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Stupid stuff that pisses you off

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Che Guevera T-Shirts and the people who wear them


What if it is Peter Griffin looking like Che Guevera?



Family Guy sucks these days

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- Holding the door for someone and not getting thanked. Seems to happen to me an awful lot.

- Allowing someone to walk in front of you (say, you're walking into a store in the mall and they're walking past the store) and not getting thanked.


Quoted for truth


This is why my barber is an old Italian guy. We don't say shit to each other and that's the way we like it.


Everyone's should be. With a red and white and blue striped pole in front.

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A couple more I remembered from the workplace today.


Some woman stands in front of one section of cereal for about 5 minutes, as I try to stock it. She then turns around and says "oh, am I in your way? hee hee!"


Also, I'm eating something at lunch, and a woman asks me "is that good?"


...if it wasn't good, WHY WOULD I BE EATING IT.

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Guest Felonies!
People who think they're better than everyone else just because they bicycle regularly


Can we still be friends?

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I think the worst are the big groups of cyclists that will come through an area. I helped with a "corn and chicken roast dinner" at a park here in town last year, and they were all like "Don't you have a recycling bin? We don't like that you only have trash." I was just like "Eh, whatever, I don't make the decisions". I should've told them "Well, we could have recycling bins, but they'd all end up in that same dumpster out back, anyway." I think what really pissed me off was I had been collecting the huge amounts of trash from about 10 different trash cans all day, risking getting stung by bees, and these guys were finding something to complain about.

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-People who complain all the time and when you offer them a perfectly reasonable soloution to their 'problem' they come up with a million excuses not to do it.


-Women who cry to get attention


-Women who use sex as blackmail


-Women who say "If you loved me you would"




-Lateness, whay say 7 if you mean 8 30??


-People who constantly complain about their appearance, even after you tell them they look awesome




-And cheats


-People who are thoughtless and cause you to feel bad ALL the time and then get pissed off cos you are upset (think your best friend forgetting your birthday or something and then complaining cos you are upset)



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Guest Felonies!
I think the worst are the big groups of cyclists that will come through an area. I helped with a "corn and chicken roast dinner" at a park here in town last year, and they were all like "Don't you have a recycling bin? We don't like that you only have trash." I was just like "Eh, whatever, I don't make the decisions". I should've told them "Well, we could have recycling bins, but they'd all end up in that same dumpster out back, anyway." I think what really pissed me off was I had been collecting the huge amounts of trash from about 10 different trash cans all day, risking getting stung by bees, and these guys were finding something to complain about.

Oh. Oh, well that's different. Yeah, that's irritating. I just don't like to drive if it's not far enough to warrant it, so I ride my bike or walk in town.

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-People who rant about "evil government" and the "evils of capitalism" when they are pretty much benefitting in one way or another from the government. Actually, make that people who rant about why they hate capitalism while they chug down their Starbucks coffee.

-The CE folder nowadays.

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back in high school, I hated when people were referred to by their last name...hell I hate it even more now when adults do it...you guys know what I mean. There was a guy at my school named Jake Steingraber and he was always referred to as Steingraber, never Jake.


I once knew a guy who I thought was named Bracey; I didn't learn until months afterwards that Bracey wasn't even his name; it was his last name. But we knew like, 5 other people with that name so it was legit easier that way. Hell, 2 of my best friends are named Chris, and I don't call either of them that.


Retail stuff...I second "Load that up in my car". Also, "You're gonna come home with me and bring that in the house too, right?" Har-de-har-har. It wasn't funny the first million times I heard it, it's not funny now.


I also hate cashiers who bitch too much. You don't know how often I see some cashier crying out back because some customer yelled at them. CRYING. Because someone was just being a douche. Jesus, QUIT if it's that hard.

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-People who rant about "evil government" and the "evils of capitalism" when they are pretty much benefitting in one way or another from the government. Actually, make that people who rant about why they hate capitalism while they chug down their Starbucks coffee.

-The CE folder nowadays.

