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"I will be here on the telephones, all over the Christmas period including the 25th and 26th"


You're an automated e-mail reply! Of course you will, robot.


Or real person (since they knew you were "stressed"). It's just weird that a real person would call you "customer" and not put their name at the bottom.

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"I will be here on the telephones, all over the Christmas period including the 25th and 26th"


You're an automated e-mail reply! Of course you will, robot.


Or real person (since they knew you were "stressed"). It's just weird that a real person would call you "customer" and not put their name at the bottom.


Yeah I was thinking that at first, but then I read the rest of the email and it pretty much replies to the things I posted about. I think they just have Header and Footers they copy and paste. Still, pretty cool they replied, even they did humble me.

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Nintendo 1 Me 0 tbh


Dear Customer, thank you for your e-mail.


I am sorry that you are stressed. All Nintendo products have been so popular this year that they have outstripped the estimates that, even your store, has expected. The timescale for products to be in store is about 8 weeks from the date of the order confirmation. So for products to be available for you to supply to your customers, say, at the end of November, would have to have been ordered at the end of September by your company. If the expected number of sales was underestimated, and this would seem to be the case by everyone, the products would not have been made.


If it is any consolation to you, at the Service Centre here we are answering an average of 2000 telephone calls per day and we are getting an average of 250 emails per day and I can assure you we are getting our fair share of abusive, angry and threatening customers. Having said that we are all doing what we can to ease the situation for very many people. The unfortunate thing is that we can not 'find' any products in the warehouse to ease your situation. There will be more deliveries into the central distribution chain of yours and other companies but I can not confirm when or how many will be on them.


Look on the bright side in as much as that you are selling, when you can, the best games consoles and games ever. A million customers can't be wrong. The availability of other manufacturers platforms in your stores speak volumes for the popularity of Nintendo.


As a final parting comment, I will be here on the telephones, all over the Christmas period including the 25th and 26th!


Kind regards,


Your Nintendo Team


Well, that put me in my place.


You just got Nintendowned.

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Apparently Cruis'n for Wii is just a port of the Fast and the Furious arcade game. It's been a while since we've seen a good old-fashioned license-stripped port on home consoles, isn't it?

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Some kid offered me an extra $200 if I give it to him. I told him to go on eBay where he could get it for $100 less than he offered me. Idiot people. They just want the damn thing cause they can't get it. Once it's out everywhere, they won't want it anymore.


And what is with these people being mean to you about it Chris? Just tell them, in the nicest way possible without getting fired, to fuck off.


And instead of saying we don't have it in, because it's negative, I have to offer them the 360. Stupid.

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That's one thing I've noticed...the XBox 360 seems to be everywhere. Is it just not as popular, or did Microsoft just do a much better job making sure they'd have enough out for the holiday season?


It's kind of silly, though...I was in Best Buy a couple weeks back, just happened to be walking by the video game section, and one of the blue shirts started babbling to me about how they have the new Halo special edition Xbox 360 in stock, even though I hadn't talked to him, and wasn't even looking at the Xbox stuff.

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Some kid offered me an extra $200 if I give it to him. I told him to go on eBay where he could get it for $100 less than he offered me. Idiot people. They just want the damn thing cause they can't get it. Once it's out everywhere, they won't want it anymore.


And what is with these people being mean to you about it Chris? Just tell them, in the nicest way possible without getting fired, to fuck off.


And instead of saying we don't have it in, because it's negative, I have to offer them the 360. Stupid.

Haha, yeah we try to do the 'polite fuck off' routine when we can. Actually, there was a lady today who restored my faith in human nature. We got some Wii's, but sold out, I managed to track down a Wii at another store for her, which she got. A few hours later she returned with some sweets for us for helping her out - now that was nice. If there was a Customer Service Center regarding Customers, she'd have got positive feedback.


Yeah, we had to suggest PS3s/360s instead of Wii, but its a bit silly.


You're right about people wanting one for the sake of having one though, they're caught up in the hype without a doubt.

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The stupid thing is that most people will buy one, use it on xmas day with their friends and then have it sit in it's box collecting dust until next xmas.


It's the console version of Twister.

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Where does everyone get these "they buy at Wii, play it once, and never touch it again" stats? Is there a "how often do you play your Wii" survey going around that I missed or something? :huh:

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The stupid thing is that most people will buy one, use it on xmas day with their friends and then have it sit in it's box collecting dust until next xmas.


It's the console version of Twister.

I've never heard of anyone doing that before. If this is a friend of yours, do me a favor and slap your friend, then tell them that's from Toby from the states.

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So the Wii Christmas haul comes to..


Wii Console

Super Mario Galaxy

Wii Play w/wiimote

Carnival Games(25 mini games) at the Wife's request

extra 'chuck


I also bought a battery charger that I guess will count as part of this.....


So I am pretty set now as far as Wii-chandise goes. The Wife & stepdaughter will be very pleased.

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Question: For those that have Super Mario Galaxy. Is it difficult to play with the wii-mote? Should I get a classic controller for it, is it more fun to play with the wii-mote?

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Question: For those that have Super Mario Galaxy. Is it difficult to play with the wii-mote? Should I get a classic controller for it, is it more fun to play with the wii-mote?


Well, you CAN get a Classic Controller, and plug it in to the Wii Remote for Super Mario Galaxy, whereupon nothing will happen. Galaxy, like 97% of Wii games, requires the use of the standard Wiimote/Nunchuk combo.


But for the record, it feels great.


