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Mark Henry injured at SNME

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They could always stick The Big Show to replace Henry. Its not too late and would make sense since how Heyman, the opportunist we know him to be, would like The Big Show to hold The World Heavyweight Title as well since RVD screwed up in losing the WWE Championship.

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I find this to be fantastic news since WWE insists on putting talentless Henry on TV.


I do not watch WWE Raw or WWE Presents "ECW", but I do watch WWE Smackdown!, and Mark Henry is one of the few wrestlers who continues to suck, has a horrible look, can't talk, and bores me to tears. Being free of his sweat-stained, ugly singlet, 3rd grade vocabulary, and slow, plodding movements will mean I get to see a better talent on TV.



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I feel bad for him, because he's been having a good year. Well, a good year by Mark Henry standards nonetheless, but oh well. I am glad he won't be on TV anymore, because he wasn't very good.


I knew something was wrong when Nick Patrick threw up the X and he rolled to the outside just as Batista was getting tagged in. Did Patrick pull the "I didn't see the tag" bit on Batista to give Henry time to get out of there? I could have sworn Rey made a clean tag.


I think he'll turn into Kevin Nash and come back with no heat and not be worth a damn anymore. Too bad. He'll probably end up in TNA or something, or will quit wrestling altogether.

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What about if Batista wrestled Daivari, since Henry is hurt. He's supposed to be able to go, so he can probably play the pinball heel for Batista to kill.

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They could always stick The Big Show to replace Henry. Its not too late and would make sense since how Heyman, the opportunist we know him to be, would like The Big Show to hold The World Heavyweight Title as well since RVD screwed up in losing the WWE Championship.


I don't like that, because you can't job Big Show to Batista, because he's being built as pretty much the franchise of ECW, and you can't job Batista on his 1st PPV back.

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Vince McMahon: Mark Henry, I'm giving you another 10 year contract because of all the hard work you've done, not taking back bumps while splashing people to legitimately hurt them. I'll even give you a raise to show the boys that we need more athletes [ entertainers] like you.

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Batista could win by DQ on behalf of botched interference from Heyman.


So did Henry hurt himself by running into the damn ring post?


I re-matched the match and that looks like what happened.

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we need the draft.




This run of trouble in terms of starpower is madness for Smackdown... as great as their shows are, they need help.

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Yeah, that would solve everything. Since Raw has all of....... two credible heels on the show. I'm pretty sure the distribution isn't their problem.

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hahah good point.


What is a decent solution to this problem then? It's gone beyond calling some people back early and whatnot. If shifting people around isn't going to do much to help out SD (and RAW for that matter..)


..what do you do? Debut ALL of OVW all over the brands?

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I'm never glad when someone gets injured, but I do see this as a good thing. The only better thing would be if WWE released Henry. Hell, if only he would've been released 2 years ago, he would probably be sitting home eating tons of fast food and this injury would've never happened.


And I agree that alot of you are totally over-rating Fit Finley. The average fan sees him as a mid-card distraction at best and he's boring most of the time. Maybe he's a good basic "wrestler" but that's not good enough for him to be in the main event. Granted I'd prefer Fit in the main event 100 times more than Mark Henry. But still, if I wanted to fall asleep watching a match; I'd watch UFC.

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Well, if the WWE wants future talent ASAP, they should just split up the Spirit Squad, and let them have their own indivdual gimmicks, and send some of them to SD!


Send Benjamin to SD! to since he's not doing shit on RAW. Remember years back when everyone thought of Benjamin to be the next superstar? The WWE dropped the ball on him, but they still have a chance to build him as a legit superstar.

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saw the tape he goes for the running splash on Rey in the corner, misses and his leg cant support his own weight. Rey starts kickin him then stops, in shock that this fat bastard gets hurt again.The ref tells the other heels and Henry slithers away never to be seen again.

It seemed kinda short. But about as much as I would expect for the token smackdown match.


I cant believe they had 3 separate tables for all the teams. Joey and Taz for just one match. Guess they left just in time for their table to be used for Edge.


Batista got the win over Booker and he even got top billing for the announcements. If Rey is still taking off for his knee (another guy gone)

then they can have Booker win at the Bash and have Batista chase.


If Rey wasnt taking off I'd have him feud with Finlay for a while. But that takes both titles out of the picture (not that they did anything with the US belt since it was brought back anyway)


In the meanwhile I thought it'd be interesting to have Batista and Lashley feud over who gets the next shot, but still have both remain babyface. Even if Rey appeared to be more whiney in interviews about the title, I dont see him getting booed against either of those guys.


So if he does drop the title at Bash, I think he'll be out of the title picture for the rest of his career.

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Just have Batista/Regal somehow.


That's a good idea, it will give Lashley a chance to get even with Finlay. I think WWE is going to panic and turn the title match into a 3 way instead, which I have no interest in seeing happen.

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With Undertaker visiting ECW, I think GAB should be Batista VS one of the ECW guys. I know that doesn't continue the overarcing story of Lashley and Batista versus Booker's stable. Big Show would work, and Singh can interfere to continue the War of the Big Fat Guys.

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Guest Hemme

Face? Bovvered?


J/A, I dont mind Henry that much, he's better suited as a bodygaurd type figure though, the "worlds strongest man" schtick has gotten old.

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What has Henry done wrong in his latest run.

Well, he had a match with Kurt Angle at the Royal Rumble that was so horrible Angle considered it his worst PPV match ever. Henry's fucking terrible.


I still laugh when WWE.Com asked Chris Jericho about how much of a threat Mark Henry was to The Undertaker's winning streak at WrestleMania:


"Mark Henry is as big a threat to The Undertaker as Funaki is."

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

Didn't Jericho say that about Henry's match with Kurt Angle at the Rumble?

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I never wish anyone harm, but I am glad I don't have to worry about seeing Mark suck up more TV time. He always comes back a monster, jobs out badly, and then he's reintroduced as some unstopable force like everyone hasn't beaten him before.

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He only had three significant injuries (2002-ankle injury that took him out for 4 months, shoulder injury in 2003 and torn quad in OVW in 2004).


He had lengthy stretches in OVW and he took a leave of absence for the Arnold Classic. He really only missed about 2 years due to injury.

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It's funny that during the periods WWE tried to embarrass Henry into quitting, he was always in perfect health, but when it's time for a monster push, he gets injured.


And I don't believe this is the end of Henry by a long shot. This is the second monster push where he has drawn a good reaction from the crowd. It's not X-Pac heat. A good example of X-Pac heat if you want to believe it exists is John Cena and I've seen morons here say that it's somehow reinvigorated his character. If a heel is getting booed, that's good. A face, the top face at that, getting booed is not.

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I didn't mind Henry. He isn't that bad. Aside from his match with Angle at RR, he's had a few decent matches. His match with Taker at WM was entertaining, and his matches with Rey were good also.

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Actually, I sort of wanna say that the awful Angle/Henry match at the Rumble was due more to Angle. You can't push the pace of a match like your wrestling Shawn Michaels when it's Mark Henry you're going against.

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