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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO Raw Thread - July 10th, 2006

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So the only 3 things I was really looking forward to on Raw last night didn't happen.


1. Edge didn't bring back the "Undisputed" WWE Title belt.

2. Kane didn't show up to further the mask angle.

3. the Raw/ECW storyline still continues which I hoped ended. "Big Show/Flair for the ECW title at the ECW show?, jesus fucking christ!, yeah, nonthing says "ECW" like Big Show Vs Ric Flair"


not only that, Eugene, who I fucking hate with a passion, main-evented Raw an WON, the Diva search debuted live which was just brutal to watch as always, and it looks like this is the begining of the Hogan/Brooke/Orton feud which I have no desire to watch at all.


yup, worst fucking Raw ever. I'am serious

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Quick review of Raw:


The Good:

Edge. He was an all-around awesome heel last night and showed that he deserved to be wearing the belt. His commentary for the opening match was better than JR and King's, and drinking Mimosas is a great heel move.


Foley: That two minute promo he cut on Flair was more intense, entertaining, and believable than anything I've seen in a while.


The Bad:

Everything else. God, was that an awful show. The Diva Search is even worse than usual this year, and the Miz should never be given a live mic again for the rest of his life. And then we have the McMahons vs. Eugene in the main event? That had to be the least entertaining ME from any promotion in a long, long time.


Finally, Big Show/Ric Flair for the ECW title has to be one of the worst ideas I've ever heard, and has me debating between watching the first half hour of ECW tomorrow and tuning out for the main event, or just skipping the show altogether. I mean, they have this storyline where Show's a heel, based almost entirely on the fact that he's not from ECW, so they put him against a WWE/WCW "face" who's 55 years old. Brilliant. Why don't they just make the main event Vince pulling his pants down in the middle of the ring and taking a 20 minute shit on the ECW logo. Oh wait, they're probably saving that for SNME.

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Quick review of Raw:


The Good:

Edge. He was an all-around awesome heel last night and showed that he deserved to be wearing the belt. His commentary for the opening match was better than JR and King's, and drinking Mimosas is a great heel move.


Foley: That two minute promo he cut on Flair was more intense, entertaining, and believable than anything I've seen in a while.


The Bad:

Everything else. God, was that an awful show. The Diva Search is even worse than usual this year, and the Miz should never be given a live mic again for the rest of his life. And then we have the McMahons vs. Eugene in the main event? That had to be the least entertaining ME from any promotion in a long, long time.


Finally, Big Show/Ric Flair for the ECW title has to be one of the worst ideas I've ever heard, and has me debating between watching the first half hour of ECW tomorrow and tuning out for the main event, or just skipping the show altogether. I mean, they have this storyline where Show's a heel, based almost entirely on the fact that he's not from ECW, so they put him against a WWE/WCW "face" who's 55 years old. Brilliant. Why don't they just make the main event Vince pulling his pants down in the middle of the ring and taking a 20 minute shit on the ECW logo. Oh wait, they're probably saving that for SNME.


I TOTALLY agree with everything in your post!!!! I'd just like to add that the diva search has ALWAYS sucked.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

This was a horrible, horrible show. The only good thing was Shelton looking very strong and Edge making Cena his bitch. The 60 year old owner of the company and his out-of-shape son seeming outraged that a WRESTLER beat him was ridiculous. With the Miz hosting the Diva Search, I'm debating whether or not to stop watching WWE until it's over. Flair vs Big Show for the title made no sense, kayfabe wise, or business wise. Horrible, horrible show.

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If WWE put together a show with only Edge. Lita, King Booker, Angle, RVD, Sabu, Rey, Benoit, Finlay, and Regal it would be the most watched show in wrestling history.

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Humongous, but most of those guys don't know how to work WWE style! How could it possibly draw?


I'm not as up in arms over this Flair/Show match as most of you guys. It's simple: Flair comes in, he jobs tonight, it's over. I mean hell, what are they supposed to do? I wouldn't just job Sabu out to the Show this early and Van Dam is on suspension. If this is a one time match I have no problem with it, but I don't want an extended feud.


As far as these Raws lately being the worst ever, nowhere close. I'd actually take Raw right now over the hideously directionless shows of last summer after Vengeance. The only interesting stuff on Raw last summer was the Hogan/Michaels feud. Once Batista left and HHH was on hiatus all we had was the Diva crap and Jericho being a blatant lame duck challenger to Cena.

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These last few months have seriously been the worst wrestling shows I've ever seen.


Were you around for all wrestling in the early 90's or WCW in 2000? LOL, I'm just teasing ya.


Last's night's show was horrible. The new Diva contestants were beautiful, yes. But none of them can communicate effectively and should never be allowed near a mic. Why does Vince and Co continue to push this shit down our throats?


Is it me or has Big Show and Shane gained a ton of weight? Ugh.


Why are they jobbing out Trish? Do we know for sure that she's not renewing her contract?


Mic Foley's promo and Edge were the only good things about last night. I hate Foley but his promo on Flair was fantastic.

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WCW stuff from 2000 is seriously underrated. Well, maybe not the crappy Kevin Sullivan booked shows from Jan.-March but the Bischoff and Russo regime shows were quite enjoyable on a car wreck level.


