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Can HHH have the title back please?

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I'm guessing WWE may throw the traditional end of the year/early new year title switch at us next week and have Umaga win the battle royal then beat Cena in the main event. I like one poster's use of destroying Cena "Clubber Lang" style. With the way they used Umaga last night , (if Estrada isnt there to guide him, Umaga is MUCH more vicious) I think it could make for a fun beatdown and title switch. Of course if we go about this in a "Clubber Lang" fashion, it means we get about 2 or 3 weeks of Cena training and finding his Eye of the Tiger, to come back and squash Umaga for the belt at NYR. Plus one has to wonder if Umaga would carry around the spinning belt or if WWE would finally pull Brock's Belt out of storage and give that to him instead?

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I thought Cena has been getting "mixed reactions" for the past 18 months. Hell if they brought in Borat to work a match against Cena they would still boo him!

I havn't heard Cena get a negative reaction in a long time. I'm still annoyed as hell by his character but it looks like booing Cena was just a little fad outside of Philly and NY. Keeping the title on Cena for the time being makes buisness sense for WWE unfortuantly.

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I can't believe people still hate Cena. Well, actually I can, but I think it's stupid. Other than his bad attempts at comedic promos (which he doesn't write), he's been great all year. He was entirely responsible for the success of his WM and ONS matches. He had a really good series with Edge, culminating with a very fun TLC match. I'm actually very interested in his program with Umaga, although I know interest will vary by how much people care about Umaga. I really don't see what's wrong with the guy. He's over, can work a crowd, brings it for the big matches... What else do you people want?


And seriously, putting the title back on HHH???? What has the IWC come to? You know you'll all be bitching when HHH gets the belt back, turns heel, and feuds with Shawn Michaels for the 93548th time.

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HHH hasn't been mildly entertaining or interesting all year and you want the belt back on him? Why? So he can come out every week and remind us he's the King of Kings and That Damn good?


Either give it to Umaga or find someone else not named Edge. Another year of his angry faces and horrid finisher holding a belt is the only thing worse than HHH holding the title.

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Without bringing potential trades from SD into the equation, I'd like a competetive HBK/Edge feud over the title, personally. Competetive being the key word. Edge haters be damned.

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They need to get rid of this Brand Extention Crap, or at least two world titles. Both Main Event scenes are poor. A Cena/Batista Title Match with a really well build undercard of Orton/HBK, Edge/HHH, Taker/Booker and Finley/Benoit would be ideal.


the brand extension isn't the problem...pushing new people and proper booking is the problem.

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I think there afraid to push talent just incase Cena looses his heat (be it good or bad).


Im expecting Umaga to win the title, at least i hope he does, it would make the company look more stupid. And then for HHH to bury his unbeaten streak like the next owner of a company would.

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The thing is, nobody on earth would accept Umaga as the WWE champion. The guy is a bad 1982 savage gimmick and has done jack shit in terms of having a decent match, nor has he shown any remote sign of being over. I mean would anyone ever put a world title on Kamala? Afa of the Wild Samoans? Abdullah the Butcher?


Umaga is the sort of guy that would get a house show push against Hogan in 1986 and job in every match, maybe get a SNME blowoff. I know some will argue that they did give Yokozuna a big title push, but he wasn't doing a typical savage gimmick. He was at least supposed to be a sumo champion.

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The Raw main event scence is so boring. I'm sick of Cena, HHH is annoying as a face and I don't want the belt back on him for a long time. Orton is blah. I like Umaga, but I don't think he would work as champ. I like Edge, but his feuding with Cena is played out.


I like the idea of an HBK heel turn. To get him in the WM main event, Shawn turns on HHH and they have a blow off match at the Royal Rumble. It looks like Taker is wining the RR, so Raw needs a Main Event. HBK starts a fued with Cena and there's your Raw main event.


But thats not going to happen. I'm about ready to give up on Raw.


That is a horrible idea. Enough people were bitching about HHH/HBK's 3 year feud, and no one wants to see that match again, ever.


Taker winning the Rumble, and then winning the World title, since he doesn't lose at WrestleMania is a horrible idea. He is barely on TV as it is, and he doesn't need to go over Batista. They need to save Batista, have him beat a lot of top contenders, and have him and Cena go 1 on 1.


HBK vs. Cena? No. Neither one sells anything, HBK wouldn't want to do a clean job, Cena would overcome overwhelming odds to win, etc.

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Bottom line, Raw is in big trouble.









No one wants to see the title on any of those wrestlers. So who is left on Raw to hold the World title?



Jeff Hardy?

Johnny Nitro?

Shelton Benjamin?

Chris Masters?


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Bottom line, Raw is in big trouble.









No one wants to see the title on any of those wrestlers. So who is left on Raw to hold the World title?



Jeff Hardy?

Johnny Nitro?

Shelton Benjamin?

Chris Masters?



As far as the "alternates" you listed, they had their chance with Jeff Hardy a couple years ago when he feuded with 'Taker, and they blew that. Kenny is obviously too green at this point. I think they may be grooming Nitro for a World Title win down the line. They seem like they've kind of given up on trying to make Masters a main eventer.


I think the two best possiblities on that list are Carlito, if they ever give him a serious push, and Shelton, once he's done re-teaming with Charlie Haas.

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I'm sure they could effectively push Jeff Hardy as a World champion again, or even Matt. They're both semi-popular enough to hold the title. Kenny is awfully green, but he is getting a good rub from D-X, Flair, Rated RKO.


They should push Masters harder than they do, he is what the WWE likes. Carlito is bland to me, but he has Jericho type charisma. I don't like Nitro very much, but as you said, they are grooming him for a title run one of these days. I think Benjamin should have already been a World champion, way back when he was beating HHH.

