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Special K

Great joke characters

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Having recently reread 'Hitman' I'll start with some members of Section 8.


The DEFENSTRATOR. To defenstrate is to throw out a window. This is his only power. It has been stated that he got into a row with a GOtham cop, and threw him through the same window 14 times. Carries a spare window with him.


Bueno Excelente. As the leader of the team states: He fights the powers of evil with perversion! His power is fucking criminals up the ass. Seriously.


And the best for last: The DOGWELDER: Wears a we;ders suit and mask. catches stray dogs in bear traps. His power? He keeps a cache of dead dogs attached to his suit. He takes them, and welds them to villains' faces. Fuckin' brilliant.


Section 8 also has a guy names Shakes who does nothing but have DTs (something I think Garth Ennis is familiar with) And Friendly Fire, who is able to fire powerful energy blasts, but always misses and hits his teammates.

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There's always The Ecdysiast...










I still have that comic in my collection. Makes me wanna have a bachelor party of my own...

Been there, done that, got really, really pissed. Yet somehow won $150 at blackjack...

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