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Guest TysonTomko420

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When they 1st pushed HHH into the main event it seemed totally random and forced to me. I had him pegged as a cearer mid-carder as well.

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At the 4/24 WWE house show in Paris, France, Mickie James defeated Melina and Victoria in a triple threat match to win the Women's Title by pinning Victoria.


2 matches later, Mickie and Melina had a rematch in which Melina won the belt back.


It is not known whether the initial title change was an accident or if it was something they decided to do for the Paris fans.


EDIT: Dave Meltzer is saying it was an accident.

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It might have been a spot where Melina was supposed to break up a 3 count and didn't get there in time or forgot. Referees are told to never stop a count unless something happens to avoid making fucked up false finishes look even more peculiar.

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I remember that happened with a Tag Team title change back in the day. Men on a Mission got a quick reign over the Quebecers at a house show in London because Mabel landed on one of the Quebecers in a fashion where he was physically unable to kick out.


How many title changes like this have there been?

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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are getting marks from some people in management because they are studying 80s tapes of long matches to improve their ring psychology. MVP has shelves full of videos from that era of Eddie Guerrero, Dynamite Kid, Dean Malenko, Tiger Mask and Toshiaki Kawada among others.

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I thought Austin was going to lose to Lesnar via Eddie interfering (because having Austin of all people lose to a newcomer clean is beyond fucking retarded) to add to their KOTR match. Austin was replaced by Bubba Ray in the match in question. Is this correct?

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If any of you want to find more about ECW, especially pre-PPV stuff, I recommend an old compilation tape/DVD called Extreme Warfare.


I got a copy off eBay which arrived today, and it's shaping up to be legendary. The first match was the infamous Sabu vs Benoit neckbraker (What I didn't know what that the bump was only about 1 minute into the match). And the 2nd one which I'm watching now is Sandman + Funk vs. Cactus Jack + Franchise, and sign guy has just unveiled his latest most infamous creation, "Cane Dewey". Cactus pays no attention to it when he sees it like, and just goes back to cracking Sandman with a chair.

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The 'Randy Orton' of his day?


No. HHH wasn't over initially during his main event push, but he certainly was by early 2000 which was less than a year after his big turn at Wrestlemania XV. Orton has been getting heavily pushed since 2003 and still isn't over. There is a big difference between ten months and 3 1/2 years.

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It just occured to me that every match at Backlash is a title match of some sort, provided nothing gets added (or if something is, its an IC title match with Santino or a WWE Tag Title rematch between Londrick and the Greasers) of course. If that proves to be the case, then that has to be a first, at the very least for an American wrestling PPV.

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I dont think anything he has done is grounds for firing in the fucked up world of professional wrestling. In normal life, sure. But this isn't normal and no one should treat it that way. Its in its own world, we have to deal with that.

The problem with that mindset, and it's one prevalent in WWE where they live in such a bubble, is that it ignores the fact that wrestling is part of the real world. Putting aside the fact that trashing a hotel room is in itself inexcusable, no matter your profession, look at the fact that Orton has made numerous transgressions over the years, his run-ins with women for example, and WWE, for all intents and purposes, let it slide. That is, until, Orton broke company policy in public when it came to his apparent smoking a joint backstage at an arena, where anyone, like a sneaky journalist with a camera and the need to make a name for themselves, could have seen him. Imagine would could have happened if the wrong person, the aforementioned journalist, for example, had seen Orton. All sorts of shit could have gone down. Look at the reaction when Orton's name was linked to the steroid ring. It's easy to try and write this off as 'well, it's just what wrestlers do' and let it slide. But letting it slide is exactly what lets things escalate to where Orton trashed a hotel room and had to be sent home, causing TV to be re-written and potentially screwing up plans. Instead of writing something off just because it's 'what wrestlers do', it's a lot easier to nip these things in the bud and stopping things from getting that bad in the first place. Imagine if the next time Orton goes off the rails, say getting pilled up and going crazy in a hotel, and somebody gets hurt or worse, WWE would have trouble explaining things to people if they told them "Well, that's what wrestlers do". WWE need to do something about Orton now, while all he's trashing is a room, before something much worse happens, either to Orton or someone else.

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That is, until, Orton broke company policy in public when it came to his apparent smoking a joint backstage at an arena, where anyone, like a sneaky journalist with a camera and the need to make a name for themselves, could have seen him. Imagine would could have happened if the wrong person, the aforementioned journalist, for example, had seen Orton. All sorts of shit could have gone down.