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Well, I don't think Shelton should've gotten the title right away during his mini-feud with Triple H, but they never should have depushed him as much as they have. Hopefully this new run with TWGTT will help build him up again.

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I think Benjamin should have already been a World champion, way back when he was beating HHH.


I wouldn't go THAT far...however, his Gold Rush match with HBK SHOULD have been the catalyst for a boost into the ME scene...they went in the completely opposite direction and ruined him.

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Obviously he shouldn't have won it that fast, or soon. But he was over, liked, and talented. He was teaming with Benoit, Jericho, and Edge on a regular basis fighting Evolution. He should have gotten his chance at the end of '04, or early '05.

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well yeah...04 was the buildup year, 05 after the HBK match should have been THE year, but with Batista and Cena suddenly becomming mega-popular, Shelton's lack of anything BEYOND ringwork was probably what held him back.


The WWE, where ringwork doesn't matter...

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Touche. Very good point. I always tend to forget that. Damn WWE.


I don't really understand why they made Batista a world champion. Sure, he's huge, and popular, but he is injury prone, and older than HHH.

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I don't think he's a very good heel either. What sets him apart from every other steroid freak? Nothing comes to mind.

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Is it just me or do HHH and HBK look really broken down in the ring now? They aren't getting younger, and HHH comes out to every match with his knees super-wrapped and HBK looks like he is just going through the motions.....I don't think I'd like to see either as the Champ at WM.

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Eh, I consider a good heel to be Raven in ECW, or Flair in the Horsemen, or HHH in 2000. Batista is just another bland, steroid freak to me.

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Is it just me or do HHH and HBK look really broken down in the ring now? They aren't getting younger, and HHH comes out to every match with his knees super-wrapped and HBK looks like he is just going through the motions.....I don't think I'd like to see either as the Champ at WM.



Yeah, time is starting to catch up with them...I still think HBK should get one last run with the belt, though. He can still go in the ring...but it's silly for he and Triple H to be acting like immature teenagers.

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The World title scene on all three shows is hard to determine where they should go.




Cena, his third title reign since WrestleMania 21, stale, boring, etc.

Edge, has had two reigns, one a hotshot, and another a two month, best heel in the WWE right now, soild in the ring, soild on the mic.

Orton, I hate him on a personal basis, is average in the ring, and ok on the mic.

HHH, ten time champion, slowing way down, still can pull out a ****, still entertaining on the mic.

HBK, four time champion, way past his prime + time, might be able to pull out a ****, can still talk.

Flair, billion time champion, needs to retire before he is seriously injured/killed, can still talk with the best of them.

Umaga, former 3MW throw away, turned into an unstoppable monster, is ok in the ring, has potential.

J. Hardy, a former shoe in to a World title reign, still popular with the younger girls, can still perform when motivated.

Johnny Nitro, a up and comer, can perform well, has Melina, is young, a future champion.

Shelton Benjamin, his time for a title reign wa sin late '04 - early '05, talented in the ring, and has charisma.

Kenny, still very green, inexperienced, needs a couple good feuds to get him moving.

Carlito, charismatic, has Torrie, is good when he wants to be, can talk, entertaining.

Masters, no one has broken his Masterlock yet, is what the WWE likes + wants, below average in the ring + mic.

M. Hardy, like his brother, but better in the ring and on the mic.




Batista, second reign, getting up there in age department, needs a new gimmick, should revert back to a heel Leviathan.

King Booker, injury prone, can still go in the ring, is entertaining, can talk.

Benoit, one of the best in the ring, getting old, cannot talk, little to no charisma, the most intensity.

Finlay, is talented in the ring and on the mic, one of the best brawlers around, old.

Rey Mysterio, injury prone, lost his "mystique" a few years ago, can still perform.

Kennedy, a shoe in to become a World champion, can talk very well, and performs well.

Undertaker, 44 years old, body is broken, can still entertain, needs to retire.

Kane, his whole gimmick was destroyed once he lost his mask.

MVP, has charisma.

Regal, can perform like Benoit, injury prone, is a snobbish arrogant asshole.

Helms, talented in all aspects, young, but not "WWE size".




Lashley, a clone of Monty Brown, is a genetic freak, has potential.

RVD, can do it all, is mega-popular with ECW fans, should be champion.

Punk, a shoe in to be a future World champion, mega talented in all aspects.

Sabu, needs to retire for his personal safety.

Test, a joke.

Big Show, needs to retire for his health.

Dreamer, a shell of his former self.

Sandman, should have retired in 2001.

Holly, a go no where wrestler.

Terkay, has potential, right gimmick at the right time.

Knox, has potential.

Thorn, would have mad eit in 1998 with the Brood.

Burke, has potential, is a good talker.

Dupree, could be better used, has potential.




Monty Brown, is a generic "Goldberg" type.

Johnny Jeter, was a Sprit Squad member, is talented, been compared to Jericho.

Rodimer, has impressive size, could be made into a monster.

"Double C" Claudio Castagnoli, needs to team with Regal/Taylor.


That's about all I can think of right now.

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I think Nitro will continue to get better but he needs to alter his character a bit. He could probably cut a better promo if he would stop trying to talk and act like an L.A. "hipster." Also, his facial expressions make him look like a retarded male model when he poses for the camera.


Drop those things and be an arrogant pretty boy heel in his own way and he'll be taken more serious.

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It's easy to long for Triple H holding the belt again since it has been close to two years since he did. But after a few months of Triple H on top again, the same people clamoring for it now would be bitching about how stale he is. Seriously, thinking that Cena is stale but Triple H isn't is just bizarre in my eyes.

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