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Sorry, but I only have 99 red balloons. Which means that there is obviously not enough of a surplus to supply you with one.

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I do a lot of boring things involving speaking and setting up a match with landon at 13th Hour, then Zyon goes and ruins it all by beating Landon. Way to go, Zyon. ;)


In other news, Spike's match made me laugh a lot. HE IS THE KING OF CAMBODIA!

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Well what did we learn today?: Smackdown by the numbers


Opening promo


1) Michael Stephens needs to use the word ”Fah-bu-lous” more in his promos

2) Stephens is a sad panda over the actions of Mike Van Siclen & Tom Flesher

3) Poor little Michael

4) The Grappler is apparently Flesher’s bitch and as such not worthy of much attention.

5) Landon has turned to the Dark side of the force (as opposed to the Dork side of the force he’s been wallowing in for a long time)

6) He still won’t face Landon (yeah, yeah it’ll never EEEEEEEEEVER happen agaain!)




1) I’m glad I rechecked because first time I read it the match wasn’t there

2) whomever James Matheson is he’s got a man-crush on Flesher

3) Flesher needs to wear scaly spandex and speak with a lisp to really sell the “King Cobra” *thumbs up*

4) Short match, IL is probably still suffering the ill effects of Pandemonium


Ced segment


1) Ced speaks!! *Marks out*

2) Ced wrestles. . . later tonight *Unmarks*


Bruce Blank & Bloodshed Vs Stryke & Christian Fury


So what did we learn here?


1) That Jetlag is a bitch

2) That Bruce & Bloodshed actually have more teaming experience than the current tag-team champions (stemming from their OAOAST angle netting them the 6 man tag titles and have teamed there 2 times. . . leading Jones & Jenkins by 2)

3) That I don’t comment on my own match quality


Spike Vs Amy Vs Manson: Hardcore title


1) Brilliant move to make it a “pre-taped” segment *thumbs up*

2) This is probably Amy’s last match (with no “two character” rule in place and all)

3) Spike is the King of Cambodiaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!

4) Oh yeah and the new Hardcore Gamer’s champion too


Michael Stephens Segment part deux.


I’ll cut to the chase here


1) Michael Stephens/Landon – they’re finally getting a room, erm I mean it’s ON SUCKA!! At 13th hour!!! (Blind man in the 27nd row didn’t see it coming, yeah the guy behind the colum, that’s the one)


Grendel Vs Hawke


1) That 987 degree twisting moonman split legged Fire Assault Splash driver RULEZ!!


Ced Vs Mike Myers


1) It looked like one of the two would actually win a match in 2006

2) Austin Sly proved them wrong (thankfully)

3) Sly amz back from London


JJ / Sean Davis


1) Wow a Lariat

2) Wow another lariat

3) A series of lariats is apparently called a “Hansen of Lariats”


Stephens segment part. . . oh lord I lost count


1) The 13th hour match will be for the world title (Makes me wonder if Mike write for Marvel Comics?)



Zyon Vs Landon


I’ll boil it down to one thing, this match proved one thing to me and hopefully a lot of others


1) Zyon has unlimited potential and WILL go far

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A Hansen of Lariats is your new official collective noun.

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Holy shit :o


See that's why you shouldn't let jet lagged people write matches, I can't believe I wrote the wrong dang guy in the match.


Sorry man

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I doubt either of them have noticed or will care.

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I learned that Bruce enjoys putting himself over more than I do in his comments.






I never want to face Landon ever again




Okay, maybe one more time, like for "true" retirement, since I doubt Todd Royal will ever be back

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I do, quite frequently in fact.


He quit because he had no time whatsoever to do anything, and while I bring up the subject to him every few weeks, he won't even come back to TSM, for fear he will get sucked back into the fed and fuck up his real life.

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So cut and paste all the shows into one big document, then email them to him. Bet you anything he'll read them.


And then he'll come back, and we'll have ruined another person's life (Y)

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Time to be critical I'm afraid. Sorry if this sounds bitter, Zy.


Zyon's match had the right elements and he used Landon well. I didn't mention the angle Toxx wrote earlier in the show which I should have done, so apologies for that. Now, I don't know why Zyon used so many European Uppercuts and suplexes, seeing as neither is in my moveset. I had to re-read the spot where Landon hit the belly to belly twice just to make sure it happened and it was Landon because it was too out of character for him to go for it. This is going to sound so hypocritical, coming from me I know...but it seemed at times like a bunch of moves that didn't go anywhere until somebody finally got a finisher. Landon worked the neck a bit but I don't think it was sold at all. The submission finishers were both wasted badly in half a paragraph with no build whatsoever. I know Zyon and Landon are notorious spot wrestlers, but still. It was a decent match, but I didn't get a really strong story from it.


Also, nobody should ever use times in their matches unless it's needed in the rules like an Ironman Match, because nobody ever gets it right. 47 minutes?! Maybe on slow-mo.

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I seem to recall Frost having some kind of "formula" for match times based on word limits, and I've always tried to more or less go by that... As I recall, he estimated that a 5K match would "realistically" be somewhere around 12-15 minutes; a 6K match ought to be right around twenty, twenty-five tops.


