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Guest TysonTomko420

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Lance Cade is the most obvious one of those four. If you go back and watch Cade's matches before the team with Murdoch broke up, he wasn't very good. Murdoch was carrying just about everything.


When they reformed, and Cade had his black hair, there was a GIGANTIC difference in Cade's abilities. He hit harder, he used more credible moves, and he portrayed his character far better. Since then, Cade's only gotten better. I'd argue that he may have passed Murdoch as a worker. He has very credible strikes, he has a very good power game, his character inside the ring is great, and he has fantastic intensity. He's almost like a Steve Williams now. It's fully believable that he's gonna FUCK people up in the ring.


On top of that, Cade and Murdoch gel as a team. I don't think WWE's stumbled upon two people who work as well as a team in a long, long time. Their a unit, and have great in-ring chemistry, and double team moves.


It's a shame that they've never given them a long term significant push.


Which means that Vince in all his glory will break up yet another talented team and bury them as single wrestlers that Cena, HHH and Michaels will go over.


Actually, I wouldn't put it past the E to put the titles on Cade & Murdoch this weekend. The title win for the Hardyz was an accident in the first place, and they may wanna put Matt Hardy back on Smackdown.

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The 'Randy Orton' of his day?


No. HHH wasn't over initially during his main event push, but he certainly was by early 2000 which was less than a year after his big turn at Wrestlemania XV. Orton has been getting heavily pushed since 2003 and still isn't over. There is a big difference between ten months and 3 1/2 years.


So are you saying Randy Orton was never over? If thats what you are trying to saying, then you clearly don't know what are you talking about.


He was over for a bit in 2004 during the Foley feud and immediately after but he couldn't sustain it. Even then it was closer to HHH in July 1999 than HHH in February 2000. Since his abysmal title run, he's been nowhere near over enough for his position on the show.


He was also over during his feuds with The Undertaker and Rey Mysterio.


Not really, no.

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Lance Cade is the most obvious one of those four. If you go back and watch Cade's matches before the team with Murdoch broke up, he wasn't very good. Murdoch was carrying just about everything.


When they reformed, and Cade had his black hair, there was a GIGANTIC difference in Cade's abilities. He hit harder, he used more credible moves, and he portrayed his character far better. Since then, Cade's only gotten better. I'd argue that he may have passed Murdoch as a worker. He has very credible strikes, he has a very good power game, his character inside the ring is great, and he has fantastic intensity. He's almost like a Steve Williams now. It's fully believable that he's gonna FUCK people up in the ring.


On top of that, Cade and Murdoch gel as a team. I don't think WWE's stumbled upon two people who work as well as a team in a long, long time. Their a unit, and have great in-ring chemistry, and double team moves.


It's a shame that they've never given them a long term significant push.


Which means that Vince in all his glory will break up yet another talented team and bury them as single wrestlers that Cena, HHH and Michaels will go over.


Actually, I wouldn't put it past the E to put the titles on Cade & Murdoch this weekend. The title win for the Hardyz was an accident in the first place, and they may wanna put Matt Hardy back on Smackdown.


Haven't we heard from many sources that it was NOT an accident?

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The 'Randy Orton' of his day?


No. HHH wasn't over initially during his main event push, but he certainly was by early 2000 which was less than a year after his big turn at Wrestlemania XV. Orton has been getting heavily pushed since 2003 and still isn't over. There is a big difference between ten months and 3 1/2 years.


So are you saying Randy Orton was never over? If thats what you are trying to saying, then you clearly don't know what are you talking about.


He was over for a bit in 2004 during the Foley feud and immediately after but he couldn't sustain it. Even then it was closer to HHH in July 1999 than HHH in February 2000. Since his abysmal title run, he's been nowhere near over enough for his position on the show.


He was also over during his feuds with The Undertaker and Rey Mysterio.


Not really, no.


I was about to say the same thing.

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I've always been skeptical of that story. Why didn't Mabel just roll off of him?

Because it would look horrible.

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I've always been skeptical of that story. Why didn't Mabel just roll off of him?

Because it would look horrible.