It's not like you produce any kind of real arguments in there. Looks like all you do is hide behind others. Your only contribution to the Loose Change thread is dumb pictures and saying "yeah, you just told him! Can we close this thread now?" over and over.

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-People who rant about "evil government" and the "evils of capitalism" when they are pretty much benefitting in one way or another from the government. Actually, make that people who rant about why they hate capitalism while they chug down their Starbucks coffee.

-The CE folder nowadays.

It's not like you produce any kind of real arguments in there. Looks like all you do is hide behind others. Your only contribution to the Loose Change thread is dumb pictures and saying "yeah, you just told him! Can we close this thread now?" over and over.

Ok, point taken


(Hey, at least I know when I'm defeated)

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That's cool. It's good to see that you can recognize this. I might start posting in there again soon, should something interesting enough happen. Right now it's a bunch of one-sided issues at the public fore.

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People who do not pay attention and then blame someone else for an obvious error (not reading packaging is the big one). We saw this in person while in line to return something at Target. A woman was raising holy hell because she bought a PC-CD version of the GAME Cars (the movie that just came out...yesterday? I think yesterday). She was returning it because SHE THOUGHT IT WAS THE FUCKING MOVIE ON DVD. Despite the fact that a quarter of the fucking box said in black and white "PC-CD CDROM". She was bitching at the girl behind the return counter because she bought it as a gift for someone and it was labelled wrong, she doesn't know what PC-CD CDROM means, etc.etc. Of course, she doesn't have the receipt. She finally gave up with the poor girl at the counter and demanded a manager. While waiting for the manager, the girl helped the next person in line (some broad in front of us) and the complaining customer looks at me and remarks "Can you believe it? I can't believe they'd label it wrong!" to which I remarked "Yeah, it's almost like they labelled it as a computer game! I can't believe a movie that came out yesterday WOULDN'T be out on dvd!" real sarcastic like. She shot me a death glare and turned around.


I didn't see how it turned out, but I hope she gets hit by a fucking bus.

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I'll tell you what pisses me off, it's people who wish something completely overblown and terrible on someone who temporarily inconvenienced them or was rude for a second. I'm guilty of this too, but I've been trying to cut down on the "okay, be that way, burn in hell" kneejerk reactions lately. Us 21st century humans are too easily rattled.

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People who bitch about tiny things all the time. I used to do this a few years ago... but I'm a lot more relaxed now.


People who you give good, sound advice... and even they'll say something like, "Wow... I'll have to do it this way from now on. Thanks!" and then they'll come back complaining to you a few days later about the same thing you just tried to help them with.


Men who act like women.


Wishing harm on someone in the entertainment, or sports industry... listen just because you don't like so-and-so's attitude doesn't mean they deserve to be in a car wreck.


People who get rattled by doing lifes' most simple and minuscule tasks. I can understand if you had a hard day at work or school, but if you've done nothing but sit on your ass all day... then you really have no right to bitch.

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People who do not pay attention and then blame someone else for an obvious error (not reading packaging is the big one). We saw this in person while in line to return something at Target. A woman was raising holy hell because she bought a PC-CD version of the GAME Cars (the movie that just came out...yesterday? I think yesterday). She was returning it because SHE THOUGHT IT WAS THE FUCKING MOVIE ON DVD. Despite the fact that a quarter of the fucking box said in black and white "PC-CD CDROM". She was bitching at the girl behind the return counter because she bought it as a gift for someone and it was labelled wrong, she doesn't know what PC-CD CDROM means, etc.etc. Of course, she doesn't have the receipt. She finally gave up with the poor girl at the counter and demanded a manager. While waiting for the manager, the girl helped the next person in line (some broad in front of us) and the complaining customer looks at me and remarks "Can you believe it? I can't believe they'd label it wrong!" to which I remarked "Yeah, it's almost like they labelled it as a computer game! I can't believe a movie that came out yesterday WOULDN'T be out on dvd!" real sarcastic like. She shot me a death glare and turned around.


I didn't see how it turned out, but I hope she gets hit by a fucking bus.


