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Another reason why ESPN Threads suck

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Guest Princess Leena

It was for me. Even more so with the New York teams because of fake patriotism.

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Until my dying day I will curse Kingpk for starting it again. 35 f'n pages about a television network?! For god sakes, if you don't like it, don't watch it.


If you don't like it, don't read it. :)

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It was for me. Even more so with the New York teams because of fake patriotism.

Truth be told, the New Orleans backlash upsets me more. Act of God > Terrorist Attack in terms of what it can do to a city.

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Guest Legalise Drugs and Murder

I've never liked any New York team, and will remain eternally indifferent to The Saints, although I don't mind them because Brees went to Purdue.

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Until my dying day I will curse Kingpk for starting it again. 35 f'n pages about a television network?! For god sakes, if you don't like it, don't watch it.

Would it have been better if he just bumped the old one?

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Act of God > Terrorist Attack in terms of what it can do to a city.


So God poorly constructed those levees? :huh:


And Al, would you be happier if that thread was broken up into a whole bunch of mini "I Hate ESPN" threads?

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Act of God > Terrorist Attack in terms of what it can do to a city.


So God poorly constructed those levees? :huh:

You can't deny a pissed-off hurricane, and those levees weren't about to either.

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I said the same thing and Man in Blak jumped on me. :-(


Yeah, I did, because you were being a fucking idiot. People are "obsessed" with ESPN because it's basically the only place where you can even get dedicated sports coverage on TV anymore, as poor it may be. As I proposed in the original thread, why don't you meander in to the WWE folder and ask people why they're so up in arms about the WWE?


And please don't even bring up Fox Sports; with highlight shows that look like they're produced out of somebody's basement, Best Damn (the absolute nadir of sports shows to begin with, as far as I'm concerned) somehow de-evolving even further into endless Top 50 shows like some VH1 Sports of the Damned, and Final Score - the one decent highlights show out there - only showing at 1:15 am CT or whatever, Fox Sports is a laughable "alternative" that shouldn't even enter the conversation. It's ESPN or bust, unfortunately.


If Al wants to bitch at KingPK for creating the thread, at least he picked the right place on the board to do it. You, on the other hand, clumsily stuck your nose into the middle of a playoff discussion thread and tried to line everybody out for daring to criticize ESPN when:


A) a particular player completely fucked up the game-winning play for his team and

B) ESPN's never-ending verbal fellatio of this particular player has been part of the bigger subplots throughout sports this year, thus causing

C) everybody to share a big hearty laugh at ESPN for B) after the occurence of A)


You probably could have found that out by opening with "Okay, I haven't been watching much of the NFL this season, so I don't get it - why's everybody getting onto ESPN about Romo screwing up the snap" but, instead, you chose to slam your balls in a drawer and get onto people for "obsessing" about ESPN, like you've been keeping score on everybody's commentary in sports all year long. Imbecile.

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Yeah, I did, because you were being a fucking idiot.
Because I made one off-hand remark? You're taking this way too seriously.


People are "obsessed" with ESPN because it's basically the only place where you can even get dedicated sports coverage on TV anymore, as poor it may be. As I proposed in the original thread, why don't you meander in to the WWE folder and ask people why they're so up in arms about the WWE?


I already posted that one had nothing to do with the other.


And please don't even bring up Fox Sports; with highlight shows that look like they're produced out of somebody's basement, Best Damn (the absolute nadir of sports shows to begin with, as far as I'm concerned) somehow de-evolving even further into endless Top 50 shows like some VH1 Sports of the Damned, and Final Score - the one decent highlights show out there - only showing at 1:15 am CT or whatever, Fox Sports is a laughable "alternative" that shouldn't even enter the conversation. It's ESPN or bust, unfortunately.
Okay. I use the internet to follow sports. Even though TSN's Jennifer Hedger is a looker.


A) a particular player completely fucked up the game-winning play for his team and

B) ESPN's never-ending verbal fellatio of this particular player has been part of the bigger subplots throughout sports this year, thus causing

C) everybody to share a big hearty laugh at ESPN for B) after the occurence of A)


I just think it's funny that in the midst of a big playoff game, a lot of the posts were about a freaking sports network. Who cares?


You probably could have found that out by opening with "Okay, I haven't been watching much of the NFL this season, so I don't get it - why's everybody getting onto ESPN about Romo screwing up the snap" but, instead, you chose to slam your balls in a drawer and get onto people for "obsessing" about ESPN, like you've been keeping score on everybody's commentary in sports all year long. Imbecile.


I know that ESPN's been on Romo's cock. I still think it's funny that everyone obsess over what a sports network might say, or debate on who they hate/don't hate. I like the word imbecile though.

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People hating on stories about the Saints are fucking assholes. I wonder if the same attitude was there in 2001 with New York teams.


Why should people like those stories? I don't buy into this thing that just because they experienced a tragedy that all of a sudden we should be pulling for the Saints. So what. And I don't need a cable channel telling me how I should feel. You want to do something for the people of New Orleans, send them money. Who gives a shit about cheering for their football team, what does that get them.

