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X-Men 3

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First off, we aren't even sure Scott is dead. We don't know what Jean/Phoenix did with him, it's assumed he's dead. It's assumed she killed him. We have no idea where he is and obviously if Phoenix wanted to block Xavier she could. And seriously, how many times did Prof and Jean die in the comic? I swear, they were killed every five months there in the early years of MARVEL. So they are easy to bring back although they should bring her back in another body, which is why I think they did most of what they did.


I thought it flowed just fine, I was able to follow it and it didn't feel like it was leaving anything unfilled. If anything, it left the door wide open for a part 4. It really would have benefitted from being a good thirty minutes longer but I felt like it was very good and FINALLY gave me the damn battle that Marvel would tease each and every freakin time they needed a boast in profits.


Sometime tells me FOX is going to start talking to the cast and see if they want to come back if the script is right. And I don't think they'll have a problem convincing them to come back. Plus they have some pretty big villians who want the destruction of Mutant and Human who could throw the world into chaos if they want.


If you loved the Origin of Phoenix, you will not like this movie. Nevermind Phoenix is the ultimate badass, you'll hate it cause you didn't get to see Famke walking around in black lingerie or some big dumb ass space battle. Yes, I am god damn GLAD they abandoned that reject of a storyline.

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If you loved the Origin of Phoenix, you will not like this movie. Nevermind Phoenix is the ultimate badass, you'll hate it cause you didn't get to see Famke walking around in black lingerie or some big dumb ass space battle. Yes, I am god damn GLAD they abandoned that reject of a storyline.


Phoenix didn't run around in lingerie during the origin story. That was part of the Dark Phoenix Saga, after she was brainwashed by Mastermind and the Hellfire Club.

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Wait, I didnt think they showed magneto moving that piece at the end. It just showed him trying to and then quits to the credits. (in relation to what spman originally said) I left before the xavier end bit though.



Also it definatly seems to be going along Ultimate xmen comics (phoenix being a part of Jean, Juggernaut being a mutant and not related to xavier)

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Saw the movie and enjoyed it. Better than the first, but not nearly as good as the second and the difference in talent between Singer & Ratner is noticeble. My biggest problem is that the second act between Jean's escape and Magneto going to war is rushed. It felt like the human side in particular acted too quickly and that we were missing some information there.


On the positive side, the story is sound and Ian McKellen's version of Magneto is still the greatest movie comic book villain out there. I couldn't care less about the changes from the comics. X-Men was always about the human/mutant conflict more than it ever was about any individual character. This isn't Spider-Man or Batman where the character IS the story. This film is certainly a lot better than people are giving it credit for.

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it was ok, after a while I settled in and just enjoyed the action and Ian McKellen's always awesome line delivery. I also thought the ending with logan and jean was good in that they didn't pussy out. other than that it was kind of corny. I cringed a lot early on at some corny setups and pointless mutant displays but the 2nd half seemed better.

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Just got back and enjoyed it a lot. My only complaint is that, reading the book before seeing the movie, I ntoiced a few things that were changed that should have been left alone- like Rogue changing her mind and not getting the cure, then comming back to stand gaurd at the mansion; Angel joining the team on the way to Alcatraz; and a few scenes that were cut out, like a flashback to the early days of the team and the Death of Annie scene.

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Wait, I didnt think they showed magneto moving that piece at the end. It just showed him trying to and then quits to the credits. (in relation to what spman originally said) I left before the xavier end bit though.



I thought the piece actually quivered a bit. I thought it moved.

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Guest Evolution

I don't know what the deal was, but I definitely did not see Snakes on a Plane in front of X-Men 3 when I went there last night at midnight for the first showing.

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Yeah, I'm glad 2Gold explained one thing. No one ever seems to die in X-Men. I swear when I read that possible scenario with Prof. X (

namely that he transferred his mind to someone else

) I couldn't help but think of Rai #0. I guess Xavier is now taking lessons from Toyo Harada.

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I too didn't mind Fantastic Four myself...perhaps just seeing the Corman one influenced me, and the fact that we have a friend who reminds us of the movie Thing, but really it wasn't that bad. Not perfect (i.e. Jessica Alba gets the Denise Richards "dumb genius" treatment, and watered down Doom -- though that trip to Latveria at the end might do something about that) but mostly because of nitpicky stuff to me. It was actually more satisfying to me than Revenge of the Sith, if you can believe that.


Well, I am getting the mixed reactions about X3 that I expected, and that in turn is giving me cold feet about seeing it (puts me in a bind, actually, as a friend wanted me to go with him to see it, as a belated birthday present...tix would be on him). If it's F4 acceptable, and I don't need to bust out the Schumacher Rubber Nipple Meter (for the "new director/third installment" curse), then fine. But I also fear the feeling of seeing a watered down version of Singer's work and feeling let down.


Actually, the more reasonable reviews here do make me feel a BIT better, over on DVDVR they're much harder on the movie. Still the concerns remain. Oh well, if X3 marks the jumping of the shark, hopefully we lost a good X-Men movie but got that decent Superman movie in exchange.

