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Man Who Sold The World

The Things That Anger You Thread.

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But as far as things that anger me, I have a rant about DirecTV coming when I have more time.


They still put commerical breaks during wrestling shows, is that it?




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Guest Vitamin X
And if my 54, 55 year old mom


This doesn't really anger me, and it may not be the case with you, Leo, but it astounds me how so many people don't know their parents' birthdays or even their ages. I mean... how do you not know?


But as far as things that anger me, I have a rant about DirecTV coming when I have more time.


I do know, it's that her birthday is coming up soon, so I was purposely being kind of vague there.

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It's not that I don't know how to use a blue tooth Vitamin It's just the blue tooth I have doesn't work correctly a lot, so I end up fumbling around with it to try to make it work correctly.


When I put the phone to my ear, I'm not distracted by the phone. I turn the radio down before I pick up the phone so I can hear the person, I roll up my window as well, I pick up the phone and still pay attention to the road and the cars around me and even my speed limit and normally stay in the lane I'm in until I get off the phone and if I have to merge I put the phone down so I can merge to the next lane or take my on/off ramp. It's honestly not that damn difficult. Hell I even saw the cop who was hiding around the corner before he pulled me over. That's how much I pay attention to the road while I'm driving and talking on my cell phone.

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And if my 54, 55 year old mom


This doesn't really anger me, and it may not be the case with you, Leo, but it astounds me how so many people don't know their parents' birthdays or even their ages. I mean... how do you not know?


But as far as things that anger me, I have a rant about DirecTV coming when I have more time.

My mom has always refused to reveal her age. She's so insecure about it (apparently when she turned 23 someone jokingly said "you're getting old" and she took it EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY) that she only admits her year of birth on a need-to-know basis, and I guess her kids don't need to know. Of course, I do know, thanks to some detective work done when I was 9, but I don't think my brother does, and he's several years older than me. It's all so strange.

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My mother's 52, but everyone says she looks about 40 when she claims to be 47. Aging is something which scares me to my wit's end, so I can certainly understand why she lies about it.

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He was hiding around the corner trying to catch someone for speeding. I couldn't have seen him until I was coming though the intersection and even if I had put the phone down after we saw each other, he still would have pulled me over.


I live in one of those small cities where the police get bored and will pull over someone for anything they can come up with.

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Weighing in with Spike here. There are two people I will never let out of side roads: people in flashy sportscars, and idiots on their phones, the first because I'm petty, and the second because they're a fucking hazard and should be kept stationary on the road for as long as possible, and certainly until I'm as far away from them as possible.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I just don't understand who people have to talk to. I mean, you have to talk to someone right now? It's beyond me. Not that it's much of a risk around where I live, but if I ever get tagged by some dimwit because they're on the fuckin' phone, I..can't fathom how I'd react. Badly.

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Missing the death pool for the second straight year. Fuck, I never scroll down this far until it's too late. Something about 12:30am January 1 just screams "Time for TSM General Chat" to me.

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People who want stuff free for any minor inconvenience they might have suffered. Our ads go from Wednesday to Tuesday, so our Ad Feature Table gets switched out on Tuesday setting up for the next days ad. I did the table change, and went up to the office to make signs for the new switched out product I just finished putting out. While the signs were printing I get a page from one of the checkers asking about the price of some bagged potatoes. I tell her, 3.99, and the cashier repeats that price to the customer, "She says there's a sign for 2 for 3."


"That's for the mangoes, I just finished pulling."


The cashier hangs up, and I head back down stairs, and the lady is still arguing that she should get the for free because the sign was wrong. And it's a lady that does this all the time, always trying to get free stuff because she gets "confused" at our signing.


Jeez. People need to freakin' read.

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At the Zoo where I work, people always try to abuse their memberships. No, your membership does not cover your nephews or nieces. Your membership covers you, your husband and your bad ass kids that need to stop trying to climb up the side of my ticket booth. No one else.


