched for him to be winning 20 minute matches with 3 headscissors, sitting gently on someone's chest from a height and a crappy legdrop.

Well, I think that the seated senton is pretty credible, he's landing on their chest and slamming them onto the ground, but that's just me. The 619 can be sold properly when he mixes up his finish, and let's not forget Hulk Hogan's finisher was a leg drop. Tajiri's a small guy, and kicks form most of his arsenal. Rey beating JBL and Henry isn't as bad as you're making out, he's beaten JBL, and that match he had with Henry before the rumble could totally have ended with Mysterio winning, and no-one would have thought it wasn't believable. Also, Booker T isn't that big.

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I'd rank Orton's title run slightly under Jericho's and slightly above Rey's.


to go along with Downhome's comments...Rey as world champ was something I wanted to see from the moment he came to the WWE, I loved his WCW work (well not so much the Filthy Animals) and ECW and Mexico stuff that I saw and I really do think he could have been a good, credible champion. Unfortunantly, his booking since Guerrero died and Batista went down has been a mess and I'd rather they just go ahead and take the belt off of him. Sadly, I doubt he ever wins it again.


I don't mind an HHH/HBK reunion, though it would seem silly considering everytime they've fought since 2002, they've pretty much tried to kill each other...I admit, though, I would have marked had HHH helped beat up the Spirit Squad with HBK and then they BOTH beat up Cena.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

The ECW news (off the top of my head) was they will be internet only, but WWE will try to get a show outta USA. They will be taped before or after SD! and Velocity is canceled.


Many forces want Vince to make a 3rd TV taping just for ECW but it costs alot and Vince is leery.


The ECW name guys like Lance Storm, Tajiri and Masato Tanaka have all been contacted but want to be used only in shots.


The full time name guys like Sabu, Sandman and maybe Rhino (who wants out of TNA) will be used to put over OVW next generation and the new kids will be ECW.


When someone gets over they will be sent to RAW or SD!


The bookers will be Heyman and Dreamer but Dave says Tommy proved to be one of the worst bookers in recent history when given a chance in OVW.

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Dreamer was a bad booker, but he's good at handling things. He should be Heyman's asscociate and handle the other stuff and let Heyman worry about the writing and booking.

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Well, it looks like I will never watch SD! again, what with GayBL winning the World Title, and embarking on another shitfuck title reign.


GayBL? What are you, 12 years old?





Wow, that was original. So, you rather see the title go back around the waist of that Anal-Rapist, Justin "The Hawk" Bradshaw. A guy who blew Vince all the way to the top. Yeah.

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Well, it looks like I will never watch SD! again, what with GayBL winning the World Title, and embarking on another shitfuck title reign.


GayBL? What are you, 12 years old?





Wow, that was original. So, you rather see the title go back around the waist of that Anal-Rapist, Justin "The Hawk" Bradshaw. A guy who blew Vince all the way to the top. Yeah.



GayBL is rather pathetic and atrocious as far as insults are concerned and calling it 12 year old level is being generous.


Smackdown is a sinking ship, despite the upgrade in quality. Everyone is falling apart. WWE needs someone to plug in while they wait for the messiah (Batista) to return.


Rey is hurt, he can't continue his botched run much longer. Kurt is out of the picture. Orton went Orton. You got JBL and Henry.


JBL can at least carry a program and put over the other guy.

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The bookers will be Heyman and Dreamer but Dave says Tommy proved to be one of the worst bookers in recent history when given a chance in OVW.


Was he bad in the eyes of the smarks? Or bad in the eyes of management? Because it'd be almost impossible to turn both groups off.

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The bookers will be Heyman and Dreamer but Dave says Tommy proved to be one of the worst bookers in recent history when given a chance in OVW.


Was he bad in the eyes of the smarks? Or bad in the eyes of management? Because it'd be almost impossible to turn both groups off.


