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The Niggardly King

Mel Gibson... Now Kramer??!!

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That wasn't that bad. Hicks' tirades were way funnier, though.







You see folks, that's how you deal with a heckler. The mock prancing in the first one is gold.

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I watched the clip and I thought it was funny. You can say that Richards didn't use very good judgement and that his bit wasn't received well by the audience, but I really don't see how it makes him a racist.


When someone's up on a stage doing stand-up, they're playing a character; they're not representing their actual views. Richards' character in that bit was angry racist comedian. If you think the character wasn't funny fine, but don't take it to represent his actual views.

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"You found the darkie! That means you get a drink from THE FIREHOSE!"

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Fuck KKKramer, He's lucky that he didn't get his ass beat. I suprised that no one threw a chair at him, Heckling is apart of the stand up game, a talented comedian would've spun that around easily without attacking someones race/ancestory.

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I thought it was funny, but everyone needs to know when enough is enough. Saying nigger once is enough.

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I don't think he's a racist. He probably thought it would go over well, or he's sick of everyone making fun of teh Jews. He was wrong.

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"You get to drink from the firehose!"














































Well, you beat my joke

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Richards is an idiot. It's 2006, there's things you don't say. You do not say "nigger" to a man in a room full of blacks.

The guy hit it right on the head when he told him that he was washed up, that "seinfeld" was it for him.

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Richards is an idiot. It's 2006, there's things you don't say. You do not say "nigger" to a man in a room full of blacks.

The guy hit it right on the head when he told him that he was washed up, that "seinfeld" was it for him.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
I'm probably the only one on here who thought Kramer tirade funny.

I thought it was fucking hilarious too. The people who are getting upset are probably niggers themselves, or at least have close relationships with niggers. Like their plumber is one, (for example).


This is what happens when you interrupt the white man, I've seen it happen a half a dozen times.

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I'm probably the only one on here who thought Kramer tirade funny.

I thought it was fucking hilarious too. The people who are getting upset are probably niggers themselves, or at least have close relationships with niggers. Like their plumber is one, (for example).


This is what happens when you interrupt the white man, I've seen it happen a half a dozen times.

JustPassinBy 2.0

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