No, your guest pass does not say it is "good for" Lights Before Christmas. It explicitly says it is "not good for special Events like Lights Before Christmas".


Anything for free shit when they're already getting an amazing deal.

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People who want stuff free for any minor inconvenience they might have suffered. Our ads go from Wednesday to Tuesday, so our Ad Feature Table gets switched out on Tuesday setting up for the next days ad. I did the table change, and went up to the office to make signs for the new switched out product I just finished putting out. While the signs were printing I get a page from one of the checkers asking about the price of some bagged potatoes. I tell her, 3.99, and the cashier repeats that price to the customer, "She says there's a sign for 2 for 3."


"That's for the mangoes, I just finished pulling."


The cashier hangs up, and I head back down stairs, and the lady is still arguing that she should get the for free because the sign was wrong. And it's a lady that does this all the time, always trying to get free stuff because she gets "confused" at our signing.


Jeez. People need to freakin' read.


Unless I'm misreading this I agree with the woman. If you had a price point in front of a product, I'd argue to get at least 1 of that item at that price, even if the product didn't match.

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Nah, for a couple of reasons.


One, the price she quoted wasn't directly in front of the product she got, it was down a couple of spots. Two, the sign clearly said, Mangos 2/3. She obviously read the signs, because she didn't want them for 1.29 which was the price of the apples I had replaced the potatoes with and the price directly in front of the item she grabbed. She was just hoping the cashier would take her at face value and just give her the potatoes for 2/3.


The main problem is that some of our cashiers are stupid or lazy and just ring up stuff for whatever the customer complains the price to be. I came back from lunch once as a person was trying to get a flat of strawberries for 5.99 instead of 13.99 because they "misread" the long-stem strawberries sign and the cashier had rung them up already, but the bagger had a brain and quickly asked me how much they where before the person got them out of the store. So because of our idiot cashiers people try and pull this shit all the time and screw us over.


It doesn't help that my Store Director is a ball-less wonder, and 9 times out of 10 caves to whatever retarded ranting a customer is doing just to appease them even if what they are saying is completely and utterly wrong.


I don't remember how many times the front desk has called me up to take back something someone bought a week prior and wanted to return because it didn't last, and the SD was going to give them their money back. The kicker being someone brought back some raspberry containers saying they'd bought them the day before and they were all moldy, and it was from a farm I'd never even heard of, so they didn't buy them at our store, and me pointing this out and the customer backing down was the only reason they didn't get their money back from our ball-less leader.

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Assistant mangers who think they're higher than the law when it comes to employees taking breaks and then suggests that you stay later so he can go eat.


I'm doing a temp job as a greeter at a Verizon Wireless store and I have this one assistant manager who thinks he's very high and mighty and hates it when people take a lunch or a break. He's actually asked me "why?" when I told him I was going to my lunch. He later that night said he doesn't understand why people need to take lunches and breaks because he doesn't always take his breaks and he gets angry when people do and everyone should be like him. I looked at him and told him "sorry, it's the law that I take my breaks.".


Tonight I didn't take my last 15 minute break cause it was pretty busy and I didn't feel like hearing him cry about how I was taking a break, plus I'm pretty nice about leaving the store when it's busy. About 13 minutes before I was about to get off work for the night, he walked by me and says "you can't leave because I haven't ate yet.". I left anyways at 7 o'clock when I was suppose to.


The store was empty so I didn't have much of a problem leaving since there was a sales rep available. My job doesn't interfere with their jobs at all unless it's busy and they have no one to keep track of who entered the store and when and their jobs doesn't interfere with mine at all, so why should I have to wait for someone to eat when A) there's no one in the store and B) when he doesn't care if I get my breaks or not?


I hate dicks like this.

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I'm kind of proud of how few breaks I took, or how often I would shorten them when I did take them, or whatever. It's ridiculous to suggest that someone not take them whatsoever, though. What are we, in China?







Speaking of breaks, a warning like the following: "Hey, CG, I'm gonna go for a quick 15-minute smoke break." What do you mean, a quick 15-minute break? Do you have access to a fucking time speeder-upper or something?

