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EVIL~! alkeiper

2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

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Until he stops flinching at fastballs (which he did a LOT with the O's), he's not going to be able to hit a thing. The guy is afraid of them ever since he took two to the side of his head. He was just complete CRAP after the second one and he has continued a nice steady decline. I wish him luck but I don't think he can fix something like that.


Unless he wants to ask a pitcher to hit him in the head again so he can jar his brain. That might work. Or kill him. One of the two.

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Guest Smues


Damn you now I had to go and find that ad on youtube.


IT's so wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllll


I was surprised that it was for High Heat. For some reason I remembered it being for backyard baseball or one of those type games. I guess my memories weren't so reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllll

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Oh, the Cubs released Glendon Rusch a few days ago. He had a good 2004, and...


Bye, Glendon Rusch.

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Hey...you can't be mean to Glendon Rusch. He has a serious medical condition! I'm not sure if the condition is related to his sucking, but still...

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Oh, the Cubs released Glendon Rusch a few days ago. He had a good 2004, and...


Bye, Glendon Rusch.


That brings Bronson Arroyo's home run total to zero for 2007.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"
Hey...you can't be mean to Glendon Rusch. He has a serious medical condition! I'm not sure if the condition is related to his sucking, but still...

I liked Glendon for keeping us in contention for a while in 2004, and always hoped he'd keep it up. Oh, and he has a blood clot in his lung. He should've retired on his own.

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Buster Olney mentioned in his blog that the Helton to the Sox deal fell apart over the Rockies insistence on having Manny Delcarmen included in the deal. Now, I like Manny Delcarmen as much as the next guy, and I know the Red Sox are gunshy about letting go of prospects after the mess with Sanchez, Ramirez and Meredith last year, but come on. The Rockies were willing to kick out $50 million in subsidies and part with their franchise player, but only if they could get an underachieving middle reliever? The Red Sox were ready add their power hitting first baseman at a reasonable cost, but not at the expense of an average prospect? Seems like Buster's back up to his ignorant ramblings.

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How does that make him ignorant? He's been pretty on the money lately.


I started giving him the benefit of the doubt after breaking the Matsuzaka story, but Olney has a way of oversimplifying things to death. There is no way that the Helton-Sox deal fell apart over Manny Delcarmen, and it's misleading to portray things that way.

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Guest Smues

I have to count on John Kerry now for my chance to watch the Braves? Fuck


Kerry plans to raise 'Extra Innings' concerns with FCC chairman

Kerry plans to raise 'Extra Innings' concerns with FCC chairman


January 31, 2007


WASHINGTON (AP) -- A proposal to make Major League Baseball's "Extra Innings" exclusive to DirecTV has drawn the ire of Sen. John Kerry.


The Massachusetts Democrat said he plans to raise the matter with the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission at a hearing Thursday.



"I am opposed to anything that deprives people of reasonable choices," Kerry said in a statement. "In this day and age, consumers should have more choices -- not fewer. I'd like to know how this serves the public -- a deal that will force fans to subscribe to DirecTV in order to tune in to their favorite players. A Red Sox fan ought to be able to watch their team without having to switch to DirecTV."


"Extra Innings" is a service that allows viewers to watch games involving teams not in their local markets. In past years, the service has been available through a range of providers, but a pending deal would make the service only available to DirecTV subscribers.


FCC Chairman Kevin Martin is a scheduled witness at Thursday's hearing of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

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Was there a backlash when the NFL deal was announced? Fans are certainly not taking well to this deal, which doesn't surprise me. There is not a time when the NFL is playing without a televised game. You can't say the same for MLB. What sucks about the proposed deal is that if I were to buy DirectTV and the package, I would not get Phillies home broadcasts.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

What if you had DirectTV in one room of the house and basic cable in the rest?

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Good point. That's actually what my family did when we first moved, because basic cable only had 30 channels in 1996, which was unacceptable. We finally discontinued that and got digital cable this year. We never had extra sports packages, though. ANYWAY, I agree that this is a bad idea. There's a lot that I'm unhappy with regarding televised baseball, not the least of which is the ridiculous and byzantine Cubs TV contract, which spans WGN, WCIU, CSN, CSN+, CLTV, ESPN, and Fox.