I swear SD right now might well be the best wrestling show by default. Raw is what it has become, ECW has been mismanaged from the start, and TNA is once again Jarrett jerking off to the world and wanting us to watch.

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I was pure WWF from 93-95, then watched ECW and WWF until ECW died, then pure WWF. I have watched a lot of old WCW tapes, including Robocop and Chucky, but I can't accuretly state whether that was worse or not because I was prepared for it while watching it. Today's WWF just defines apathy really; nothing horrible nor great.


I tried watching Smackdown a few weeks ago and it was awful. No big names, no good matches, fake crowd noise; just awful.

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Remember back in Late 2002 when we said that WWE was horrible?


And in 2003?


And during some parts of 2004?


And most of 2005?


2006 is even worse. And it's going to get worse. This is not the worst we've seen from this company.

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I tried watching Smackdown a few weeks ago and it was awful. No big names, no good matches, fake crowd noise; just awful.


Are you sure you were watching SD! and not an old airing of Thunder?

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Smackdown's awful. I watched the one where Batista came back for the first time in a long time. The whole thing just feels so artificial. The camera cuts constantly in the middle of matches to find the angle that most accurately shields any spot that might be a little bit off, and twice I noticed cuts in the middle of matches where there was obviously some time shaved off.


To me, wrestling's mainly about the interplay between the performers and the crowd, so when you remove that by editing the crowd to ridiculous mark level, and then fuck with the actual matches too, there's nothing left to bring me in. I'll watch Flair vs. Vince for the ECW title before I get into that show.

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I was watching a great match between AJ Styles and Jimmy Rave on The Fight Network. There was a commercial, so I flicked to RAW. I saw Vince McMahon stuffing a fake retard's head into a toilet.


I flicked back and watched TFN commercials.


Thank god I have something else to watch Monday nights. Pro Wrestling NOAH at 7, TNA XPlosion at 8, ROH from 9 to 11, and FMW at 12.

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I felt RAW sucked ass last night overall, but I did enjoy Cena / Benjamin, all of Edge's segments, The Miz botching his lines, and Mick Foley's TREMENDOUS promo absolutely shredding Flair's asshole.

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I think I know why Kane was not in the past two shows:


He's letting his hair grow back out for when he returns with the mask.


Remember, the hair was attached to the mask, so that really isn't nessesary.

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I think I know why Kane was not in the past two shows:


He's letting his hair grow back out for when he returns with the mask.


Remember, the hair was attached to the mask, so that really isn't nessesary.

Not true, I saw a match between Undertaker and Kane where Taker pulled off the mask and Kane hid his face with his hair. I think that was just done for the unmasking.

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Smackdown's awful. The whole thing just feels so artificial. The camera cuts constantly in the middle of matches to find the angle that most accurately shields any spot that might be a little bit off, and twice I noticed cuts in the middle of matches where there was obviously some time shaved off.


Amen to that. It is painfully, painfully obvious that WWE changes camera angles frequently to mask deficiencies in the ring. I understand tv directors do this to highlight the best camera shots. But WWE utilizes this method so much that it makes the end product look terrible.

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Smackdown's awful. The whole thing just feels so artificial. The camera cuts constantly in the middle of matches to find the angle that most accurately shields any spot that might be a little bit off, and twice I noticed cuts in the middle of matches where there was obviously some time shaved off.


Amen to that. It is painfully, painfully obvious that WWE changes camera angles frequently to mask deficiencies in the ring. I understand tv directors do this to highlight the best camera shots. But WWE utilizes this method so much that it makes the end product look terrible.


pffft...if Raw did this the show would be 10x better

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Remember back in Late 2002 when we said that WWE was horrible?


And in 2003?


And during some parts of 2004?


And most of 2005?


2006 is even worse. And it's going to get worse. This is not the worst we've seen from this company.


I know it's a cliche at this point, but if you feel that way, you probably should just walk away and stop watching. Believe me, it's easier to do than you think.

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Guest Princess Leena

I can never stop watching.


I eventually come back every 6 months or so, watch a week or two just to see how bad Raw is, then leave again.


Maybe if SD would equally suck, I could finally quit forever.

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Worked wonders for me too. Here in Ontario we get The Fight Network. So my entire Monday night is full of wrestling, and none of it is WWE.


7:00 - Pro Wrestling NOAH

8:00 - TNA XPlosion

9:00 - 11:00 - ROH

11:00 - 12:00 - The Daily Show and Colbert Report

12:00 - FMW


god I love TFN. I flick to RAW on occasion to see if there's something worth watching. There hasn't been.

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It works wonder if you decide it's to the point where it's not worth it anymore, like I was two years ago. Somebody telling you to stop watching is what I'm saying doesn't work.

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Worked wonders for me too. Here in Ontario we get The Fight Network. So my entire Monday night is full of wrestling, and none of it is WWE.


7:00 - Pro Wrestling NOAH

8:00 - TNA XPlosion

9:00 - 11:00 - ROH

11:00 - 12:00 - The Daily Show and Colbert Report

12:00 - FMW


god I love TFN. I flick to RAW on occasion to see if there's something worth watching. There hasn't been.


Seriously... I'm going to move to Canada.

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