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OAOAST Battlebowl

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For those unfamiliar with Battlebowl, the wrestlers (in this case, 32 of them) are drawn at random into teams (in this case, 16 teams). For example, Zack Malibu and Peter Knight are drawn, followed by Leon Rodez and Tha Puerto Rican. The match would then be Zack/PK vs Leon/PRL. The winning teams will advance to the Battlebowl battle royal, which in this case would include 16 men, in which the winner would then receive a shot at the World championship at AngleSlam in August. There will be a World championship match at the show, as well.


This thread will be the sign-up thread. I'm signing up Thunderkid, Reject, Brock Ausstin, and Jumbo for now. I could pull one or more out.

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PRL's definitley in.


Can I get another Lightning Crew member in? If I can, then I want it to be Vitamin X.


And can I get one of my other guys in there? Because I'd like it if Colombian Heat took part in this year's Battlebowl as well.

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For now, Leon, Bo and CW.


Also, I'm fine with writing the Battle Royal again this year, unless someone else has called it unbeknownest to me and on the condition that people actually write tag matches this year.

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I'll put in Blank and Cardinal X - if you're a body short of 32 then feel free to add another S.I.T.


If I get enough warning I'll also be fine with writing a tag match maybe even two if need be.

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If you could add Otaku to this, I'd appreciate it. You can use Mike too if you need an extra

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The Beverly Hills Blonds (Simon Singleton and Ned Blanchard).


Maybe more if some of the other major players are back by the 4th.

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I appears I didn't take the time to pay attention to the face/heel ratio when compiling the field...so I counted the list, and the original list included 23 heels and 9 faces. I've made a few changes (pending approval), and I've got it to 20/12. Obviously, I'd like to get this evened out a little more.

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If you have both Blank & Cardinal X in there feel free to remove the "Holy Terror" and put in a face to even the balance


if you already removed him - carry on ;)

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For those who have never watched the Battlebowl shows, the faces and heels are shown in separate locker rooms on the split-screen. An announcer and a random chick would conduct the drawings out in the arena. Last year, I think we used Mean Gene Okerlund and Maria. Random chick draws the name, announcer reads the name, name is shown exiting the locker room, possibly with accolades from his fellow faces/heels. Continue process until four wrestlers, or two teams, are drawn up. The four wrestlers then head down the aisle separately with no music. Repeat this process for all eight tag matches. The World title match will follow the tag matches, and the battle royal will end the show.

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In other news, we need eight writers for the tag matches, knowing that you won't neccessarily be writing for your own characters (I think, that's how it worked last time IIRC). So, volunteers here please. I (or Alf or whoever) will edit this list as and when.


Tag Match Writers:

1) Bruce Blank

2) KingPK

3) Adam

4) Alf

5) PFL

6) NYU

7) EWC?



Battle Royal Writer:

King Cucaracha

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Count me in for TAG TEAM ACTION~!


(Preferably involving Hoff and/or Mr. Stone)

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Because of peer pressure...I'll write a match. But it needs to be with characters I know. So keep that in mind, otherwise we might have a disaster on our hands.

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Okay, I need EVERYBODY who's writing a tag match to let me know who's winning their matches ASAP, otherwise there'll be no battle royal. So, another running tally of who's told me...


1) Tony

2) Bruce Blank

3) Adam

4) PFL

5) EWC

6) PK

7) Alf


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