I gotta agree with Maddix: I definitely don't think that a "47:39" match can reasonably be pulled off in 6K.

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It very much so depends on the way you write it. For a PPV match, entrances might be extravigant and there might be some build up with anouncers or video packages. That can EASILY consume 1k, if not more. If you're writing a fast-paced match, 6 to 7k should be 20 to 30 minutes. The TLC match I wrote was in the 7k range and I always viewed it as being most likely a solid 25 minute spot fest.

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Now, I don't know why Zyon used so many European Uppercuts and suplexes, seeing as neither is in my moveset.





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It very much so depends on the way you write it. For a PPV match, entrances might be extravigant and there might be some build up with anouncers or video packages. That can EASILY consume 1k, if not more. If you're writing a fast-paced match, 6 to 7k should be 20 to 30 minutes. The TLC match I wrote was in the 7k range and I always viewed it as being most likely a solid 25 minute spot fest.




All my intros/entrances are between 1-1.4K, regardless of whether it's PPV or a regular show. I do it that way, not because I write particularly elaborate ring entrances (which I actually don't most of the time, even on PPV), but because, as a deficient promo writer, I use the "pre-bell" portion of my matches to actually sell the plot, and put over whatever story I'm trying to sell. Take the program I did with Hawke, for example: I think that most people got how we were trying to get the whole feud to come across, despite the fact that neither one of us did any board promos or show promos to put the story over.



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Time to be critical I'm afraid. Sorry if this sounds bitter, Zy.


Zyon's match had the right elements and he used Landon well. I didn't mention the angle Toxx wrote earlier in the show which I should have done, so apologies for that. Now, I don't know why Zyon used so many European Uppercuts and suplexes, seeing as neither is in my moveset. I had to re-read the spot where Landon hit the belly to belly twice just to make sure it happened and it was Landon because it was too out of character for him to go for it. This is going to sound so hypocritical, coming from me I know...but it seemed at times like a bunch of moves that didn't go anywhere until somebody finally got a finisher. Landon worked the neck a bit but I don't think it was sold at all. The submission finishers were both wasted badly in half a paragraph with no build whatsoever. I know Zyon and Landon are notorious spot wrestlers, but still. It was a decent match, but I didn't get a really strong story from it.


Also, nobody should ever use times in their matches unless it's needed in the rules like an Ironman Match, because nobody ever gets it right. 47 minutes?! Maybe on slow-mo.


Just responding to give meaning (somewhat) to why I wrote the match I did.


Ok, the suplexes. Four suplexes were attempted (wheelbarrow twice), five if you count the backdrop driver. One was successful, two if you count the backdrop driver. The wheelbarrow suplexes were used mainly to go with the momentum, and that it was more Zyon (Hooking Landon's head) that Landon actually going for the suplex. The belly to belly was used since Landon seems to be influenced the most by Johnson, Hawke, and Tom Flesher. Johnson and Flesher more so than Hawke. Flesh and Johnson both use suplexes, and Tom uses the belly to belly. If anything, Landon was borrowing from his past for motivation, which he has done a lot of, lately. The German I used as a transition and it's a cruiserweight favorite. Backdrop Driver was a counter to the bulldog, nothing more.


Three European uppercuts. I don't really consider than much, but I can see where your coming from. But really it's a strike, a strike used by cruiser/technicians. Both of which Landon is or trying to be.


The neck work wasn't supposed to play a huge factor. Maybe put a little scare into the Zyon for the reader, but the neck work wasn't supposed to play a huge factor.


The submission finishers didn't get built and was used in half a paragraph because they are both submissions you get put in and it's deadly. You say it yourself that the Land Of Nod can be put on someone with Vitality 5 or lower and its deadly. It was also a portion of that match where it was supposed to be two cruisers countering each other with a fast pace style. I don't find writing three paragraphs for the Land Of Nod and then countering it to be fast pace. Compacting it all in half a paragraph gives off a sense of speed and desperation, I'd say.


The story of my match wasn't any neck work or Landon using "insert number of moves here" to set Zyon up for the LON. Same goes for Zyon. The story was two cruisers battling each other with Landon gaining the upperhand due to his superior technical ability/cheating tactics. Tried to put over the pressure on Landon who knew he had to keep Zyon grounded/tied up (cravates, chin locks) while trying to hold his own spotty nature in check. Basically the early part of the match was a nervous Zyon facing a cocky Landon. As the match progressed, Zyon was able to ease in to the match while Landon did what he could to keep the youth in check, while trying to finish him off. The end was in classic cruiser spotfest fashion where the two hit each other with high impact moves (backdrop driver, powerbomb, etc...) and looked to finish each other off (submission finishers) only to either have the opponent kickout or counter their maneuver.


If you want to get basic. Zyon's part of the story was overcoming his nervousness, Landon's superior technical skill, and Megan Skye. Landon's story was his arrogance, trying to hold his opponent in check with his technical skill, and trying to hold his own spotfest nature in check.


I can see what your saying with all of your critiques, but I'm a bit disappointed you didn't get a strong story since I purposely brought the emo as the match came to a climax. But thanks non the less for your comments.


Oh and the time thing...eh yeah. Pretty wrong on my part.

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