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SWF Smarkdownoween - 10-30-2006

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Live, Tuesday, October 31st, from the Staples Center in Los Angeles, Californiaaaaa!
(7pm PST, 10pm EST; check local listings)
(Send all promos/marked matches to chirs3)



Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix vs. Zyon

-> Part two in the Joseph Peters Is An Asshole Series of booking moves - while Spike and Drake are learning to work as a cohesive unit, the two men most likely to watch Stephen's back at A2A are pitted against each other in a HARDCORE match! Neither one of these men is going to go down without a fight, but every chairshot, lowblow, and indian burn will hurt them that much more in the long run, making them potentially easy pickings at Ashes 2 Ashes!
Word Limit: 5000
Send to: chirs3

Writing as Landon: Devin Benson
Writing as Zyon: Tom Flesher


Special Teamwork Exercise
"The Beast" Gabriel Drake and "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Corpus Calossum (Ultimo Phantasmo and Devin Benson)

-> So I guess Peters really isn't trying to hide his contempt for Michael Stephens anymore. In the first of two efforts designed to stack the deck against Michael, Peters is pairing up Gabriel Drake and Spike Jenkins, in the hopes that they will become a more cohesive ass-kicking unit in the Elimination Chamber! In order to do so, though, they will first need to get through Ultimo Phantasmo and Devin Benson!
Rules: Standard tag team match.
Word Limit: 5000
Send to: Ace309

Writing for Drake: Landon Maddix
Writing for Spike: Alan Clark

Writing for Ultimo: Johnny Dangerous
Writing for Devin: Akira Kaibatsu


"The Superior One" Tom Flesher vs. The Scion of Light
-> Looking to take out his frustrations on someone who can't beat him like W&D did on Lockdown, Tom turns to his one-time coat-rack, the Scion of Light! SOL has been out of the spotlight as of late - now's her big chance to take it right back!
Rules: Cruiserweight rules.
Word Limit: 5000
Send to: Longdogger_Pete

Writing as Tom Flesher: Spike Jenkins
Writing as SOL: Nemesis


Wild and Dangerous vs. The Blank Brothers (Bruce and Wayne Blank)
-> WILD AND DANGEROUS ARE BACK, BAAAAAYBEH! While this technically does meet Peters' requirement that Johnny find a tag partner, Ole' Joe was still plenty sore about being made a fool of, so he's not going to let up on them now! Tonight, they face a newly... eh... "re-energized"... Bruce Blank, with his rat-fink brother Wayne by his side!
Rules: Standard tag team match.
Word Limit: 5000
Send to: Chuck Woolery

Writing as Johnny: Michael Stephens
Writing as WC: Zyon

Writing as Bruce: Ultimo Phantasmo
Writing as Wayne: Gabriel Drake


Ced Ordonez vs. "Big Country" Martin Hunt

-> We all knew this day would come. A day when one of our little Jobbers to the Stars would go through the Rites of Passage, and become a man... the day when one of them would actually win a match.

This... is that day...
Rules: Standard singles match.
Word Limit: 5000
Send to: chirs3

Writing as Ced Ordonez: Bruce Blank
Writing as Martin Hunt: Jimmy the Doom


Anyone unhappy with their assignment is free to trade with someone else. But know this: Trades must be finalized 24 hours before the due-time, and you MUST notify me and your markers (if I've actually edited them in by then) so we know what's going on. :P

As usual, if I missed anyone, let me know and I'll see what I can do, but I think I've got all the available writers taken care of.

Yes, I know I just jinxed myself by saying that.

For anyone curious, the process was this: I tore up little pieces of paper with the matches on them, then little pieces of paper with the wrasslers names on 'em. I drew one match from the bag, then drew names to fill it in, and so on. And unlike the Lethal Lottery and the IN Title Tournament, where certain accomodations had to be made, these are 100% Grade A Randumb. Gotta love it.

