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Guest J0bber

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Dur evil corprations make people poor! In other countrys tho cuz everyone in America has air conditioning!

Good one, A-Bacon

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I wasn't saying being anti-Zionist automatically meant anti-Semitism.


No, you said:


Anyone who says they're "anti-Zionist" is basically saying they want Israel destroyed


That was fucking stupid, so I called you on it.


Being anti-Zionist means you oppose having a Jewish state in Israel. Because some Anti-Semetic extremists have adopted Anti-Zionism historically and currently doesn't mean that all Anti-Zionisits are Anti-Semetic. There have been and are lots of Jewish Anti-Zionists. For instance, in Zionism's early years, many Jews were turned off by its close ties with socialism.


In other words, just because some Anti-Semetists are Anti-Zionist doesn't mean that all Anti-Zionists are Anti-Semetic.


Um, right. But that still doesn't mean that anti-Zionists don't want Israel destroyed.


And for the other poster who started rambling about running black people out of Harlem...you said the Jews should "be like other religions who don't have their own country." You realize being Jewish can also mean simply being ethnically Jewish (while possibly adhering to religions other than Judaism)? Israel is a secular state, so your whole argument is a moot point.


Israel needs to exist, and has a right to defend itself against the barbarians.

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Jesus wasnt really poor! He wore Nikes and had air conditioning! Viva America blu fluh! If you dont agree youre a communist sympathizer dar dur!

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Okay, so put it somewhere else that isn't going to be a perpetual shitstorm.


Yeah, that's a realistic solution at this point.


Oh well, it appears the Israelis are finally taking things into their own hands, since the international community has repeatedly failed to resolve the situation.

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The so-called "special relationship" between the US and Britain has become (and probably always was) an albatross around the UK's neck. Tony Blair still clings to it and claims that it allows him influence in Washington, but thats been disproved many times over the past few years.


They should turn to Europe and try and make a real effort to intergrate and gain a leadership role in the EU, if Britain still clings to the coatails of the US thet will become even more insignifcant on the world stage in their own right

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Jesus wasnt really poor! He wore Nikes and had air conditioning! Viva America blu fluh! If you dont agree youre a communist sympathizer dar dur!

Keep lowering that bar, snuffy

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Jesus wasnt really poor! He wore Nikes and had air conditioning! Viva America blu fluh! If you dont agree youre a communist sympathizer dar dur!


Wow, you're really not funny.

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I remember back when I only knew snuffy as another crap Packers fan in the sports forum and not as America's answer to C-Bacon

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I wasn't saying being anti-Zionist automatically meant anti-Semitism.


No, you said:


Anyone who says they're "anti-Zionist" is basically saying they want Israel destroyed


That was fucking stupid, so I called you on it.


Being anti-Zionist means you oppose having a Jewish state in Israel. Because some Anti-Semetic extremists have adopted Anti-Zionism historically and currently doesn't mean that all Anti-Zionisits are Anti-Semetic. There have been and are lots of Jewish Anti-Zionists. For instance, in Zionism's early years, many Jews were turned off by its close ties with socialism.


In other words, just because some Anti-Semetists are Anti-Zionist doesn't mean that all Anti-Zionists are Anti-Semetic.


Um, right. But that still doesn't mean that anti-Zionists don't want Israel destroyed.


I think our disagreement here is semantic. When you said "destroyed", I took it is an implication that you meant all Anti-Zionists wanted Israel blown up.

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Guest Felonies!
I remember back when I only knew snuffy as another crap Packers fan in the sports forum and not as America's answer to C-Bacon

This is why I still maintain that The Purge was the worst thing to happen to this place. It doubled the awful in both directions.

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The 1st Amendment guarantees "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" that means it entitles a person to freedom OF and FROM religion. If you would, like, actually read it, you could see that. That pretty clearly states that a law can't be based off of religion. As such banning gay marriage, which is argued for on a religous basis is in violation of the 1st Amendment.


I'll say it again for you: you know fuck-all about constitutional law.


A law banning gay marriage is a violation NOT OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT, but of the equal protection clauses of the 5th and 14th amendment. Or at least it will be, once the S.C. finally gets off its ass and finally says that gay marriage is a right (I'm not holding my breath on that one, though).


Here's why: just because Christianity doesn't like gay marriage, it does not mean that an anti-gay-marriage law is based on Christian ideology. You could write an anti-gay marriage law that is based entirely on SECULAR reasons. And hey - they HAVE been written. In several states now.


This really isn't that hard to follow. Just because you SAY that the motive behind anti-gay marriage is rooted in religious ideology (something I would agree with), that does NOT mean that the law itself is establishing or promoting any particular ideology. If I were to write an law that said "A marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman, not between two individuals of the same sex", it might be unconstitutional, but for sure not because it ran afoul of the first amendment.