To who? It's not like the match was being taped for TV. So what if a few thousand foreigners see something that looks weird.

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I've always been skeptical of that story. Why didn't Mabel just roll off of him?

Because it would look horrible.

To who? It's not like the match was being taped for TV. So what if a few thousand foreigners see something that looks weird.

again, because it would look horrible.

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A few things to address here......


First, where the fuck was it ever even reported the Hardy tag title win was an accident in the first place? Thats news to me.....someone needs to get their facts straight.


Secondly, I'm as much of a non-Orton fan as the next guy, but to say he's never gotten over with the crowds before is blinded mark hate.

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A few things to address here......


First, where the fuck was it ever even reported the Hardy tag title win was an accident in the first place? Thats news to me.....someone needs to get their facts straight.


Secondly, I'm as much of a non-Orton fan as the next guy, but to say he's never gotten over with the crowds before is blinded mark hate.


I thought I had read it in the WO. If I'm wrong, my bad. I'm jumbling things together.

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He was also over during his feuds with The Undertaker and Rey Mysterio.


Not really, no.


I was about to say the same thing.


Well, of course he wasn't! He was booked as a spineless pussy with the miraculous power to convey his inner most thoughts and fears to a national TV audience against Undertaker and the feud with Mysterio a. made no real sense and b. was turned into a feud about Eddie Guerrero for no reason, which turned everyone off.


Secondly, I'm as much of a non-Orton fan as the next guy, but to say he's never gotten over with the crowds before is blinded mark hate.


SHH! We'll have none of that talk on TSM, thank you!



Also, to clarify, the point I was making, tongue slightly in cheek, about Orton (and Aries/Starr) is that if you're looking to severly punish people for smoking recreational drugs, then the roster would probably be split in half: suspended and un-suspended. But I'm not saying that Orton shouldn't be punished or fired for repeated offences, don't get me wrong.

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Another injury question here, but how many times has Sabu broke his neck? I know there's the Benoit one, but on Taz'a wikipedia page it said he broke it with the table bump at Barely Legal. But then again, that could be wikipedia bullshit. Does anyone know?

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JR's latest blog has his comments on the Orton situation:


“I fully expect the entire Fatal 4 Way to be intact, including Randy Orton and Edge to go along with HBK and Cena. Orton, as reported by WWE.com was sent home from the tour for unprofessional conduct, which I am sure will most likely cost the 3rd generation star some hard-earned cash. Nonetheless, Orton will most likely be in Atlanta Sunday, and if he is not I will be surprised. Orton is not unlike many young athletes who reach fame and fortune at a young age and have issues handling it. I read about it seemingly every week regarding athletes from the NFL, MLB, NBA, etc. That certainly doesn’t make it right, as there are only so many “second chances” to go around and it would be a damn shame to see any young talent self destruct and permanently damage their career because of utilizing poor judgment. Randy is a talented and good hearted kid, but he has to make better choices, especially when it comes to anger issues. In my opinion, if Randy decides to change how he approaches certain situations he can be successful in doing so, which would in turn extend his career into one of the longer, more successful ones in the business..”


I think this is the first time that an 'anger issue' has been talked about as having something to do with this latest incident. Not that it would be a surprise, and if true could indicate Orton crossed paths with a women in some fashion; when Orton was suspended last year, the word on his behavior in regards to women was that he would basically throw a fit if they didn't treat him like a star.

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I remember back in 2005, I asked Randy Orton for an autograph, and he gave me this weird look, and said "Aren't you too old for an autograph?", he still signed it though. I was 18 at the time.

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I would like to see WWE play off on this. JR eluded that Orton might not show up. Have him 'no-show' the PPV (it punishes him by not giving him the main event spot) but also gives a new spin on his character. They've already admited he has issues with temper and following conduct. They already had the T.O character done, go with Pacman now. Just have Orton throw fits, be caught in bad situations and showing a general lack of concern about his career. It's a better route then to keep the same old "DESTINY" routine going from him. Would it hurt his status any more then it currently is?

