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SNL Review

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SNL Review- Annette Bening/Akon/Gwen Stefani


Sports Report-


Leafs- Well they’re finally playing to their potential. And that’s not a good thing. Fun fact: They haven’t won since Sundin came back.


Canucks- They’re just uninspiring and flat. Poor Luongo.


Nets- They’re in first place!


Saints- Great win last week against San Fran, but tonight is probably the second biggest game of the year. I couldn’t be more excited. The Saints are Coming!




Hey Bob- I need your expertise on governmental power this week. I was wondering if you think Canada should bring back capital punishment. If it did, how would you feel about it? Would you support it or oppose it? Would the majority of Canadians like the death penalty to be reinstated? How do most Canadians feel about the US using capital punishment?


Plus, who in the Canadian government would have the power to reinstate capital punishment? Would the decision be up to Parliament (both houses) or the provincial legislatures? Thanks, Bob. Later- Ken


I believe in the death penalty, so yes, Canada should have it. Most Canadians are pretty liberal, so I’m sure they would oppose it.


I didn’t pay attention at all to Canadian politics, so I don’t know how they would change it.


Wanna be in the mailbag???? Email me at [email protected]


Cold Opening

Cast- Jason Sudeikis

Thoughts- They’re really pushing hard for us to accept Jason as W. I like his W. though, so I approve. It seems like SNL is really positioning Jason to be the star of the show, and again, I approve. This wasn’t as good as some recent cold opening, but there were some good lines, and I especially loved the letters part. ***



Cast- Alec Baldwin, Annette Bening, Kristen Wiig, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph

Thoughts- I recognised Alec when they panned the audience, and I got excited. I thought them referencing them American Beauty was pretty dated. Bening has also played real estate agents in Regarding Henry and What Planet Are You From?. Though neither of those movies were referenced since I don’t think anybody saw them. Most of the real estate jokes fell flat, but Alec bleeping Baldwin! AND they referenced Glengarry Glen Ross again. I also love that Alec mentioned his character, since his performance is one of the best ever. This was really lame until Alec showed up, and then it got awesome. ***


SNL Recut Trailer

Thoughts- I’m wondering if SNL saw this on YouTube, lifted it, and just stamped the SNL name on it. I’m not hating on this, since I really liked it, I just had a YouTube vibe from it. I really liked most of the Jewish jokes, and the bagel joke at the end killed me. Plus, who knew you could say sugar tits on TV? I didn’t! ***3/4


Good Morning I Hate This Town

Cast- Bening, Sudeikis, Kenan Thompson, Poehler

Thoughts- What WAS this? Sadly, I don’t have this downloaded or else I would provide a dumbass count. Dumbass isn’t even a funny word, so I really don’t know what they were going for here. Kenan as the disgruntled weatherman was just random. I did laugh at some of the cooking segment and Annette’s Wooo, but other then that, this was really bad. *


TV Funhouse

Thoughts- Another misstep for Smigel. Boo. I got a Mr. T cartoon vibe from this one. It started out pretty funny, but then it went on and on. And on. I laughed really hard at the music video, but the scene with Diddy on the boat and Diddy at the Sean John thing was just painful. Come on Smigel, you have to offend us soon! **


Notes on a Scandal

Cast- Bening, Andy Samberg, Hader

Thoughts- This one didn’t work too well either. The one joke premise fell flat, except for Andy telling her he wanted a PS3 and the poetry reading. Bening singing was quite random as well. Odd skit, I don’t get why they thought this would be either a) funny or b) so high in the show. *1/2


Two A-Holes in a Live Nativity Scene

Cast- Bening, Sudeikis, Wiig

Thoughts- Yay, the two a-holes are back. They should probably space these out more, so as not to get stale, but I won’t complain too much. I loved Jason dealing with the donkey, and I even liked the mar joke even though frankincense is a funnier word. This was the usual funny two A-hole skit, I think they might be my favourite recurring character. ***1/2


SNL Digital Short

Cast- Matthew Fox, Fred Armisen, Poehler, Thompson, Samberg, Will Forte

Thoughts- Good to see the Digital Shorts back as well. Fred’s threats were hilarious, I especially liked how he kept threatening Matthew Fox, a guy who could probably kick his ass. I didn’t really care for the head exploding ending, but there were a lot of funny lines. Fred threatening people is just funny. More Digital Shorts please! ***1/2


Buyer Beware

Cast- Rudolph, Thompson

Thoughts- Why was Bill Cosby hosting a public access show in Brooklyn? Kenan needs to come up with more voices. Not all uppity black men are Bill Cosby. Unless they’re eating some Jello pudding of course. This was another random skit in a series of them. A lot of the jokes missed badly, but Kenan’s ranting about Sam’s Club was awesome. **1/4


Gwen Stefani “Wind It Up”

Thoughts- Okay. Gwen, please reform No Doubt. I beg of you. I wonder how the other members of No Doubt feel watching Gwen perform these retarded songs while they live in obscurity. And seriously, leave the yodelling to Jewel and Mr. Bone from Doug. I liked the beat the song had, and this was at least funny bad. **


