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EVIL~! alkeiper

2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

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Former Tigers, Astros, and Indians, and Angels pitcher and former Astros, Mets, Phillies, and most recently Reds pitching coach Vern Ruhle passed away last nite after battling cancer and missing the entire 2006 season because of it. He was 55. For his career, he was 67-88 with a 3.73 ERA. R.I.P., Vern.

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Chase Utley signs a 7 year $85 M extension.


That's gotta makes the Phils fans happy.

Excellent. Utley is in the discussion as far as the top ten players in baseball go. This deal keeps him for four years past free agency.


Former Tigers, Astros, and Indians, and Angels pitcher and former Astros, Mets, Phillies, and most recently Reds pitching coach Vern Ruhle passed away last nite after battling cancer and missing the entire 2006 season because of it. He was 55. For his career, he was 67-88 with a 3.73 ERA. R.I.P., Vern.

I didn't know Ruhle was in a bad way. That's two members of the 1980 Astros' starting staff gone in three months.

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The article I read said MLB TV would still be offered but that Broadband is only available to about half of the number of homes that have cable and the picture quality sucks.


Im pretty sure whoever was carrying your teams games last year will be where they are this year..unless you're an Os fan like me with the whole switch from Comcast Sports Net to MASN2 (since MASN1 gets the Nats games).

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PECOTA weighted mean projection: 12-9, 4.01 ERA, 182 IP, 184 H, 51 BB, 162 K, 19 HR, 1.29 WHIP


90 percentile (best case scenerio): 15-7, 3.17 ERA, 205 1/3 IP, 199 H, 52 BB, 191 K, 19 HR, 1.17 WHIP


10 percentile (worst case scenerio): 6-9, 5.93 ERA, 121 1/3 IP, 148 H, 41 BB, 97 K, 16 HR, 1.56 WHIP

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Guest Smues

Does that exclusivity deal of death take effect this season, or did I get lucky and it isn't until 2008 or 2009?

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The fun part is that I would not get to see Phillies home broadcasts if I subscribed to DirectTV. I hate this deal, but I was never an extra innings subscriber anyway. This certainly won't entice me to buy DirectTV. I've still got my XMRadio and that gives far less hassles as far as blackouts go.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Did this guy get turned down by Pitchfork and thus have to write bad gimmick pieces about sports?

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Wait.....so Burrell isn't DiMaggio? I must thank the Philadelphia Daily News for breaking that news to me.

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Max's email:


"Wait, so Pat Burrell ISN'T Joe DiMaggio?!


Slow news day, eh Bill?"


A reply from the great Bill Conlin:


"Yeah, but only for you, dimwit."



DiMaggio would have had a better comeback, Bill. And he's dead.

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Something fun while I'm digging through stats. Ryan Howard's .313 batting average is the highest single season batting average in history for a hitter with 170+ strikeouts. Only 14 times in baseball history has a batter struck out 150+ times and still hit .300.

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Introducing the worst baseball article I have ever read!




It's not quite Scoop Jackson's assertion that everybody who criticizes Dusty Baker is a racist, but it's closer than I'd ever prefer to be. Maybe The Worst Article Ever (Non-Racist Division).

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Guest Smues

FJM shredded the article.


Joe was also a great hitter who had that 56-game hitting streak in 1941.


I, Bill Conlin, will pay any man one million dollars to transport me back to that magical year, when hitters were hitters and racists were violent, unchecked racists.


That was my favorite.

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From espn.com's poll on managers:


Managing a baseball team can be as simple as filling out a lineup card or as complicated as deciding when to execute a double-steal. Managers must decide whether to coddle superstars or scream at them, whether to play smallball or moneyball, when to argue a call and when to let one slide. It's not nearly as easy as it looks.


So managers must decide whether or not to pursue players that have undervalued attributes as determined by contracts offered in the current market? Have any members of the BBWA or ESPN even read Moneyball?

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What amuses me about that poll is that five of the managers have yet to manage a single MLB game! My ballot isn't terribly different from the totals though. I ranked Clint Hurdle dead last for his overuse of smallball in Coors Field. It's not like he's ridden this strategy to a winning season. Phil Garner wins most overrated, Bruce Bochy or Bob Melvin wins most underrated.

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What amuses me about that poll is that five of the managers have yet to manage a single MLB game! My ballot isn't terribly different from the totals though. I ranked Clint Hurdle dead last for his overuse of smallball in Coors Field. It's not like he's ridden this strategy to a winning season. Phil Garner wins most overrated, Bruce Bochy or Bob Melvin wins most underrated.


How did you end up voting on best GMs? I thought the top 10-15 were basically right, but I didn't necessarily agree with the order. I don't rank Kenny Williams or Omar Minaya as high as they ended up, but then again Williams won a World Series a year ago and Minaya was right there last season.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Kenny Williams had been a bad general manager before 2005, a lucky one during, and an overconfident one after. I don't think he's all that great, but he's probably going to be bulletproof for a few more years. I don't know what made Jim Hendry go from highway robber in 2003 to ultimate numbskull in 2006, but given his recent body of work, he should've been tossed from the top of the Tribune Tower just like Dusty and McFail. Why fire two tiers of management but leave a middle one in?

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