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FOX shows last night (11/26)

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So, FOX had all new episodes of the cartoon stuff last night. Surprised to find no thread on any of 'em as of yet. I watched these in lieu of ordering Survivor Series, and glad I did.


Simpsons: Pretty blah episode. I won't go into the whole "this series is slipping off and needs to be cancelled" stuff, but boy, they're kind of stretching for premises. Marge making sculptures out of popsicle sticks? Come on already. Homer gets a new job yet again. I'd really love to have a good ol' fashioned Bart-centric episode so we can get a break from Homer's antics. Speaking of, I think he and Lisa might have been on screen for all of five seconds last night, unless I'm forgetting something. At least there weren't any stupid celebrity appearances, unless one slipped by me. The Oprah parody was somewhat amusing, at least.


American Dad: Great stuff again. Roger is consistently good comic relief, and having Klaus narrate was a good device. Can't really say much else, other than I laughed quite a bit through this one. The guard character in Stan's "bat cave" was amusing.


Family Guy: Finally, a pretty good episode. The whole Stewie and Olivia plot had me roaring. Stewie's insult string at Olivia, where he's dressed in a leather jacket, was pretty amusing. Oh yeah, loved the ending dialogue between Stewie and Brian during the credits. Only bad part was the whole "chick flick" thing with Peter didn't really go anywhere, other than a really stupid movie that lasted about 20 seconds.


The War at Home: This mandatory "non-cartoon during the cartoon block" is pretty good. They're writing all the characters pretty well, and get each family member in for a decent amount of each episode. Didn't really see the point or payoff of Mike's nudism, but whatever. They play up the pseudo-relationship with Larry and Kenny pretty well. Also, the mom is hot, so that's always a bonus.

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I'll chime in dude


Simpsons: Kinda bleh episode only great parts being homer seeing Burns as an ice cream cone and licking his face, and where Homer first gets dressed in the ice cream uniform


AD: Ok episode with some funny lol moments. Rogers steals the show as usual, and the little kid questioning klaus narrative was funny. I suppose Klaus finally gets put into a human body again? The cave guard was hilarious, talking about wheter or not hell get paid and hwen he an dhis girlfriend can move out of this cave


FG: Great stewie episode. Brian and Stewie together=gold so this was fun. Peters chick flick was was not that funny but stupid. "she got chick cancer" line made me laugh though. Quagmires interaction with that lady was funny and stewie insulting olivia was of course great.


WAH: God, funny episode. Despite everyone except me seemingly on this board immediately hating the show last year when it debuted, I think it has shown some legs and has developed into a nontraditional family sitcom in the vain of MWC but not as over the top and more believable. The Dave character, though flawed, is still very likeable and funny and his interactions with each member of the family and other characters make the show. The quirkiness of Larry also is usually memorable. Daves fights with his daughter are verly relateble and may seem right at home with those of us who have teen-20ish sisters (or daughters I suppose)



anyhow tangent over, the show was funny and Achmeds lines about treating women in his country were pretty funny, if not Borat-esque. Lamb Brains anyone?



all in all an entertaining night and not a bad way to waste 2 hours

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American Dad keeps getting better. It's definitely the best out of all the FOX shows, and I didn't even like it at first. More laughs than the other shows. The subplot with the mail order bride actually didn't suck like the chick flick one did.

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The War at Home seems almost exactly the same as "Grounded for Life" which aired a few years ago and runs in syndication now on ABC Family.

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I think "The War at Home" and "Til Death" are two of the better "live action" sitcoms on TV right now, personally.

Wait, what? Better than the Office, My Name is Earl, Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, hell even Two and Half Men?



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I think "The War at Home" and "Til Death" are two of the better "live action" sitcoms on TV right now, personally.

Wait, what? Better than the Office, My Name is Earl, Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, hell even Two and Half Men?




No, not necessarily better than all of those.

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I must be the only person that liked The Simpsons. At this point, if I'm laughing at a joke or gag in the show, that's all that matters because it's not worth my time to look for great plots in an 18th season. American Dad was good and I thought Family Guy was ok, although the animated sprite used by Peter to get rid of Joe's wheelchair was the funniest thing all night. Haven't watched War yet.

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I must be the only person that liked The Simpsons. At this point, if I'm laughing at a joke or gag in the show, that's all that matters because it's not worth my time to look for great plots in an 18th season. American Dad was good and I thought Family Guy was ok, although the animated sprite used by Peter to get rid of Joe's wheelchair was the funniest thing all night. Haven't watched War yet.

The Simpsons are funny. If you haven't seen any of the old ones and have only seen the new ones, you probably will think they are great. But someone like me, who has seen just about every episode up till season 8-9, don't find them as funny anymore. They are just the same jokes and storylines.

