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Art Sandusky

Another Reason Why Fox Sports Sucks.

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It has been THREE MONTHS since a flip to The Best Damn Sports Show Period has provided even a solitary second of actual sports discussion or film.


The dude who does The Rundown or whatever it is is far worse than any SportsCenter anchor.


At least ESPN still feigns an interest in its reason for existing. Fox is utterly useless.

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I'll also count the Speed Channel since they've been Fox-owned for several years now:


Barrett-Jackson is about cars, Fox. Not the rich losers who buy them. It's not a competition, and all you're doing is making classic car prices inflate beyond all reason. It also used to be special when it was on only once a year.


What was once time set aside for MotoGP races or SCCA Trans-Am races is reserved for supposed car/race-related movies.

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Yeah, here in Cleveland, they have the local bitchfest called Cleveland Rants after every Browns and Indians game. Fun stuff donchaknow.


damn I wish there was a show like that on FSN Detroit

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JT the Brick




Craig Shemon and James Washington


They all suck and make Fox Sports radio unbearable.

I'm actually a distant cousin of James Washington.

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Guest Princess Leena

Best Damn show is still going? Wow.


I haven't had FSN for years. Or, at least their regular programming.

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The morning sports recap/highlights show on FSN is infinitely better than Sportscenter ... they show more hockey coverage each morning than ESPN gives all week, combined. And that alone is enough to make me prefer FSN to ESPN.

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Guest Smues
they cancelled Kellerman


Wrong Thread. Although I don't recall seeing a "reasons Fox Sports is cool" thread.

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I like the 3rd Shift with Jorge Sedano on FSR at night, at least it's listenable and considering it's between that and the Foil Hats with George Noory, I'll take the sports.

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FOX Sports Radio sucked when they got rid of Mark Patrick, then he went to XM and last I heard of him he was doing the Home Plate Morning Show, but thats gotta be the worst job ever talking baseball durring the offseason on Sat Radio to a limited audience. I dont even know if he's still on it or not.

He used to have the best early morning show though.


Fox Sports Radio also got rid of Tony Bruno who was ok but not great, and he landed on Sporting News Radio which is now a part of the XM Sports Nation Channel.


About the only personality that I can tolerate on FSR is Jorge Sedano and hes on the late shift show. Karen Kay has annoying voice though...too bad shes not on TV.



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I really can't say a bad thing about Fox Sports as long as FSN West keeps Lindsay Soto employed..




Of course, I'm sure ESPN will scoop her up before too long, making FSN completely unwatchable unless it's for Lakers or Dodgers games.

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Can't really complain with FSN South. Usually filled with college football on Saturday, mostly Big Twelve and Pac-10. ACC and SEC college basketball coverage throughout the week. Live Carolina Hurricanes' games, tape-delayed Nashville Predators' games. Duke basketball. Everything I would want from them.

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