Weekend Update

Cast- Seth Meyers, Poehler, Darrell Hammond, Wiig, Forte, Armisen

Thoughts- I saw that farting aeroplane story whilst taking my history final and laughed so hard that I think screwed up my exam. And I of course knew SNL was going to do something about it. Assuming the fasten seatbelt sign wasn’t on, why didn’t the lady just go to the bathroom and unleash it in there? Or take some Pepto Bismol? Really lady, if a match is all you could think of to hide some farts, then your gas problem was the least of your worries. Seth had some good jokes, including one or two ooooo jokes that we’ve come to love him for. And hey, Seth-Amy interaction, which is always good to see. And it was pretty fun too. Al Gore was solid, and I think Lindsay needs to host again so she has her yearly intervention. Will Forte’s commentary was hilarious, and he’s always welcome at the desk. Loved him rambling about how his argument was irrefutable and then showing the pictures of the broken marriages. Even going old school with Mike and Robin! Just awesome, one of my favourite commentaries of the year. ***1/2


Monster in the House

Cast- Bening, Forte, Hader, Poehler

Thoughts- Sweet! A bizarre Will Forte skit. At first I thought this would be pretty lame, but Will and Bening were great here. Will’s overacting was great and I loved him constantly berating Amy for her failings. Also Amy slowly starting to realise her parents are going insane and that it was all her imagination was greatness. And the ending. Love it. Bill randomly singing a Christmas carol and getting blown away was perfect. As was Will saying: We’ll clean this up in the morning. I think they cut away a bit too abruptly with Amy being left with the monster, but this was so great. ****



Cast- Baldwin, Poehler

Thoughts- This was a funny premise with Baldwin playing his usual great dirtbag performance. I felt the joke got a bit tired at the end but Baldwin saying, “And that was the end of it,” was funny stuff. ***


Afterwork Special

Cast- Bening, Forte, Wiig, Hader

Thoughts- I remember this from the Lohan show! And hey, another bizarre Will Forte skit. This was just…..weird. I was either laughing or thinking: WTF is going on. Especially Annette Bening and her dancing sweat. I knew the menage a trois thing was coming, but it was still funny. Especially them using the word messing. I think I’m going to Tom Green this one. It was weird as hell, but it did have its moments. **1/2



Thoughts- Apparently he grew up in Senegal and then moved to New Jersey. Most people would be happy to leave Africa, but I bet when he found it was Jersey he was like: Thank you? This wasn’t horrible and shockingly better then Gwen’s Sound of Music tribute. After seeing the Eric Roberts video, I thought Akon would be terrible, but it wasn’t so bad. **3/4


Cats Inherit Money

Cast- Bening, Hader

Thoughts- They cut this off. I don’t like rating skits that get cut off, but I assume that whatever Bening was going to say wasn’t that funny anyway. Bill imitating the cat was some funny stuff though. Typical last skit crap. *


The Bottom Line- Avg. skit was **.63 making this a thumbs up show. It got off to a slow start, but really got good as it went on. Will Forte was easily the MVP, with his commentary on WU and the Monster skit. Bening tripped over her lines a bit too much, but I thought she was solid, and she seemed to embrace a lot of offbeat weird skits. Not all of them worked, but I appreciated the effort. I think next week’s show is going to kick ass, I’m very excited for it.


Thumbs Up

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I thought the Diddy TV Funhouse thing was pretty funny.


Kid: "Does he actually design the clothes?"


Designer: "Well, he works clothly with the designers"


Diddy: "I look at the clothes and go...yeahhh"

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I thought them referencing them American Beauty was pretty dated.

She hasn't exactly been too busy since she won that Oscar.

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SNL Recut Trailer

Thoughts- I’m wondering if SNL saw this on YouTube, lifted it, and just stamped the SNL name on it. I’m not hating on this, since I really liked it, I just had a YouTube vibe from it. I really liked most of the Jewish jokes, and the bagel joke at the end killed me. Plus, who knew you could say sugar tits on TV? I didn’t! ***3/4

I'll give them credit that it was better than what Madtv did with the subject 30 minutes earlier.


the Alec cameo was gold

"Alec what are you doing here?"

"I live here..."

I think it was a cry for help begging people to watch 30 Rock on Thursdays at 8/9 PM on NBC.

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Guest Shylock

I really, really liked the show. I wasn't expecting much for Bening, but she was a pretty decent host. Seems like SNL is on a hotstreak lately with some rather good shows. Next week, with Justin Timberlake I think, will probably be even better with the writers likely putting in a good deal of effort for it. Anyways the Diddy thing was my favorite part of the show, next to the bizarre Forte/Wiig sketch near the end and the Two A-Holes sketch - which I always love. And Gwen Stefani is horrible.

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I thought them referencing them American Beauty was pretty dated.

She hasn't exactly been too busy since she won that Oscar.


She didn't win the Oscar for that, she's actually never won.


Plus, who knew you could say sugar tits on TV? I didn’t! ***3/4


I found it strange the media danced around saying it while covering the Mel Gibson incident, but NBC let Chevy Chase say it on Law & Order.

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I heard the audio of Gwen Stefani's performance and I think it might be the worst musical appearance in the history of SNL, including the Ashleeeeee Simpson clusterfuck.

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