OH YEAH! I get that all the time in my ECW. (Electronics Coaltion of Wal*Mart). People who "SWEAR THAT STARWARS IS AVAILABLE ON DVD" despite the fact it comes into theatres three days from now. Trust me, it's not just Cars. This happens at least once with every big movie.


As for a similar story to your Target incident:


Last May, I get a call from the return desk. "What's your policy on returning software?" "Only due to technical errors or not working from the get-go. If it's in fine working order, once it's opened, it's yours". The return desk girl said "Yeah, I know. But I couldn't convince him that. He's on his way back to try and convince you the same thing: That he should be allowed to return this game because it's too hard for his son."


Sure enough, he comes back and stares right at the return policy while I'm helping a customer. When I'm finished, I offer him help.


"Where does it say software opened can't be returned?"

"Beside the third star"

"I see. Well, this is too hard for my son. I want to return it."

"Well, I'm sorry, sir. With the ease of damage to discs, as well as pirating/copyright rules, we can not return them if it's opened. I'm sorry, sir."

" Well, it's not your fault. I'm glad to know that my son is learning not to shop here at a young age."



Also, people who say "what is it" in the middle of opening a gift.

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-People who complain all the time and when you offer them a perfectly reasonable soloution to their 'problem' they come up with a million excuses not to do it.


-Women who cry to get attention


-Women who use sex as blackmail


-Women who say "If you loved me you would"




-Lateness, whay say 7 if you mean 8 30??


-People who constantly complain about their appearance, even after you tell them they look awesome




-And cheats


-People who are thoughtless and cause you to feel bad ALL the time and then get pissed off cos you are upset (think your best friend forgetting your birthday or something and then complaining cos you are upset)




So, yeah...women.

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-Women who use sex as blackmail

When I worked at McDonald's, a co-worker offered me sex in exchange for a cheeseburger. She then re-negged afterwards. The cunt.

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Today at work there were some Teenagers who decided to make a ramp out of the platform to the dumpster at work so they could skateboard and it made it impossible for me to take the trash out. I thought about throwing garbage at them..but..since theres a "NO SKATEBOARDING" sign up clearly by the dumpster..called the cops..they got arrested for trespassing..Enjoy your summer you fucking idiots.

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-Women who use sex as blackmail

When I worked at McDonald's, a co-worker offered me sex in exchange for a cheeseburger. She then re-negged afterwards. The cunt.



No offence to your sexual talents, but if she worked at McDonald's with you, couldnt she have had a cheeseburger fairly easily anyway?

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That's cool. It's good to see that you can recognize this. I might start posting in there again soon, should something interesting enough happen. Right now it's a bunch of one-sided issues at the public fore.


This is different than usual how.


Get AIDS and go to fucking hell, Spoon.

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That's cool. It's good to see that you can recognize this. I might start posting in there again soon, should something interesting enough happen. Right now it's a bunch of one-sided issues at the public fore.


This is different than usual how.


Get AIDS and go to fucking hell, Spoon.

Am I supposed to take offense to this or not?

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

I'd beat his ass if he said that to me, because I'm not a bitch.

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Marvin, I can officially now say that you are a dick for calling the cops on the skateboarding kids.


This is why noone will touch you.

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well, they WERE impeding his progress at work...we already know he can't talk to women...what's he gonna do, threaten a bunch of skateboarding punks only to get jumped in front of a trash can?

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After seeing numerous commercials for Cars and Over the Hedge, as well as remembering previews I've seen in my last few theater excursions, surely there's much more that can be done with CGI movies than making cute kiddy films with anthropomorphized (mostly) animals and celebrity voices galore

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Guest wildpegasus
Marvin, I can officially now say that you are a dick for calling the cops on the skateboarding kids.


This is why noone will touch you.



That was awesome. Marvin's da man. No good skateboarder punks think they rule the world. Marvin took action and put them in their place though. Score one for the good guys.

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He should have done the shouting, broom waving "you damn hooligans!" routine that we can all envision.


Made everyone's day.

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