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TWIB: June 5-11

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As some of you know, the minor league umpires settled their labor dispute and are gradually heading back to work. One unspoken effect of this is on minor league batting/pitching performances. Last season, the league average for runs scored in the International League was 4.79 runs per game. This season it fell to 3.97 runs per game. That's a huge drop in one season. So if your favorite pitching prospect starts getting lit up, don't panic.

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I'm pretty sure it only goes to 50 rounds...or at least till the teams stop picking people.


There's good buzz around two Houston area pitchers-Kyle Drabek, Doug Drabek's son and Brad Lincoln, a RHP/1st baseman from the University of Houston. There was alot of preseason talk that the Astros would draft Lincoln in the first round, but I heard tonite on the news that he might go sooner than that...perhaps to the Royals, but I don't see that happening, however, he's really, really good. Drabek's a high-school kid, so who knows what'll happen to him.


In other news, Roy Oswalt might be out for a bit. Hopefully not. Anyway, happy times are coming for Houston, as the Cubbies are coming in, so that should be a nice bounce-back series for the Astros.

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Yeah, that's what I heard. I heard that he's got great stuff-probably the best fastball/curveball among high school kids in the draft, and that he's probably the best position player from high school int he draft (but I have no idea what position he plays), but I heard he's got a chip on his shoulder, which is the problem with drafting high school kids...and Scott Boras clients. Luke Hochevar, I'm looking at you...

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This is the weakest draft in about 5 years. It's gonna cause a guy like Drew Stubbs, who is an all world fielder with a questionable major league level bat to be among the first position players chosen.


At least a Tarheel is gonna go number one w/ Andrew Miller - unless the Royals cheap out on the pick.


And in other news, former umpire, Livan Hernandez and Florida Marlin 1997 WS Champion supporter Eric Gregg suffered a massive stroke. He's not gonna be the same again, if he survives at all. I'll never forget that game. Balls about two feet off the plate were being called strikes. Braves fans must hate him.

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Draft order


Yeah, Gammons and everyone else has been saying this is a pretty weak draft, but if you are looking for recognizable names, I believe both Jeffery Maier and Danny Almonte are eligible this year.

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If Maier makes it to the majors, I can't wait to see his first game in Camden Yards. :lol:


You would be surprised to know I read that the idiot Angelos actually was for the Orioles drafting him.


If that happens..Im done with the Orioles, on principle alone. And if he plays for the Shorebirds, I'll throw something at him the first game and get myself banned from the stadium.

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Off-beat news item of the day:


One of the founding members of the Grady Sizemore fan club, Grady's Ladies, was killed by her boyfriend, who then took his own life. Now that's jealousy.

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Is it just me, or is the "murder-suicide" quickly becoming the next big thing in domestic abuse?


In other far less serious baseball news, apparently Yankees third base coach Larry Bowa was seen yelling at Corey Patterson during yesterday's game for stealing second and third while the Orioles enjoyed a six run lead. Apparently, Patterson wasn't playing the game "the right way." Cue the violins.

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Why is signability such a dirty word? Everything seems to say Andrew Miller is the no.1 pick unless the Royals decide he isn't worth the asking price (implying that they are just being cheap). They also say, however, that he isn't exactly the type of lock you want look for in a number one. So is it really worth paying twice as much for a player (BA mentions Miller may want an eight figure deal), if the second player is just a tick below the first? Especially if the savings there allow you to take and sign 3 or 4 tough signs.


If you are passing on a Justin Upton, ARod, etc. for money, then yes that is just being cheap. But is it really that wrong for money to be a (a, not the) factor when it comes to who you want to pick?

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Eric Gregg suffered a massive stroke.




The Braves begin a series with the Nationals tonight, Bobby Cox seemed really pissed about the disaster that was the D-Backs series, so I'm hoping they can respond and finally get their shit together

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A guy that looked to be about 500 pounds for years suffered a stroke? No way!


On a baseball related note, I can't believe that Mike and the Mad Dog have been talking for a couple of hours about Lastings Milledge high fiving a few fans on his way back to the outfield. The fact that people had a problem with this just goes to show that even though it's 2006 some baseball "purists" wish it was still 1906. It's not golf for crying out loud. Emotion is good.

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Milledge's skin color would have prevented him from playing in MLB in 1906. Progress is good.

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Yeah but the players were still directly interacting with the fans. Guess what? They even worked with the fans during the off season.


The players today are too distant from the fans, that any interaction is an uncomfortable situation for them and an awkward event for the media to acknowledge.


Thus, the big hoopla about some no-name slapping fives with the fans while the game wasn't even in play.

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Guest Felonies!

This is the stupidest non-issue I've ever heard.


Also, I had no idea that Lastings Milledge was a black kid. My mental image was always a skinny New England aristocrat with a handlebar and his socks pulled up, and some sorta cross between Bronson Arroyo and Rollie Fingers.

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It seems every season in MLB, there is always one of these type of non-stories that gets overblown because there's not much else to dicuss in the summer. It's just the media jumped the gun.

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Also, I had no idea that Lastings Milledge was a black kid. My mental image was always a skinny New England aristocrat with a handlebar and his socks pulled up, and some sorta cross between Bronson Arroyo and Rollie Fingers.


That's the impression I initially got when I first heard his name as well. Not quite that detailed, but along the same lines.

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Pfft. Baseball writers are stupid. It's not like Lastings Milledge did a stupid celebration dance or something. I personally think endzone celebrations in football show up the opposing team a Hell of a lot more than a rookie slapping hands with fans after hitting his first major league homerun. It's not like he Barry Bondsded it and watched it for fifteen minutes before doing the slow jog around the bases. He was excited. Good for him. Go get 'em, rook.


Edit: I just read that tomorrow, June 6th, Roger Clemens' start for the Lexington Legends will be televised on ESPN with the BBTN crew doing in-house commentary on the game. I'm curious to watch it, not just for Clemens, but also because I wanna get a look at Troy Patton, the Astros #1 prospect, who, apparently crushes mad balls, yo.

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Melky didn't do anything except take off on a ball he shouldn't have and nearly get picked off by Varitek. The Sox decided to "little league" him home though with a shitty throw and lack of covering the plate by the first baseman. They should all be embarassed of that play turning out the way it did, and yes that includes Melky.

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Guest NYankees



That is the craziest run you are going to see all year. Top 5 highlight for 2006.

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