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I'm sorta that way as well. The last few jobs that didn't really require me to take breaks I just took a lunch because I had to clock out or I'd either be fired or would have missed out on pay. The thing with the greeter job is that I really just don't care about it. It's a temp job that's just a weekly paycheck to help me pay my bills and gets me some job experience. Not a whole lot but it helps.


At the same time though, I'm really not trying to get fired or in trouble and I'm paid by the hour, so I get two 15 minutes breaks and one one hour lunch when I work a 9 hour day. My lunch isn't a paid lunch, so why should I skip down on my lunch when I'm not paid for any of it? Plus I'm just a fucking greeter, my job is this....


"Hi, how are you doing? What brings you in today? Here's who can help you." Or... "sorry we're a little busy with customers but you're (either) first in line or have a certain number of people and I'll get you someone as soon as I can."


You're telling me you can't manage your store without me in it? How the hell did you become an assistant manager?

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The Greeter is just a holiday seasonal thing. Basically the sales reps, the customer service reps, and the managers can't really keep track of who came in the store first when the store is busy during the holidays because they're all helping customers, so Verizon got smart and went though temp companies to get seasonal greeters to help out.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I can come, go, smoke, eat, and shit as I please at work. The results of working like a dog for them for five years. I don't even have a person who is directly my boss on my shift. There are a few that outrank me, but no one gives me shit, because without me, someone else would have to do all the crap I do. You guys scrambling for smoke breaks from assistant managers in retail are suckers.

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DVDs. No matter what I buy, it's just going to be rereleased a year later as some super extra special edition with more extras, making the one I just bought obsolete. This is especially disheartening with the announcement that the best movie ever, Street Fighter is getting that treatment.

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My job is terrible with lunches and breaks. During the Summer, we're open until 6. Shift starts at 8:45.


30 minute lunch. 2 15 minute breaks. Maybe. If it isn't busy. They get away with it often because most of the year we're open until 5, and some shifts start ending at 3 or 4 or 4:30. So it equals out to an hour with breaks.


But I believe under our state law we're supposed to get a full hour for lunch if you're working past a certain number of hours (like those 8:45-6 days). But we would never ever get that hour lunch. Not in a million years. They will even dock 30 minutes for lunch whether you take it or not. They are all about the money, at any opportunity, at every possible time.


It also sucks when we have to work the Garden Side. Our Zoo is huge with the Garden Half, which is connected but more or less across town. We have to ride a tram up to it. So you either have to bring lunch, or order expensive takeout from somewhere downtown. Going to the Zoo eatery where we can eat for 3 bucks isn't an option because by the time you get down there your lunch is half over - to get back in time you have to immediately go back up.


In keeping with the thread:


Website booking that gives you the WRONG FLIGHT INFORMATION is aggravating. My wife and I were due to fly home today from Madrid. Out first flight is to Paris, and from Paris to Atlanta. The flight to Paris is via a partner company with Delta, Air France. But the flight number they gave us was the Delta code for it, not the Air France code. So we get to the airport at 6 AM to find Delta closed and the flight number we have nowhere to be found on the departure gate screens.


Though I will say that Delta was cool about it. They rebooked us for tomorrow with the same flight plan at no charge.


But I would've liked to have been home tonight.

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haha, indeed. She loves it there. Unfortunately to be eligible for jobs there we'd have to renounce our citizenship as Americans. Gotta come back to keep the job and pay the bills here. :)


But getting up at 5 AM and running around Madrid Bajas only to miss our flight and have to get someone to come get us from Camarma was... unpleasant.


If you ever find yourself in Spain, hit up Toledo and Segovia. Gorgeous lands, the ability to touch the stone of an aqueduct built by the Romans (that still works), beautiful swords and the Summer Castle in Segovia is small but wonderful.

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Guest Vitamin X

I have no qualms about renouncing American citizenship. Maybe I should go back to where my ancestors came from.

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