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So, if Im keeping track of the thought patterns around here correctly, my dislike for the Giant Govt we have means that I hate 'evil corporations'...and, since I think (crazy as it sounds) that there are poor people in America, I am King of Liberals. Wow.

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Guest Felonies!
So, if Im keeping track of the thought patterns around here correctly


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Czech, if you can be troubled to stop licking the sweat from slayer's balls for a moment, could you show me the error of my ways? Please tell me how Im being a megaultra-Liberal and how I can stop...I too want to fall in love with the miniscule govt that this current administration has enacted.

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So you just made a ridiculously stupid comment without really thinking about...cool. A quick synopsis of what you might've missed in this thread - Tyler & I disagree on whether there is poverty in the US. I say there is and that apparently cemented my role as a resident Crazy Liberal.


Slayer - Care to give any reasoning as to why I am The Bleeding Heart Liberal from Hell? You do realize that my opinion that we could handle our lives under a much smaller American Govt does not mean that I hate corporations, right? Is it safe to assume that you just sometimes, like Czech mentioned, simply turn retarded during attempts at humor/wit/observation?

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could you show me the error of my ways?


Your posts are incomprehensible? You're annoying?


Vyce's above post is spot-on.


I think people are finally beginning to catch onto the fact that railing against gay marriage is just a distraction, though. I haven't heard anything about it since Bush's shitty SotU. Maybe it's not near enough to election time.



Here's one: Bush probably isn't an idiot, but he fucking sure sounds like one when he talks. And you know what? That really matters to me. I'd like a President with at least a modicum of eloquence. This folksy, Hee-Haw bullshit has got to go. The Presidency is supposed to have at least a veneer of dignity,

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simply turn retarded during attempts at humor/wit/observation?


Reread your last few posts then say that.



C-Bacon, did you seriously just criticize the US for having troops in N. Korea?


You DO realize that N. Korea has the 5th-largest military in the world? That if we left, the day we left they would sweep across S. Korea and kill EVERYONE?


For such a pascifist, you really seem to be unable to comprehend that there ARE governments out there who will just out and out destroy their neighbors if given half a chance.


If they attacked right now, our troops could not win, the N.Korea army is too overwhelming. The only purpose they serve is to hold off N. Korea long enough that it's resources are completely depleted, as the army is so large per capita that it can't supply an assault for longer than like, a week.


Here's a popular Political Opinion: C-Bacon is a dumb shit.


Still waiting for your 'no prisons' plan. Anarchy? Sweet!

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You do realize that my opinion that we could handle our lives under a much smaller American Govt does not mean that I hate corporations, right?

While I have seen some minute libertarian tendencies from you, I've also seen you do a lot of "grrrr ee-vil rich people", which tends to run hand-in-hand with the "grrrr ee-vil corporations" credo, though as far as the latter is concerned, you're nowhere near on the level of, say, NoCalMike


Essentially, your main problem is that you're really high-strung and easily angered


Is it safe to assume that you just sometimes, like Czech mentioned, simply turn retarded during attempts at humor/wit/observation?


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Guest J0bber

The government needs to do something about these obese low lives who make America look bad. I say put them in fat camps to whip them in shape. There is no reason to be more than a couple pounds overweight, except for being crippled or maybe having an illness that triggers the weight gain. If you just eat yourself into you're a blimp, you should be punished for it because you are weakening the appearance of America.

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Here's one: Bush probably isn't an idiot, but he fucking sure sounds like one when he talks. And you know what? That really matters to me. I'd like a President with at least a modicum of eloquence. This folksy, Hee-Haw bullshit has got to go. The Presidency is supposed to have at least a veneer of dignity,


I think we were so spoiled after Reagan and Clinton we now expect every president to be the second coming of Cicero.

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Here's my unpopular opinion: I don't make too much distinction between some guy who blows himself up in a public cafe, killing civilians... and a guy who points a missile or grenade launcher at a building where he knows a "bad guy" is in, and he KNOWS there are civilians in it or around it that will be killed. People argue that intent is the difference, but the fact is the second guy doesn't care (enough) about dead civilians.


Yes, if you do care, people will maybe try to use this against you by shielding themselves with civilians. Its like how supervillians know that superman or batman won't kill them or care too much about lois lane or whatever so they always kidnap them, etc etc.

It's part of the burden of being the "good guy", deal with it somehow. or give up your moral outrage and rightness and stop ranting about how you're right and they're wrong, etc etc.


Also, I don't agree with using the behavior of terrorists or other evil folk as a barometer of what is or isn't right. You constantly see people use enemy behavior as some sort of barometer. Defend something horrible by trying to point to worse stuff they do. middle east countries do it with US and Israel, we do it with terrorists, palestinian supporters do it with Israel, frankly its all bullshit. The person who responds to Abu Gharib by saying "why aren't these people condemning <insert horrific terrorist act>!?!?" is the person I want to punch in the face.


yes its true, being the better person puts you at a disadvantage at times, IF YOU LET IT. If you're stupid and don't want to use your brains.

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