Please be respectful of your respective characters and storylines, and most importantly, have fun! :)

ALSO NOTE: Landon Maddix slipped his name into the pot twice, hence the extra 5 minute delay. Sneaky little bugger. :P Edited by chirs3

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Oof. That's no good.


My backup plan was to just randomly assign writers tonight, and let people trade as they wish. I wanted people to get requests in, but if it's cutting it too close, as in your case, we may not do that anymore.

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Or Landon could PM you a top three choice now so that he'd actually know who he'd write as when the card is up? after all the "midnight tomorrow" comment was just for those who hadn't picked someone yet right?

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Whu? One of us is reading something wrong then. I thought the actual card would be up soon, but no one would know who they were writing as just yet.


I could be mistaken but that's how I read

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Drawing names now.


Already I've got a good feeling about this show. I put the slips of paper in the small pocket of my laptop bag (no hats to use), and I found an uneaten Reese's Cup and Twix Bar.



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Note to those of you writing Bruce for this Twilight Zone show - new profile is up to reflect his drunken state and I've re-added Wayne so that you actually have a profile for the little rat bastard complete with moves and everything else ;)


And I guess I'm paid back for torturing Ced Ordonez repeatedly earlier in the year ;)

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And of course, now that the card is finalized, I start remembering a few people I accidentally left off. Harumph.


PM's going out. Let's see if we can fix this.

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Good God. Johnny?


Zyon, are you alive or am I flying solo on this one?

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I'm alive, just not active. Minimum of one more day of unactiveness to a maximum of five more weeks. Don't worry the savior of the SWF will be back soooooooooon!!!


(Let the drama set in)


...Ok it could be worse. Spike could be your savior.

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Pfft. Lame at telling everybodies who writes as who. PM, dudez0r, lollerz.




Also: sorry about no-showing last show, my internets was all broked (And might be, I'm not sure. It's supposed to not be working now. Crazy internets.

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Also: sorry about no-showing last show, my internets was all broked (And might be, I'm not sure. It's supposed to not be working now. Crazy internets.



Not a problem.


Yay, Spike wins!


I'm now 0-3 against Jenkins, or worse maybes. He's teh kicking of asses.

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Also: sorry about no-showing last show, my internets was all broked (And might be, I'm not sure. It's supposed to not be working now. Crazy internets.



Not a problem.


Yay, Spike wins!


I'm now 0-3 against Jenkins, or worse maybes. He's teh kicking of asses.



I noticed you weren't online for a couple of days, so I figured you were no-showing. I was actually going to write a full match that put Jimmy over as an actual wrestler, but time constraints and the fact that Jimmy really isn't a technical wrestler, I couldn't really get into it and just jobbed you to a kick.



Sorry. <3 you.

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Good God. Johnny?


Zyon, are you alive or am I flying solo on this one?


What the heck is that supposed to mean?


Anyway, Akira, are you going to help me with this one?


Anything you want it to mean, big boy.

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Well slap me blue and call me a smurf, I thought I read somewhere this show was pushed to Tuesday, that'll teach me not to read the top of the card too carefully.


Since I planned on writing my match today before I thought the show was due I got nothing, sorry.

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I was considering pushing to Tuesday, ultimately decided not to.


HOWEVER~~, so far I've got 2 of 5 matches... if, by 4:30 (when I usually go to bed) I've still got nada, I may keep the window open. I'm just not sure yet if no one's written, or if my markers are still marking, so I don't know what's going on yet.

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Not quite 4:30, but I'm tired and/or sleepy.


Still only have about 30% of the show, so... In order to make time for any matches not yet written, and to help finalize some last minute details for A2A, this show will be going up Tuesday night after all. Due time is 8:00 EST, without exceptions. If all goes smoothly (or if I've got at least half a show) by the time I get home tomorrow night, it and the A2A card will be going up immediately.


Grumble grumble.

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Did Johnny die? I sent him something. Granted, something was 1k an hour before the original deadline, but he could have at least sent that in :(

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