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Craig Th


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Still could give two flying shits about Mars being on the show.


I don't know which pisses me off more...the moment Bennett's face was blow off, or the fact that they did ANOTHER one of their deals where they seemly kill someone only to bring them right back. HRG is my favorite character by far right now. I was pissed when he took the bullet. but pissed again when they copped out on killing him.


And goddammit, this is either 2 or 3 weeks now without Sylar

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Bennett coming back was pretty predictable, considering him taking Mohinder's love-round in the eye didn't end the episode. It clearly would have been the biggest moment of the season.


Now that they've covered that, let's hope we never see another Isaac Mendes painting again.

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yeah, it was a little dumb for dude to be dead and you get "oh by the way, there's more paintings." They could pull a bitch move and discover a hidden stockpiling warehouse where he had more paintings.


You killed the character, it's lame to keep use his stuff now to use for another storyline that he's completely unrelated to.

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Were we ever told if Kaito and Angela have abilities as well? I can't seem to remember..


They may have showed Angela's power last week when she manipulated nathans wife into keeping quite that or she was awfully touchy feely with her duaghter in law.

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When it comes to complaints about the lack of Sylar I agree but I have read that the lack of Sylar is the result of Quinto's shooting schedule on the new Star Trek movie.

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Glad HRG guy is still 'alive', he's my favorite character - it often feels like Heroes is based around him, even though he has no powers, if that makes sense. All in all I thought this was a pretty powerful episode, with some great insight into future turns ahead Parkman turning 'Evil', Ell turning against her Dad, etc

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Thing is, these episodes were already filmed before Quinto started with Trek. So the lack of Sylar is simply sloppy writing. Especially putting him with the Dunder Twins. Aside from being with Sylar, they have absolutely *no* relaiuon to anything else going on. Not the virus, not the Generation 12 being killed off, *nothing*. I hope next week its revealed that he axed them both and merged their powers somehow.


For some reason they don't want to tell us what their powers are. Maybe there will be an episode dedicated to"The Twelve" some day and we'll find the answer.

No idea about Kaito's, but Angela's is definetly persuasion. They hinted at it in S1 when Nathan was all set on letting NY be destroyed. Personally I'm more curious about Papa Petrelli's power, and moreso why he committed suicide.


My review of the ep: http://yunafire.livejournal.com/258765.html

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Elle. She's still a sociopath, but I like how Kristen Bell played it. The seeds of doubt have been planted. And she realizes that she's been Haitianed, on Daddy Bob's orders. Previews look interesting too, with a possible Claire/Elle confrontation.

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Thing is, these episodes were already filmed before Quinto started with Trek. So the lack of Sylar is simply sloppy writing. Especially putting him with the Dunder Twins. Aside from being with Sylar, they have absolutely *no* relaiuon to anything else going on. Not the virus, not the Generation 12 being killed off, *nothing*. I hope next week its revealed that he axed them both and merged their powers somehow.


I don't like either of the characters, but you can't say this for sure. Unless you have some sort of entire season spoiler that no one else knows about. I don't think it's that far of a stretch for the Spanish chick to catch the virus and then infect a shit-ton of people via her "ability."

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A heard that a lot of people are complaining that HRG just immediately came back to life. But I think it is intriguing. I mean, do we really know who brought him back to life? What if Mohinder shot HRG knowing that he could bring him back to life? What if Bob and Elle have no idea that HRG is alive? I think that would be a very interesting twist to the story (and it doesn't make Mohinder look like such a dumbass).

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Mohinder doesn't know anything. He is just a fucking dumbass that goes along with whatever the latest person says to him.


Since Bob is the one that took Claires blood, one can assume that he is the one that brought him back. The question is, why waste the blood on him?


Also, I know I am just supposed to shut up and enjoy the show, but HRG put Elle in the bucket of water, making her powers useless to her.


Then they took her out the water, put her in a car, drove to the meeting spots, and stood outside with her standing beside the car.


Seriously...why wouldn't she just kill west and HRG and they all keep Claire. That didn't make any sense. There was no reason that she would wait until the trade went through before zapping claire and West.


And while everyone has been complaining about the Twins (who I still think are awesome), Claire and the missing Wilson brother West are easliy the most annoying thing in the history of the show. And that line delivery of "Mr. Bennett...What are you doing?" Sounded like a SNL sketch where they pretend to be people that can't act. That was fucking horrible.


I LOVE the Parkman storyline now and he is way down the slippery slope. I still hope they kill his man partner Mohinder though. Fuck that guy.


Great ep. I missed the "Next week on heroes" so I have no clue as to what is happening next week.

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Great ep. I missed the "Next week on heroes" so I have no clue as to what is happening next week.



All I remember from it is Hiro holding a sword to Peter's throat

And Mohinder returning to his apartment (why?) to Sylar sitting comfortably in an easy chair. He greets Mohider with "Welcome home, Dr. Suresh" or something of that nature. Sorry. My brain stopped function once it realized that Sylar and Mohinder were alone, and Sylar had that smirk of I-Am-Thinking-Evil-Intent.


Seriously...why wouldn't she just kill west and HRG and they all keep Claire. That didn't make any sense. There was no reason that she would wait until the trade went through before zapping claire and West.

I think she's been brainwashed enough by Bob to think she needs him and the Company. Plus, at that point, I imagine she was still dealing with the "Who the hell am I?!" dilemna. In 'Four Months Ago' she went on a lengthy (and rather dull, imo) rant about her childhood. How she's always causing catastrophes. Well now she's learned that maybe, just maybe, that's not her. Perhaps Bob implanted her with an entirely false childhood/past.


Also, I agree about West. Up until this week's episode, he pissed me off royally.




HRG and West: Angriest ManHugs Ever.

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Great episode.


I'm not annoyed about bringing back Bennett, he is a fucking badass and easily the best thing about the show. I would love it if they brought him back to brainwash him agian into working for the company.


And I laughed my ass of when Elle shocked herself!

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You would think the bitch used her powers in the tub or something before. But, apparently not.


"Stings like a bitch, doesn't it?" is EASILY the best quote of the season.


Now, lets hope those fuckin' twins are killed off next week. End the season on a high note, why not?

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I finally figured out what why I don't like the twins. It's because they are annoying characters.


Someone stated that they don't see why we hate them so much because they have an intersting story arch. They may very well do, but so far they have done nothing for me but annoy me.


9 episodes in and so far:


She has cried.

He has said her name.


That's all they have done.

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And along the way she killed more people than any other single character on the show and has shown seeds of a evil side. I understand not liking them but that is just ignoring the subtle changes in her character. Now Aleandro, that dude has done nothing but say her name this year.

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And along the way she killed more people than any other single character on the show and has shown seeds of a evil side.


...By crying.

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Okay, I missed last week's episode and have been trying to find a way to watch it all week. I'm running incredibly short on time.


The player on NBC.com has not been working for me. It works for every other episode except 9. Can anyone help me out?

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This whole "volume" is a disaster. Started way too slow, finishing up way too fast. There hasn't been any middle. I guess you can blame it on the strike, but I think this set was supposed to be just 11 episodes anyway. Quite the wreck.

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