Journalists have better things to do than actively look for stories about professional wrestlers. This is 1999. Nobody really cares. I doubt most ordinary people have heard of Randy Orton and I doubt more than maybe 5% of those people would even care in the slightest.


Hey, I wonder if anyone like Austin Aries, who TNA were wrong to reprimand for his conduct lest we forget, would do something so dastardly as to smoke 'certain subtances' in public? ;)

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That is, until, Orton broke company policy in public when it came to his apparent smoking a joint backstage at an arena, where anyone, like a sneaky journalist with a camera and the need to make a name for themselves, could have seen him. Imagine would could have happened if the wrong person, the aforementioned journalist, for example, had seen Orton. All sorts of shit could have gone down.


Journalists have better things to do than actively look for stories about professional wrestlers. This is 1999. Nobody really cares. I doubt most ordinary people have heard of Randy Orton and I doubt more than maybe 5% of those people would even care in the slightest.


Hey, I wonder if anyone like Austin Aries, who TNA were wrong to reprimand for his conduct lest we forget, would do something so dastardly as to smoke 'certain subtances' in public?

The fact that wrestlers are, by and large, unknown to the general public is no excuse to let certain things slide just because 'nobody really cares'. What happens if the next time Orton, or any wrestler, goes overboard it results in something tragic? Why not put a stop to things before they go that far? I'm not saying stop the guys from letting off some steam with a few beers or whatever they may partake of, as long it's done in a somewhat reasonable form and not in a manner that could possibly cause embarrassment to the company or worse, cause them to do serious harm to themselves. But if you get someone like Orton, who flagrantly breaks the rules to where it could possibly cause embarrassment to the company, it's a lot better to put a stop to things before they go too far. If that ever happens, and something serious takes place, I don't think it'll be so easy to brush off.

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Changing the subject here, but does anyone know how Matt Hardy is? From the way he was lying after his match on RAW it looked more like a concussion than a neck injury, but I don't want him ruled out of Backlash.

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Changing the subject here, but does anyone know how Matt Hardy is? From the way he was lying after his match on RAW it looked more like a concussion than a neck injury, but I don't want him ruled out of Backlash.

Yesterday's WO update said he's shaken up but it's not thought to be serious.

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The 'Randy Orton' of his day?


No. HHH wasn't over initially during his main event push, but he certainly was by early 2000 which was less than a year after his big turn at Wrestlemania XV. Orton has been getting heavily pushed since 2003 and still isn't over. There is a big difference between ten months and 3 1/2 years.


So are you saying Randy Orton was never over? If thats what you are trying to saying, then you clearly don't know what are you talking about.

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Here are the highlights:


-- He's been on the road promoting the movie for 3 weeks.


-- His main goal in life was to be a professional wrestler, but realized you can't do it forever.


-- Howard asks if Austin banged any of the hot chicks in the movie. He said no.


-- The movie character is more along the lines of his real personality, not necessarily the Stone Cold character.


-- He can't legally talk about his messy relationship with ex-girlfriend Tess Broussard from a few years ago.


-- The Condemned took two years to make.


-- He originally wanted to be the bad guy, but Vince said he wouldn't fund the movie unless Austin was the good guy.


-- When Howard asked about Austin walking out in 2002, Austin said he had creative differences with the writers and he "hauled ass". No mention of Brock Lesnar was made. When he was asked why, he said he "didn't want to look at the lights," a reference no one in the studio understood and was met with confused silence. He said what they wanted him to do made no business sense whatsoever, and he refused.


-- When Howard expressed concern for Austin leaving since there was no other wrestling company to go to, Austin said he saved every penny he ever made and is "very comfortable".


-- He respected Vince for calling him first and not holding out after the walkout.


-- Jim Ross sent him a card saying that if he ever needed anything, he was there for him.


-- The Condemned's budget was $20 million, but it looks more expensive.


-- Vince paid him for the movie upfront and Austin will get a cut of the "back end" money.


-- When Howard asked if he could really trust Vince to pay him, Austin said Vince is a straight shooter who honors his word even if it's just on a handshake.


-- Howard steers the conversation to Austin's new girlfriend. They split time at each other's house and don't live together.


-- He is not a clubhopper and prefers to stay at home.


