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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Tales of Laziness.

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I always ask to borrow pencils, even when I have them because I don't want to reach into my pocket. Plus, there are sometimes when I'm wearing jeans and it's all tight and stuff, ya know.


I haven't done a science homework assignment in a little under two years.

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My rug upstairs in my loft, which is a very nice rug, has absored so much stuff from pop/beer/alcohol/vomit/cat puke/semen/food stains, etc... because i usually refuse to clean it up.


I've been hanging out in your loft since 2002, and this is the first I've heard about it. Meagan gets the floor next time. Bastard.


Jorts = Jean Shorts.




Does anyone here ever make their bed, ever? I can honestly say I don't.


I sleep like a rock so all I do is just flip the covers over the pillows when I wake up. It actually looks decent for about a week or two.

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I shaved my head last night just because I was tired of combing it every morning.

Sort of the same way, I've been shaving my head for six years now because I hate having to deal with it in the morning and before that I grew my hair out long because I hated taking the time to go get a haircut every month. I haven't gone to a barber in over ten years.


In 5th grade for a book report I just copied the book jacket word-for-word. I got a B-.

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My mother spends 30 minutes telling me to get up every morning.


I am content to stay in the same spot in my room all day long since everything is there. (Computer, Books, Cd's, Playstation, Television, Dvd Player)

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Often, I wipe my mouth with dirty socks if there is not a towel or a clean sock handy. I win.

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I'm so lazy, I often find myself verbally agreeing with people even if I don't agree with their points of view ideologically or philosophically...and I haven't changed my underwear in like...a week. It's winter, so I don't sweat that much.

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This should top all...I believe I was around 9 years old on a Saturday morning and I pissed on myself in the bed because I was too lazy to get up and go to the bathroom.

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I'm so lazy, I often find myself verbally agreeing with people even if I don't agree with their points of view ideologically or philosophically...and I haven't changed my underwear in like...a week. It's winter, so I don't sweat that much.


I haven't worn underwear in like 3 years. Laundry day comes far less often now. Chicks don't dig it as much as you might think though.

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I don't always wash my hands after jacking off. Also, I skip brushing my teeth at night pretty often. I brush in the day though because I have to go out in public. I usually leave trash in my room, but I've noticed ants around so I'll have to stop.

Finally, I should be studying for finals, but here I am.

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The whole upright bike vs. real bike thing is true. Real bikes are 10x the exercise, just the balancing aspect alone.


Plus actual hills that will not only slow you down, but if you get super tired, and don't fall off (ha), you'd actual start rolling backwards.


Spinning doesn't replicate THAT...

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I don't wrap my Christmas presents, I just keep them in my closet and hand them out that morning.


Is that good enough?

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

I did that for my friend's birthday present. I just handed her a book because I was too lazy to wrap it and too self-conscious to wrap a gift when she told us not to get her things. As if not wrapping it makes it less of a gift. What was I thinking?

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I did that for my friend's birthday present. I just handed her a book because I was too lazy to wrap it and too self-conscious to wrap a gift when she told us not to get her things. As if not wrapping it makes it less of a gift. What was I thinking?

I did something similar for my girlfriend. Instead of wrapping a present, I put it in a gift bag and ripped up a floormat into strips to pack it.

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Guest Princess Leena

My parents never wrapped my gifts. That's how I learned to be such a Jew.

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I didn't realize pissing/jerking it in the shower was considered lazy. I always did (and still do) it from an environmentalist perspective. Why waste an extra 5 gallons of water when I've got the shower started?


Also, my clothes are never put away, sans my jersey collection which hangs neatly in my closet. My regular clothes live on the floor in college. At home, they live on top of the dryer where my parents fold the clothes. Sometimes my dad will move them up to my room and put them on my bed. Next time I'm in my room, they move to the floor.


After working out, I have to make up for laziness. I hate taking my shoes off and on, so I never put any pants over my shorts to walk back from the gym, even if it's below zero outside.

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Guest Paul

Some of you guys really need to wipe your ass, even if you're getting right in the shower. Unless you shove a waterpic up your ass.


I shave my head bald with a razor, to avoid having hair to fuck with.


Some weekends, I don't go to the gym.

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My parents never wrapped my gifts. That's how I learned to be such a Jew.

When I was 10, I actually requested that "Santa" start wrapping my presents. I wanted more suspense as I got older and didn't have as many concrete ideas on what I wanted for Christmas. Yes, I was aware of the Santa thing at the time, that's what made me do it. I didn't want my mother to spend money and then not make it look pretty too.

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I've never done the sock thing for jerking it, but i usually use a wifebeater out of the dirty pile to wipe off girls after pulling out.


My clothes are all over my floor, I know what's dirty and what's clean.


My computer is usually surrounded by 5-15 cans of mountain dew at any given time. Depending on where I live, I use them as ashtrays. Not currently.


I only wash my bed sheets when stains occur.


I've often turned down sex, or purposely avoided sexual activity cuz i didn't feel like doing all the work. Only with a few girls.


I rarely answer my phone cuz i don't feel like getting involved in a conversation at that moment.


I'm very rarely awake before 2pm.

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Some of you guys really need to wipe your ass, even if you're getting right in the shower. Unless you shove a waterpic up your ass.

I briefly worked with a guy who would take a shower instead of wiping his own ass.

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I still have Christmas presents to wrap. And by still, I mean, haven't wrapped a single one yet. There's been wrapping paper and presents on my table for two weeks.


I almost guarantee, that I'm not the only one who's in this spot.

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