Edit: If you plan to buy Genesis, SNES, N64, or NeoGeo games off of Virtual Console, get a Classic Controller.


Edit x 2: The Battery Charger... is that the Nyko charger? I love that charger. However, it is incompatible with the Wii Zapper, FYI. This is because the special remote covers are slightly thicker, causing the remote to not sit in the Zapper casing correctly. You'll have to use the regular cover + good ol' AA batteries for it. But you don't own a Zapper yet. But I just figured any info is good info.

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I didn't buy a wii-remote charger. Just a regular batter charger that you put the batteries themselves in.


Cool. The manual says actually, to not use rechargable batteries in the wii remote, but I talked to a mechanical engineering friend of mine who says that's bull. Rechargable batteries (NiMH (Nickel-Metal-Hydride)) should be fine.

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I didn't buy a wii-remote charger. Just a regular batter charger that you put the batteries themselves in.


Cool. The manual says actually, to not use rechargable batteries in the wii remote, but I talked to a mechanical engineering friend of mine who says that's bull. Rechargable batteries (NiMH (Nickel-Metal-Hydride)) should be fine.


Yeah I asked a buddy of mine who has had the wii for awhile and has used rechargables the entire time and says he has never had a problem at all.

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Where does everyone get these "they buy at Wii, play it once, and never touch it again" stats? Is there a "how often do you play your Wii" survey going around that I missed or something? :huh:


A few months before Christmas we had alot of people who traded their Wiis in for a PS3, however, these were your typical 'PS3' cliché customers, so the Nintendo Wii was never going to be for them anyway. You know the kind of customer I mean - they want Grand Theft Autos and their Grand Turismos, flash graphics and big boobs basically. They thought the Wii was something it wasn't. I can understand where Luke-O is coming from with what he was saying, the UK does have some very fickle customers that will basically buy something 'cool' cos the magazines/TV said they should, without even knowing what it was they were buying.


I had a guy the other day stand and argue with me that he wanted to return his Wii as it wasn't in HD and the picture quality was shite, even though it doesn't say anywhere that it was in HD to begin with and the best you'll get is 480 res on an HD TV.

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Hm, yah I know the cliche customers. Most of my girlfriends family are PS3-types, while most of my friends are XBOX360-types. I have a Wii and two PS2's (region 1 and region 2) and I honestly play my Wii more than my region 2 PS2 - something I thought would never happen.


Personally I don't mind the HD/resolution thing at all. Though I do wish all of the games had an option for 16:9.

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Did you say, "why yes, I'll refund your opened purchase because you didn't research it very well, if it all."


If you know what an HD TV is and what it does, and ever saw a Wii advertisement, press release, or read anything about the system, you have no excuse. That man fails as a customer.

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Did you say, "why yes, I'll refund your opened purchase because you didn't research it very well, if it all."


If you know what an HD TV is and what it does, and ever saw a Wii advertisement, press release, or read anything about the system, you have no excuse. That man fails as a customer.



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The whole HD thing i stupid, like it really effects the game play because it doesn't look great. Please.


For the record, I have my Wii, 360 and my Dreamcast set up at the moment and my Wii gets more play out of all of them, and my Dreamcast in second. I have't touched my 360 in about 5 months now.

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Well, its not what the Wii's about to start with.

The Wii is pretty much the 30min piss about with your mates/play when you're drunk kind of console, not trying to put it down, but there's very little games that require you to sit down and play it for hours straight ala 360/PS3. At least, thats my take on it. If you want to have a fun 30mins/hour of game play with your mates, then this is the thing to go for.


I once told a customer that the Nintendo Wii was basically the Nintendo Gamecube with a little extra and they almost told me to 'Fuck Off' in disbelief.

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I was amused by a news report about how bad the weather is here this morning showed that people had driven in the snowstorm to wait outside for a store to open and get a Wii. Apparently the store was nice enough to let them wait inside.

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Personally, I've never really been able to tell a huge difference between a 480p video game and true HD resolution. As long as it displays properly on a widescreen TV, I don't really care.

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The Wii is pretty much the 30min piss about with your mates/play when you're drunk kind of console, not trying to put it down, but there's very little games that require you to sit down and play it for hours straight ala 360/PS3. At least, thats my take on it. If you want to have a fun 30mins/hour of game play with your mates, then this is the thing to go for.


Exactly. It is also priced about right for what the system offers. I already have a PS3, and was not looking to get the Wii as an alternative to it. I was getting the Wii because it was the type of system that when I have friends over for UFC or a Wrestling PPV, we can get buzzed, play some wii sports, or mario kart etc etc....for an hour or two before the PPV comes on. (Not to mention that there is plenty enough to keep my wife and stepdaughter entertained by it because they prefer games like Mario & Zelda and Sonic to the games I prefer) Also there is not such a hub-bub over the graphics having to be HD w/Surround sound, so it makes it an easy system to move room from room depending on what is going on out in the living room.

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Just some minor advice, although the closer it gets to Christmas the slighter this will help.


For those still looking for a Wii, I have noticed that in my area one of the most overlooked places for video game shopping is the Game-Crazy stores. I am note sure if everyone has these stores where they live, but they are the video game stores that about five years ago Hollywood video built into their video store. It is it's own seperate store with it's own entrance, however Hollywood video owns it, that it why it is attached. It is basically the same thing as a Gamestop store. A couple of weeks ago my co-worker got a wii from there, and it was the last one, and then I called two days later and they had a new order in and I was the first to inquire. So if these stores are in your area I would suggest giving all of them in your immediate location a call....it is worth a shot.

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