-- Howard then brought up Hulk Hogan. Austin said while he doesn't hate him, he's not interested at all in working with him. He believed that a Hulk Hogan vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin match would not come anywhere close to living up to the hype it would generate because of a "style clash". Austin was trying his best to say that Hogan is a shitty worker without actually saying it, but no one caught on. Howard said it would be hard to decide who wins and loses and Austin agreed.


-- Austin talked about TNA for a little bit. He says it's great because it gives more wrestlers work. He wishes them well, but believed Vince will never have any real competition anymore. He said WCW kicked their ass for two years, but then when Vince got back ahead, they were smoking WCW worse than what WCW ever did to them to the point that AOL Time Warner kicked them off TV and sold it. And since they had no TV, the only person that would buy it was Vince. He says that competition is good for everybody.


-- He talked more about his new girlfriend, saying she has been a special education teacher for 18 years. Howard replied, "18 years? That means she's old." Austin said she's a few years younger than him. When Howard asked "Why not have a 20-something-year-old?" Austin said he wants to be with someone he can actually have a conversation with.


-- Howard asked if his previous divorces left him penniless. Austin said he was broke and just starting working for Vince during his first divorce, so that wasn't a problem. And on his second and third marriages, he had a pre-nuptuial agreement. He said the divorces were "smooth sailing".


-- Howard remarked that Austin looked in really good shape. Austin said he had to improve his diet on the movie set.


-- Howard steers the chat towards The Rock. He wants to know what happened to him.


-- He says he hasn't talked to Rock in a long time. Howard tried to stir some bad blood between Austin & Rock, but Austin said there is no feud, and Rock was one of his favorite people to work with.


-- The only wrestling people he keeps in touch with are Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page, and some WWE guys who call him for advice.


-- He can't see himself ever wrestling again unless it was a really huge match and the payday was nice. He also doesn't see himself as a regular on TV anymore because WWE needs the time to get over new talent.


-- When asked who he likes coming up, he only mentioned Mr. Kennedy by name. He said some other guys are good but are having trouble putting it all together and didn't name names. He says it's hard to do and it took him 7 years to finally put it all together, and they need to realize that it's just not going to happen over night. He said you need to be smart when putting your character together, and to remember that the laws of physics and gravity apply as you get older.


-- He says his neck is 100% healthy but both his knees are in really bad shape.


-- A caller asked Austin if it was true that he refused to lose to Lesnar and that Lesnar is now banging his ex. He said he was correct on one part, but dead wrong about the ex. He clarified he never dated Sable.


-- Another caller asked if Vince was gay. Austin said Vince is about as straight as you can get.


-- Another called asked if Austin ever fucked Stacy Keibler. He said no, and then Artie Lang started reminiscing/fantasizing about Keibler's ass.


-- When Howard asked Austin why he never has celebrity girlfriends, he says it's because he just doesn't go to parties. He said the movie was filmed in Australia and there, he's monogamous.


-- Another caller asked if Austin was pissed that his Stunner on Donald Trump at WM23 looked terrible. He said you have good days and bad days, but gives Trump a lot of credit for even getting physical with his flying tackle of Vince outside the ring and taking the Stunner since he has tons of money and didn't have to if he didn't want to. He said Trump has been a huge wrestling fan for decades and had a lot of fun working with Vince & WWE.


-- Howard mentioned how Vince called him and wanted to work with him for SummerSlam 2002. He told Vince to send him some ideas, but he said all the ideas were wacky and involved Howard mixing it up in the ring.


-- Howard mentioned Chris Kanyon. Austin said he never worked with him, but knows him and says he's a good guy. He said he knew him for a long time and had no idea he was gay. He said he found out he was gay from DDP and his response was, "So he's gay. Who gives a shit?"


The interview then wrapped.

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That is, until, Orton broke company policy in public when it came to his apparent smoking a joint backstage at an arena, where anyone, like a sneaky journalist with a camera and the need to make a name for themselves, could have seen him. Imagine would could have happened if the wrong person, the aforementioned journalist, for example, had seen Orton. All sorts of shit could have gone down.


Journalists have better things to do than actively look for stories about professional wrestlers. This is 1999. Nobody really cares. I doubt most ordinary people have heard of Randy Orton and I doubt more than maybe 5% of those people would even care in the slightest.