Well, sounds like Dave was making his own opinion there on Dreamer's weakness as a booker.


Remember Tommy was kicked out of the booker's office in almost record time a couple years ago.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

If Rey's hurt, we have another choice, and that is Chris Benoit. Have Henry injure Rey and make him forfeit the title, which Benoit promptly wins, or at least have Benoit beat JBL if they don't want it vacated again.

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Well, it looks like I will never watch SD! again, what with GayBL winning the World Title, and embarking on another shitfuck title reign.


GayBL? What are you, 12 years old?





Wow, that was original. So, you rather see the title go back around the waist of that Anal-Rapist, Justin "The Hawk" Bradshaw. A guy who blew Vince all the way to the top. Yeah.



GayBL is rather pathetic and atrocious as far as insults are concerned and calling it 12 year old level is being generous.


Smackdown is a sinking ship, despite the upgrade in quality. Everyone is falling apart. WWE needs someone to plug in while they wait for the messiah (Batista) to return.


Rey is hurt, he can't continue his botched run much longer. Kurt is out of the picture. Orton went Orton. You got JBL and Henry.


JBL can at least carry a program and put over the other guy.



Well, then I guess the good people down at JD's Worst of Wrestling are having a bad influence on me, then. Oh, and I'm 24, BTW.

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Smackdown is a sinking ship, despite the upgrade in quality. Everyone is falling apart. WWE needs someone to plug in while they wait for the messiah (Batista) to return.


Rey is hurt, he can't continue his botched run much longer. Kurt is out of the picture. Orton went Orton. You got JBL and Henry.


JBL can at least carry a program and put over the other guy.

Don't forget about the 5-time, 5-time, 5-time, 5-time, 5-time WCW Champion Booker T :P

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If Rey's hurt, we have another choice, and that is Chris Benoit. Have Henry injure Rey and make him forfeit the title, which Benoit promptly wins, or at least have Benoit beat JBL if they don't want it vacated again.

It makes more sense to have the belt on a heel, whether coming up to ONS with RVD or Batista coming back. It'd be smarter to have JBL hold the US title for a while and have Booker T as world champ, but I guess Booker is stuck in KOTR now with Kurt injured. There's always Henry but I'd rather they unsuspended Orton and have him go over Mysterio than see the world's fattest man as world champ.

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I think JBL would be a good option as a World Champ at this time. Not much is available for options at this point. Why not let the man who can have a good brawl, and build the program with his promos be in the hunt for the world title?

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Wow, that was original. So, you rather see the title go back around the waist of that Anal-Rapist, Justin "The Hawk" Bradshaw. A guy who blew Vince all the way to the top. Yeah.


well said

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My only hope is that the "Rey Mysterio Experiment" never gets repeated. He never should have been given a World Title, and hopefully Vince realizes that this was a monumental mistake.

Yeah, let's stick to good old fashioned hosses. We can only hope Vince relalises his mistake and no-one under 6 foot 5 ever gets the belt again.


I swear, you whine about Vince favoring big no talent guys, then bitch when a small, talented worker gets the strap. Rey Mysterio should have gotten this title, no question, but it should have been booked better, this is the worst booked title reign I can remember right now.


No, you've got it wrong. Rey is not a small, talented worker to me. He's a stale, overrated, slightly taller midget who exposes the business every time he beats a 250+ pound man with a swinging kick to the "face", then jumps from a few feet away and gently caresses their chest with his 150 pound senton, or better yet does a 'rana where the opponent has to lift his legs in the air like a pornstar so little Rey can hook them. Mickie James has as much right to be the WWE Champ/WHC as Rey does, which is to say none, and Mickie actually has a character and promo ability.


There was no one on SD that I would have objected to getting the title before Rey and that includes Orton, Henry and the fucking meaningless Boogeyman. Now, as long as JBL drops the title at ONS I'm all for it. If Vince has ideas that prolong his reign beyond that date, then he's an idiot.

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