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The thing I think people forget about Orton is that a third generation wrestler, he grew up watching Cowboy Bob live the life of a 1980's pro wrestler, which basically consisted of getting fucked up, nailing broads and breaking shit just for the pure joy of it. You look at other second generation wrestlers (Brian Christopher, Dustin Rhodes, Erik Watts, The Gilberts, Eddie Guerrero, The Von Erichs, Tully Blanchard etc) and they're all fucked up too.


I think Orton grew up with a certain understanding of a how a professional wrestler acts, and that is how he is behaving now.


Not making excuses for him, but I think it makes sense.

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I would like to see WWE play off on this. JR eluded that Orton might not show up. Have him 'no-show' the PPV (it punishes him by not giving him the main event spot) but also gives a new spin on his character. They've already admited he has issues with temper and following conduct. They already had the T.O character done, go with Pacman now. Just have Orton throw fits, be caught in bad situations and showing a general lack of concern about his career. It's a better route then to keep the same old "DESTINY" routine going from him. Would it hurt his status any more then it currently is?






edit: That made more sense when Hawk's post was before mine.

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I would like to see WWE play off on this. JR eluded that Orton might not show up. Have him 'no-show' the PPV (it punishes him by not giving him the main event spot) but also gives a new spin on his character. They've already admited he has issues with temper and following conduct. They already had the T.O character done, go with Pacman now. Just have Orton throw fits, be caught in bad situations and showing a general lack of concern about his career. It's a better route then to keep the same old "DESTINY" routine going from him. Would it hurt his status any more then it currently is?

The problem with that idea is that it encourages the kind of behavior from Orton that they really need to stop. If Orton's problems are anger management related and he tries to get over them, the last thing he should be doing is a gimmick that calls for him to throw fits.

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Granted there is a parallel between Orton and Hall, although at drastic ends but I really just wanted to see them play off Orton's actions by kayfabing that he no-showed which serves as an additional punishment and it doesn't hurt since no one buys the show for him. Having him do the fits and such probably isn't a smart move but having him show a change in character can't hurt. Be more negligent, lose matches by not putting effort. It's been done many times but Orton's been doing the same thing for 4 years and hasn't moved a inch. Changing him around is a risk they need to take since they won't pull the trigger and yank him.

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Granted there is a parallel between Orton and Hall, although at drastic ends but I really just wanted to see them play off Orton's actions by kayfabing that he no-showed which serves as an additional punishment and it doesn't hurt since no one buys the show for him. Having him do the fits and such probably isn't a smart move but having him show a change in character can't hurt. Be more negligent, lose matches by not putting effort. It's been done many times but Orton's been doing the same thing for 4 years and hasn't moved a inch. Changing him around is a risk they need to take since they won't pull the trigger and yank him.


That's not a bad idea. Then down the road after he goes on a losing streak he gets fed up enough to do something about it and they can have his character actually make a turn for the better. He realizes his mistakes and goes on the right track. This can also get people behind him to root for him to make something better of himself.

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A few things to address here......


First, where the fuck was it ever even reported the Hardy tag title win was an accident in the first place? Thats news to me.....someone needs to get their facts straight.


Secondly, I'm as much of a non-Orton fan as the next guy, but to say he's never gotten over with the crowds before is blinded mark hate.


To say he's actually been over enough to main event is blinded mark ignorance.

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Has there ever been a losing streak angle that worked? Not counting someone like Horowitz who always lost, I'm talking about someone who was successfully and then went on a losing streak.


Jimmy Rave is the only one that comes to mind.

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Has there ever been a losing streak angle that worked? Not counting someone like Horowitz who always lost, I'm talking about someone who was successfully and then went on a losing streak.


Chris Jericho had a losing streak angle in 1997-98 that led to the heel turn that turned him into a star.

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Has there ever been a losing streak angle that worked? Not counting someone like Horowitz who always lost, I'm talking about someone who was successfully and then went on a losing streak.

DDP always use to lose to the big guys before he hit it big and the Diamond Cutter became THE move of the Moment....They always mention Goldberg as WCW's only homegrown star....But I always say what about DDP..I was marking hard for this guy..no way I was the only one..

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