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A beautiful Roger Clemens quote:


"You put your body through a lot of punishment and then you come up one game short, like we did last year, for me it was a waste of time," he said. "When you don't have the opportunity to go to the playoffs and have a chance to win, it's a waste of time for me. At this stage and point in my life and career, that's all you're looking for."


You know Roger, maybe the team wouldn't have come up a game short if you'd have bothered to show up before June. What an ass*.



*I totally take all this back if he signs with the Red Sox.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Now more than ever, Roger Clemens can fuck himself. And since I know he won't play for my team, I don't have to take anything back. What a dickface. I wonder if Chase Utley or Ryan Howard said "psh, I spent my summer doing THAT? What a waste of time. I could've gone on a mission trip and shit." I'm sorry that your half-season of playing a fifth of the schedule for twenty-two million dollars was a real drag and worthless commitment. Stay gone this time.

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You know, I used to hate that Roger Clemens. It's amazing how much a new uniform can change your attitude about a guy.



























He's still a dick.

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I don't think that quote paints Clemens as a dick. I've heard countless atheletes in all sports say that not making the playoffs is a waste. I mean, that's what they're playing for...competitive drive and all that. However, most of the atheletes that say things like that are ones that play a full season and don't get sit out road trips and come and go as they please, but....uh....yeah. And then you have to factor in that he came back and had a 2.30 ERA and only had a 7-6 record. I think most people would feel that was a waste of time. Every offseason Astros' fans talk about what a dick and what a primadonna Roger Clemens is and how they hope he doesn't come back and blah, blah, but...man, those tickets still sell out every damn time. The fact of the matter is that Roger Clemens is the greatest right-handed pitcher of all-time and has accomplished virtually everything in baseball (...outside of throwing a no-hitter, but for arguement's sake), so his only goal is playing in the postseason. Last year, it wasn't a case of him not wanting to pitch until June; it was the rules that forced him to do that. The Astros didn't offer arbitration, so he couldn't sign until May and then had to have a few tune-up starts before he came in. When he did come back, from June till October, he was the best pitcher in baseball and did everything he could to try to lead the Astros to the playoffs. The Astros didn't miss the playoffs because of Roger Clemens being a bad teammate; they missed the playoffs because Jason Lane hit .200, Morgan Ensberg hit .225, and Wandy Rodriguez was the 4th starter. It might seem like Clemens is just sitting on his ass waiting till June to see who's in a better position out of the Astros, Sox, or Yanks, but the last few years he's had a tendency to break down in October, so, the half-season deal just happens to keep him fresher for the potential postseason. And besides, he's the greatest pitcher I'll ever see in my lifetime; I'll take some degree of BS.

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That was beautiful, viva.


I get your point, but it doesn't change the fact that Roger Clemens is continuing this "will I or won't I" saga every year for nothing other than the media attention and adulation it brings him.


And if that's what he wants, that's fine. That's his prerogative. We're all just sick of him doing this every single year; listening to him whine about how tough it is on his body to get in shape, about how a team needs to be competitive (as if any team doesn't want to win) to be worth his precious time, and basically demanding to pitch only when he damn well feels like it.


If he'd just come out and say "I'm pitching, but not until June, and it'll be for the Astros again," nobody would say a word.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Morneau got like a raise from $385,000 to $4 million, I think. Hi.

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Ha! The Astros signed Scott Sauerback and Rick "Double Balls" White to minor league contracts with a ST invite. Also invited to Spring Training are uber prospects Hunter Pence and Troy Patton. Patton's left-handed, has a career 2.97 ERA, a 9.27 K/9, a 2.54 BB/9, and a .49 HR/9 in the minors and, by all accounts is one of the top 20 pitching prospects in baseball, but Wandy Rodriguez is also left handed and has 2 seasons of major league experience, so it's a tough call as to which one will get a rotation spot.

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The Jays signed Victor Zambrano to a minor-league contract. Maybe they can flip him for Scott Kazmir.


They also avoided arbitration with Alex Rios, Reed Johnson and Scott Downs, all signing 1-year contracts..

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