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There are a lot of criticisms against the Simpsons that are warranted. I still like the show, but it's definitely slipping. Things are annoy me the most:


- Show often devolves into "The Adventures of Captain Idiot, Starring Homer." He gets a new job every episode, does the same stupid stuff over and over, etc.

- Homer and Marge have marriage problems. Pops up usually twice a season.

- Key characters will barely be featured in a whole episode (my comments about Bart and Lisa in this past Sunday's show).

- Endless celebrity appearances which add nothing to the show. It seemed like there was an 8 or 9 episode run where a new band or celebrity was featured on every single show recently.

- Inside jokes which basically acknowledge the show's decline. Cute, but kind of pathetic at the same time.

- Key peripheral characters completely changing over the course of the show, or being overused. Mr. Burns comes to mind, specifically. He used to be someone you knew Homer would be legitimately scared of. Now he's practically another one of the boys at the power plant.

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There are a lot of criticisms against the Simpsons that are warranted. I still like the show, but it's definitely slipping. Things are annoy me the most:


- Show often devolves into "The Adventures of Captain Idiot, Starring Homer." He gets a new job every episode, does the same stupid stuff over and over, etc.

- Homer and Marge have marriage problems. Pops up usually twice a season.

- Key characters will barely be featured in a whole episode (my comments about Bart and Lisa in this past Sunday's show).

- Endless celebrity appearances which add nothing to the show. It seemed like there was an 8 or 9 episode run where a new band or celebrity was featured on every single show recently.- Inside jokes which basically acknowledge the show's decline. Cute, but kind of pathetic at the same time.

- Key peripheral characters completely changing over the course of the show, or being overused. Mr. Burns comes to mind, specifically. He used to be someone you knew Homer would be legitimately scared of. Now he's practically another one of the boys at the power plant.


I bolded three, because I'm going to play the Devil's Advocate on them ...

- If a character is barely featured, it's safe to say that for that one episode, they shouldn't be considered a "key" character. I'd rather they not force an appearance in where it's not warranted.

- Lately, it seems, the Simpsons has been better about using celebrities the right way. A few weeks ago, Keifer Sutherland was a guest voice, but not as "Star of 24, Keifer Sutherland" ... he played a character. Which is fine by me. I'll be the first to agree that having guest voices appear as themselves is lame and over-done.

- Why should characters be exactly the same so many years later? It's like Barney's turn to sobriety ... if it helps build the character, all the power to 'em. And I think them humanizing Burns has helped the character.

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I must be the only person that liked the Chick Flick


This made me laugh more than most everything else on "the big three" this past Sunday night:



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"You only shot the President. You didn't shoot Brady, so I can get a gun like (snaps)"


American Dad, as usual, ruled, but Family Guy was surprisingly focused. Well, as focused as the show can be. Poor Meg. Why must they hate her character so.

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Someone must've gotten to MacFarlane and told him that he was overdoing the "Remember when..." jokes. I've liked this season a lot more than the last.

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Anyone else catch the jab at the Simpsons?


Stewie: "Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger...DOH!"


What's Family Guy's problem with the Simpsons anyway?

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Poor Meg. Why must they hate her character so.

The prom bit made me think of the Lando Griffin episode and how far the show has come (fallen) from that point


I still can't figure out why Meg became the punching bag for the show. Even up to the end of the original run, she was a fairly strong character, but after the revival, she was suddenly the object of scorn and abuse.

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Anyone else catch the jab at the Simpsons?


Stewie: "Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger...DOH!"


What's Family Guy's problem with the Simpsons anyway?

I think the Simpsons struck first, mocking the family guy for being a rip-off of their show, among other things ... and then Family Guy started to respond. From what I've gleamed, though, it's more good natured ribbing, where-as the Family Guy & South Park writers & producers have actual disdain for each other's show.

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Poor Meg. Why must they hate her character so.

Simple answer: poor writing.


That out of the way, I actually liked this episode, which hasn't happened in a while. Granted, it wasn't great, but it amused me.

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Did anyone get the 9th season of the Simpsons today?


They put some effort into the set, the Postcards are pretty cool and the box has a pretty cool theme going.


and as far as the Simpsons vs Family Guy thing, in TOH XIII where Homer clones himself and then theres multimple Homers, one of the Homers turned into Peter.

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Anyone else catch the jab at the Simpsons?


Stewie: "Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger...DOH!"


What's Family Guy's problem with the Simpsons anyway?

I think the Simpsons struck first, mocking the family guy for being a rip-off of their show, among other things ... and then Family Guy started to respond. From what I've gleamed, though, it's more good natured ribbing, where-as the Family Guy & South Park writers & producers have actual disdain for each other's show.



I haven't seen much of Family Guy this season. Have they responded to South Park taking a shot at them.

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