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Wow, spman, "turd" wasn't an appropriate descriptor. I find "pile of puke" much more accurate - everything from the subpar acting (which you can't really blame on the actors considering the god-awful script) to the inconsistency in the effects and convoluted plotline.

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Wait, I didnt think they showed magneto moving that piece at the end. It just showed him trying to and then quits to the credits. (in relation to what spman originally said) I left before the xavier end bit though.



I thought the piece actually quivered a bit. I thought it moved.


It did.

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Just came back. I thought the action scenes were great, but everything else fell flat. It definitely could've been a bit longer. X2 is still the best of the series, imo, but this was better than the first.


I was dissappointed I didn't get a Snakes on a Plane preview, but they showed a kick ass new trailer for Superman Returns. The whole theater was buzzing after it.

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Yeah, I'm glad 2Gold explained one thing. No one ever seems to die in X-Men. I swear when I read that possible scenario with Prof. X (

namely that he transferred his mind to someone else

) I couldn't help but think of Rai #0. I guess Xavier is now taking lessons from Toyo Harada.


Only a few died in this one and they were mostly worthless. Jean doesn't say she killed him, she imagines herself rising out of the lake and she begs Wolverine to kill her while Wolverine keeps saying, "what happened to Scott?"

Wolverine makes the assumation she killed him because Phoenix throws him against a wall hard enough to kill him.


Jean can come back since hell, Phoenix is incredibly strong. Cyclops can come back easily as well, you never saw his death and it is just assumed she vaporized him so that one can be wiped out as well. And Xavier is Xavier.

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I haven't been a huge fan of the series, but this was pretty terrible. It started out promisingly, but it fell apart in no time. I know they've built up the characters in the previous two flicks, but just about everyone felt hollow here. I had no reason to care about most of the involved parties.


And I know this is supposed to be the last one, the amount of deaths seemed unnecessary. I know I was supposed to care, but I just didn't. My main beef was the script, I guess. Visually, it was an exciting movie, but the script was just awful.


The lack of character depth was one thing, but some of the dialogue made me wonder if a 13-year-old had won a contest to write parts of the script. Seriously, "I'm the Jugganaut, bitch!" OMG THAT'S SOOOO FUNNY! The crowd ate it up like it was the wittiest thing ever blurted on the silver screen, but I just sat there wondering if that's all it takes to amuse some people.


Definite popcorn movie, and I asume the casual movie-goers will dig it, but as even a novice fan of the book, it's a pretty terrible flick.

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I haven't been a huge fan of the series, but this was pretty terrible. It started out promisingly, but it fell apart in no time.

I am a big fan of the series, and felt the same way. Loved the short prologues, loved the danger room scene. Loved the stuff with Beast, and the initial discussion of/reaction to the cure. And then as soon as they started bringing Jean back into things, it went downhill very quickly. I did really like the girl who played Kitty Pryde, though. Added a lot to a small part, and she really seemed like the only worthwhile addition out of the 7 or 8 new mutants, Beast aside. Ultimately the whole thing seemed pretty small scale, which it shouldn't have.

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Seriously, "I'm the Jugganaut, bitch!" OMG THAT'S SOOOO FUNNY! The crowd ate it up like it was the wittiest thing ever blurted on the silver screen, but I just sat there wondering if that's all it takes to amuse some people.


It's amusing cause it's a reference to something that has developped a cult following not because of "TEE HEE! HE SAID BITCH! LOL~!"


It's amazing how the internet can make some things cultural phenomenons ("I'm the Juggernaut, bitch", Lazy Sunday, etc.)

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Saw it tonight and thought it was a lot better than I thought it would be.


The movie had all the makings of a huge disaster but ended up being pretty good overall for what it was worth. The fight scene towards the end with all the mutants was awesome.

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Seriously, "I'm the Jugganaut, bitch!" OMG THAT'S SOOOO FUNNY! The crowd ate it up like it was the wittiest thing ever blurted on the silver screen, but I just sat there wondering if that's all it takes to amuse some people.


It's amusing cause it's a reference to something that has developped a cult following not because of "TEE HEE! HE SAID BITCH! LOL~!"

I assure you the mostly teenage crowd I saw this with laughed because he said bitch.

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Oh, I guess I don't get this "cult" reference, either. Please elaborate.




More than 2 million views...one of the most popular videos "You Tube" has made famous. I assure you most of the people laughing in the theater were familiar with this.


Wow. That's what that was all about? Easily one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.

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Never said it was gonna be the funniest thing you've seen.


Just pointing out that this became big enough for the X3 writer to put it in the movie as a "not-so-inside" joke.

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I doubt it. You may have a case if this were an isolated thing, but the equally bad, "Who's hiding, dickhead?" line that followed indicated the writer simply tries to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Then again, I guess that's about all you can expect from a duo whose screenplay credits include:


- xXx: State of the Union

- Fantastic Four

- Mr. & Mrs. Smith

- Elektra

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