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OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/11 (Week 5)

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You know, I'm not pissed about that ending since Test didn't actually squash Dreamer. This could build to something...could, but if it will who knows.

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I think WWE sold the "EC F'N W" shirt, if only for a while.


I think is the best way to get Tommy over, by essentially re-debuting him and making him the John McClane character he was in ECWv.1.

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Even though he jobbed, this was far better (and longer) than the Test match last week. I think the fans are actually getting into matches now and actually chanting for Dreamer. That really adds a lot to the matches.

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I haven't seen Test do the elbow in years. But really- will Dreamer ever get a win in the new ECW?


He was like 6-938 in the old ECW.

And at least 300 of the 938 were against Raven.

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remember when people would joke that Brock should come back wearing a horned Viking helmet and spear people? That would be perfect for these stripper acts

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