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How reliable is Amazon for ordering and shipping?

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I've finally decided that I should join the new century and start ordering off of Amazon. Just wanted to know how reliable they are for quality of products and shipping reliability. Any opinions? Will it matter if I use money orders instead of credit cards?


Any advice would be appreciated.

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Guest Princess Leena

I've done the Amazon gift card thing a handful of times and never had any problems. Shipping depends on who you're buying from.

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Amazon rocks. You can sell stuff on there too.


I don't know about the money order thing, but I've never had a problem with credit cards (numbers getting stolen or anything) and shipping is pretty good, it depends on who you buy from. I've had stuff at my door the very next day.

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Amazon is great. I would suggest that if you are offered the credit card while ordering to take it. The only reason I signed up for it was because I was ordering Crystal Lake Memories (book on the history of Friday the 13th) and it was a 20-something dollar book. After I signed up for the card it came out to $3 including shipping. After using it for a short time I got a $25 gift certificate. I plan on CA the card though since I already have 3 other cards. It's worth it for the first purchase alone.


I've never had a problem with Amazon when ordering. They are really good.

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Same here never had any problems with Amazon whatsoever. Like someone said before if you qualify for free shipping go for it, they usually overestimate how long it will take to be delivered.

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I never had a problem with Amazon. If anything, its more reliable than E-Bay sometimes.

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I have been using Amazon for at least 6 or 7 years and I have never had a problem. Their return policies are good too.

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Amazon > Ebay

So I'd be better off ordering used stuff from Amazon that EBay? I still just pay Amazon though, right?


That's right. Even if that individual seller rips you off (which is possible but unlikely) Amazon still responds as if they sold the item themselves and give you full guarantee. I couldn't be happier with Amazon's shipping service. If something doesn't get to you within reasonable time they send another item completely free of charge. And I would know because it's happened to me a couple of times and I ended up getting two of the same.

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Just a little update for anyone interested. I've ordered a few items so far and have had good service. I just ordered a few used items and chose the bank account debit option for payment of that. Felt more comfortable with that than my credit card info. Hopefully my account won't be sucked dry by this time tomorrow. :)

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