Hey, I wonder if anyone like Austin Aries, who TNA were wrong to reprimand for his conduct lest we forget, would do something so dastardly as to smoke 'certain subtances' in public? ;)


Yeah... Austin loves the weed.

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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are getting marks from some people in management because they are studying 80s tapes of long matches to improve their ring psychology. MVP has shelves full of videos from that era of Eddie Guerrero, Dynamite Kid, Dean Malenko, Tiger Mask and Toshiaki Kawada among others.


You can tell that those guys are really doing their homework. If you ask me, all four of them have improved over the past year, and I expect to see that improvement continue, especially if they're really studying those tapes. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - WWE is on the verge of some really great guys stepping up to the big time, so the next few years should be very, very interesting. Not just the guys mentioned here, but also the younger guys who are just waiting to make their WWE debuts as well.

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Lance Cade is the most obvious one of those four. If you go back and watch Cade's matches before the team with Murdoch broke up, he wasn't very good. Murdoch was carrying just about everything.


When they reformed, and Cade had his black hair, there was a GIGANTIC difference in Cade's abilities. He hit harder, he used more credible moves, and he portrayed his character far better. Since then, Cade's only gotten better. I'd argue that he may have passed Murdoch as a worker. He has very credible strikes, he has a very good power game, his character inside the ring is great, and he has fantastic intensity. He's almost like a Steve Williams now. It's fully believable that he's gonna FUCK people up in the ring.


On top of that, Cade and Murdoch gel as a team. I don't think WWE's stumbled upon two people who work as well as a team in a long, long time. Their a unit, and have great in-ring chemistry, and double team moves.


It's a shame that they've never given them a long term significant push.

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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are getting marks from some people in management because they are studying 80s tapes of long matches to improve their ring psychology. MVP has shelves full of videos from that era of Eddie Guerrero, Dynamite Kid, Dean Malenko, Tiger Mask and Toshiaki Kawada among others.

Why even bother? WWE's been shitting on ring psychology with virtually every face champion since '84. Then again, all four mentioned are heels, so they actually have to adhere to selling things throughout a match...

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Lance Cade is the most obvious one of those four. If you go back and watch Cade's matches before the team with Murdoch broke up, he wasn't very good. Murdoch was carrying just about everything.


When they reformed, and Cade had his black hair, there was a GIGANTIC difference in Cade's abilities. He hit harder, he used more credible moves, and he portrayed his character far better. Since then, Cade's only gotten better. I'd argue that he may have passed Murdoch as a worker. He has very credible strikes, he has a very good power game, his character inside the ring is great, and he has fantastic intensity. He's almost like a Steve Williams now. It's fully believable that he's gonna FUCK people up in the ring.


On top of that, Cade and Murdoch gel as a team. I don't think WWE's stumbled upon two people who work as well as a team in a long, long time. Their a unit, and have great in-ring chemistry, and double team moves.


It's a shame that they've never given them a long term significant push.


Which means that Vince in all his glory will break up yet another talented team and bury them as single wrestlers that Cena, HHH and Michaels will go over.

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The 'Randy Orton' of his day?


No. HHH wasn't over initially during his main event push, but he certainly was by early 2000 which was less than a year after his big turn at Wrestlemania XV. Orton has been getting heavily pushed since 2003 and still isn't over. There is a big difference between ten months and 3 1/2 years.


So are you saying Randy Orton was never over? If thats what you are trying to saying, then you clearly don't know what are you talking about.


He was over for a bit in 2004 during the Foley feud and immediately after but he couldn't sustain it. Even then it was closer to HHH in July 1999 than HHH in February 2000. Since his abysmal title run, he's been nowhere near over enough for his position on the show.

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The 'Randy Orton' of his day?


No. HHH wasn't over initially during his main event push, but he certainly was by early 2000 which was less than a year after his big turn at Wrestlemania XV. Orton has been getting heavily pushed since 2003 and still isn't over. There is a big difference between ten months and 3 1/2 years.


So are you saying Randy Orton was never over? If thats what you are trying to saying, then you clearly don't know what are you talking about.


He was over for a bit in 2004 during the Foley feud and immediately after but he couldn't sustain it. Even then it was closer to HHH in July 1999 than HHH in February 2000. Since his abysmal title run, he's been nowhere near over enough for his position on the show.


He was also over during his feuds with The Undertaker and Rey Mysterio.

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