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It doesn't make me pull for them, but people can at least appreciate that these Saints were practicing in parking lots in the earlier games of last season. Anyone who complains about such a remarkable story that bridges the sports/real life gap is cracked. No one's bitching about their attempts to get you to root for them, but rather that it's something that's brought up whenever talk about the team on mainstream media outlets arises.

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I want the Saints to perish as they could potentially be a threat to my team. And I've always hated NO so last season doesn't lessen the hate. Perhaps if the Saints got Marshalled it would.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Okay, let's cover all the bases here:


1) Do you mean like within the scope of the NFL? I don't know, does Seattle have a team?


2) Does that mean we're going to have a benefit concert with Pearl Jam and Soundgarden?


3) George Bush doesn't care about Vietnamese people.


4) It just means overeducated white Gen Xers would have to move to Portland.

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Yeah, I did, because you were being a fucking idiot.
Because I made one off-hand remark? You're taking this way too seriously.


It's an offhand comment, but it's a fucking stupid one, and one that's worthy of derision, for reasons that have already been explained above.


And, though trying to play down your original comment is an admirable turn, you did follow up this innocuous little throwaway with a second post in the thread and a cameo here, riding sidesaddle on Al's dick somewhat triumphantly. How about we call it even at "we both care too much"?


People are "obsessed" with ESPN because it's basically the only place where you can even get dedicated sports coverage on TV anymore, as poor it may be. As I proposed in the original thread, why don't you meander in to the WWE folder and ask people why they're so up in arms about the WWE?


I already posted that one had nothing to do with the other.


Yes, you did, and the entirety of your argument was "um, they have nothing to do with each other, er, so there." Would you like to actually explain your contention, or were you just trying to be dismissive?


And please don't even bring up Fox Sports; with highlight shows that look like they're produced out of somebody's basement, Best Damn (the absolute nadir of sports shows to begin with, as far as I'm concerned) somehow de-evolving even further into endless Top 50 shows like some VH1 Sports of the Damned, and Final Score - the one decent highlights show out there - only showing at 1:15 am CT or whatever, Fox Sports is a laughable "alternative" that shouldn't even enter the conversation. It's ESPN or bust, unfortunately.
Okay. I use the internet to follow sports. Even though TSN's Jennifer Hedger is a looker.


You know, citing the internet as an alternative when I'm talking about television coverage is kind of moronic. There is a demand out there to be able to see what happened in the game and hear intelligent analysis about the proceedings; ESPN provided this astounding and apparently stupifying combination at one time, but have steadily gone downhill in recent years for both areas, far beyond the point of parody. Thus, they've opened themselves up to rampant (and ultimately meaningless) criticism from folks everywhere, particularly on the internet.


Just like you have an insatiable need to hop on the internet and discuss Tina Fey's latest project or talk about what Hollywood B-lister that you got a snapshot with, sports fans (who are frustrated with the lack of objectivity and overall quality in ESPN's coverage) are looking for an outlet to talk about how fast The Worldwide Leader is swirling around the toilet bowl. The fact that the second thread on the topic has 30+ pages of posts should tell you that it's something that people want to discuss.


A) a particular player completely fucked up the game-winning play for his team and

B) ESPN's never-ending verbal fellatio of this particular player has been part of the bigger subplots throughout sports this year, thus causing

C) everybody to share a big hearty laugh at ESPN for B) after the occurence of A)


I just think it's funny that in the midst of a big playoff game, a lot of the posts were about a freaking sports network. Who cares?


Well, apparently, you cared enough to make a post about it in the first place. Given that you acknowledge that ESPN has been driving the Romomania bandwagon below, it's kind of puzzling that you can't grasp why people were reacting in the way that they did.


You probably could have found that out by opening with "Okay, I haven't been watching much of the NFL this season, so I don't get it - why's everybody getting onto ESPN about Romo screwing up the snap" but, instead, you chose to slam your balls in a drawer and get onto people for "obsessing" about ESPN, like you've been keeping score on everybody's commentary in sports all year long. Imbecile.


I know that ESPN's been on Romo's cock. I still think it's funny that everyone obsess over what a sports network might say, or debate on who they hate/don't hate. I like the word imbecile though.


Well, thank you for such a valuable and enriching commentary. If "imbecile" is a cheap thrill, then this post will surely be a wild ride of five-star linguistic derring-do. ("An absolute delight!", says Joel Siegel.)


You're entitled to think that such discussion/debate is funny but, if you're going to enter a thread and ridicule folks for taking shots at ESPN when these criticisms/cheapshots are completely valid, you should understand that such an "off-hand remark" will probably earn a reaction. Of course, since you acknowledged that ESPN has had overwhelming favoritism towards Romo and still somehow managed to be shocked by everybody's reaction in the thread in question, perhaps such an expectation is a stretch.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"
riding sidesaddle on Al's dick somewhat triumphantly

There's a visual.

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Okay, let's cover all the bases here:


1) Do you mean like within the scope of the NFL? I don't know, does Seattle have a team?


2) Does that mean we're going to have a benefit concert with Pearl Jam and Soundgarden?


3) George Bush doesn't care about Vietnamese people.


4) It just means overeducated white Gen Xers would have to move to Portland.


Vietnamese? There are like... 5.

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