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Guest NYankees

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Guest NYankees

I am going to have to go with Snow Day. The movie wasn't that bad but god damn do I hate the ending. The kid chooses his ugly best friend over the hot popular girl. Fuck that!

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I just watched DH:WAV on TV last night. I went to IMDB, and learned some new things about the movie. I knew there was an alternate ending, which I have seen, but the original scripted ending was never filmed.


Remember the briefcase from the fountain that Zeus gave the fake cops? In this version, it was never given to the fake cops, and therefore it was not the explosive that was used to blow the dam to try to drown McClane. After jumping off the boat, McClane and Zeus resurfaced, and slowly started swimming away. McClane is laughing, and Zeus asks him what it's all about. He keeps laughing, and says it's nothing. Cut to a private jet with Simon and all his crew, drinking big beers, eating a big meal, celebrating like a championship team after the game. One of the crew has a briefcase as part of the stuff brought on board. Simon asks where he got it, and he said it was with the stuff they had and he figured it was Targo's. Simon is curious and opens it. It says, "Hello, I am a bomb and you have just armed me." Simon is taken back, but remains fairly calm as it is counting at 00:15, 00:14, 00:13. He calmly asks, "Does anyone have a four gallon jug?" Then you see the plane fly for a few more seconds and then BOOM!


I'm not sure at what point McClane would have placed the briefcase with the group's items.

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The other ending of DH:WAV is McClane shoots him with a damn grenade launcher from across a table. That ending is so great but probably a little bit a darker direction than they wanted to take John in.

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Jeepers Creepers. Great movie that just ends with the shot of the eye. Still get pissed thinking about it.



See, for me it was shot all to hell when it was revealed to be a big winged, prehistoric monster. If it were a real person and had some supernatural powers, I would have liked it.

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Guest NYankees

What is the ending to contact? Is that the Jodie Foster movie?


Signs and War of the Worlds both had horrible endings. Aliens scouted the planet earth for thousands of years and in Signs water killed off the aliens and in WotW germs killed off the aliens.

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High Tension...it was awesome and brutal, then the Fight Clubesque twist at the end ruined it.

Totally. I still love that movie.

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High Tension...it was awesome and brutal, then the Fight Clubesque twist at the end ruined it.

Totally. I still love that movie.



Yeah, I still bought it too, but it could have been something really big.

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Sky-diving phonecall. That is all.



the rest of the movie was so over the top as well, not to mention badass. The ending was dumb, but I can forgive that.


War of the World 2005. Yeah, I know it's not a classic, but I was having fun with it till the ending, them I'm kinda left with "...no, really?"

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What is the ending to contact? Is that the Jodie Foster movie?


Signs and War of the Worlds both had horrible endings. Aliens scouted the planet earth for thousands of years and in Signs water killed off the aliens and in WotW germs killed off the aliens.


With WOTW, wouldn't that be more of a complaint of the original book by H.G. Wells? It's not as if the aliens-die-cause-of-germs ending should have been a surprise with the 2005 movie. The original novel was published over a century ago.

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I didn't hate Daredevil at all until the ending when he refuses to kill Kingpin. BULLSHIT. This dude fucked up your father and was responsible for Elektra's death and all you can say to him is "I'm not like you." Daredevil will kill any underlings or henchmen but when he actually has a shot at taking out the big boss he turns into a complete and utter pussy.

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Yeahman, the third act of WotW was less than ideal.


I went into it not expecting to like it, got into it, then was like "whaaaaaaaaa?" (even knowing what would happen ginger snaps, you wise-ass).

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Jeepers Creepers. Great movie that just ends with the shot of the eye. Still get pissed thinking about it.



See, for me it was shot all to hell when it was revealed to be a big winged, prehistoric monster. If it were a real person and had some supernatural powers, I would have liked it.


That movie just started going downhill for me once they got to the diner. If they'd left out all the supernatural stuff altogether and just made it some batshit crazy trucker guy (like Joy Ride, a little), it would've been a decent movie.

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Yeah, same for me. What I meant by the supernatural stuff was that even if they had done that but made him human instead of a winged prehistoric creature, the movie would have been good.

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Guest Smues

I can just feel in my mind there's some movie where I just hated hated hated the ending, but it's not coming to me. My girlfriend however, loved Happy Feet, until the ending and now she hates it and gets angry just thinking about it. I thought the ending was stupid but where as it made her angry, it just made me laugh the hardest I've laughed in a theater in a long, long time.

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Mr. and Mrs. Smith for me. They were supposed to die at the end when they came out the shed and there is no convinceing me otherwist that at some point that script was changed. No way in hell they were supposed to live.


The ending of Last Samari too. So you mean to tell me that all the warriors in the village go off with the white guy that was fighting for the enemies army like 2 years earlier, and only he comes back and everyone is all accepting that? Comeon. Everyone on that field should have died. Cruise being the ONLY one to survive was ridiculous.

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