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Exslade ZX

WWE Diva Search

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So the black girl won? Huh. I didn't think she was that pretty, really. I'd have rather one of the dumb blondes won.


I didnt care after Milena got the boot..Im just glad JT didn't win..she came across as if she didnt really care..at least Layla seemed to actually care..

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Not to worry, All of them will be hired. Except for Erica.


I like layla. I think she will at least try before Orton takes a shit in her bag and she leaves.

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Layla at least has the athletic background of being a cheerleader. If she tries hard then I won't bitch too much. The rest of them can pretty much stay the fuck off my tv.

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Guest Jack Potts

Good for Layla! She was always my pick from day one. She had energy, seemed delighted to be there, and has a unique look (for the WWE).


Personally, I think she shows more promise than any of the past Diva Search winners.

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Eh, I don't care. The only one I found remotely hot was Milena and she went bye-bye.


I just don't see why they'd even bring that Maryse chick back under an actual contract. I thought speaking English was a prerequisite for being a WWE diva since outside of Montreal they don't really work French-speaking cities all that often.

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I'm proud to say I've basically not watched any of this year's diva search segments, and did not watch the finale show. Fuck you WWE! None of these bitches have amounted to anything so far in the last couple years, so why should we care now?

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on the positive side, at leats they got done with the diva crap in about a month this year as opposed to the usual ong drawn out affair (especially the first one, it lasted from like june-september)


well the crowd seeme dbehind Layla, I guess all I have to say is that I agree, at least it wasnt another strereotypical blonde girl like Ashley (who by the way has no business talking AT ALL on television, she has no charisma, little athletic ability and may or not be a man, depending on whether you listen to the guys at wrestlecrap)


perhaps wwe rigged it so they wouldnt look too racist?



anyhow at least its over, nw lets see what she can do.


please why must they hire all the losers?


say goodbye random midcarders (perhaps snitsky will go first, then murdoch and cade)

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Fuck you WWE! None of these bitches have amounted to anything so far in the last couple years, so why should we care now?


Maria has been pretty good at her role and unlike most of the diva's, she actually has a knowledge of the business and the history.


Amy Weber was very good character with JBL and it's a shame she left because she had alot to offer.


Michelle McCool is doing fine in her manager role although it's hardly the most creative gimmick, she's good at it and she has alot of training under her belt.


Christy Hemme was putting alot of effort into training in OVW and while she wasn't a fast learner she was willing to openly admit her faults and always had a good energy which is key because of the demands they put on the girls to promote on constant basis.


Kristal offers Smackdown their own Maria and gives WWE it's first good looking black DIVA.


Candice Michelle has really improved in the ring and she's more convincing in the lesbian gimmick then any other Diva has been. (While she wasn't techically in the contest)


That being said, Ashley hasn't been worth a shit.

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NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THE AUDITIONS LIVE ON TV EVERY FUCKING WEEK! It does not matter if the next Moolah or Alyndra Blaze or Sherri Martel comes out of the diva search NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THE SHIT ON EVERY WEEK WITH THEM ACTING LIKE $5 CRACKWHORES!

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Woo, another Brit oin WWE.


I say put her with Birchill. It's a shame he's not still doing the pirate gimmick, she would have made a good wench.

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Guest Oblivious Heel

None of these bitches deserve to win since they half ass everything. They're told to "diss the diva" and they don't, they're told to make out with Todd and they dance, they're told to make out with each other and they dance and play fight.


None of these whores wanted the job bad enough.


Get the fuck off my TV.


Oh and for the twits who are saying "put Layla with so-n-so" how 'bout she get some fucking training first?

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Kristal offers Smackdown their own Maria and gives WWE it's first good looking black DIVA.


And its about damn time.


I'd Say Sharmell is pretty fine looking

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Guest DRH 502

Those girls are all hella hot if you like the manufactured look...


We need Raven Riley in the WWE STAT. Seriously, i'd probably actually watch WWE if Raven was on there...


I would settle on Ashley Steel though..

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Oh and for the twits who are saying "put Layla with so-n-so" how 'bout she get some fucking training first?


because that's not the WWE way, they're going to use her right away, people might as well throw out ideas they'd like to see...what show are YOU watching?




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They'll shove her out there right away, and then she'll either leave when she gets injured or they realize she's terrible and needs more training in OVW.

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did Candice Michelle get sent away for training? I mean like, taken completely off TV to go train? She's no Trish or Mickie, but you have to admit, she's shown some sort of improvement in the past 2 years...nothing much, but a LITTLE improvement.

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did Candice Michelle get sent away for training? I mean like, taken completely off TV to go train? She's no Trish or Mickie, but you have to admit, she's shown some sort of improvement in the past 2 years...nothing much, but a LITTLE improvement.


Well, two years of being thrown in the ring, you're bound to learn something. She's like Stacy and Torrie.


I know she's improved and all, but she's still terribly unconvincing in the ring. People who go from "Terrible" to "Sorta Watchable" don't get my praise.

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None of these bitches deserve to win since they half ass everything. They're told to "diss the diva" and they don't, they're told to make out with Todd and they dance, they're told to make out with each other and they dance and play fight.


None of these whores wanted the job bad enough.


Get the fuck off my TV.


Oh and for the twits who are saying "put Layla with so-n-so" how 'bout she get some fucking training first?



How about facing reality. The divas are here to stay. Even the ones that shouldn't.

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did Candice Michelle get sent away for training? I mean like, taken completely off TV to go train? She's no Trish or Mickie, but you have to admit, she's shown some sort of improvement in the past 2 years...nothing much, but a LITTLE improvement.


Well, two years of being thrown in the ring, you're bound to learn something. She's like Stacy and Torrie.


I know she's improved and all, but she's still terribly unconvincing in the ring. People who go from "Terrible" to "Sorta Watchable" don't get my praise.


no I wasn't searching for praise for her, she still sucks...I'm just saying, improvements CAN happen.

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