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Matt Young

Royal Rumble Anthology DVD Box Set

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Eh, I think I'll end up holding out a few months so WWEShop can put it on sale like they did w/ the WM box set.

It's on sale right now.


Normal price is $260 something.


Right now they're selling it for about $186


Eh, I mean more like $90-100. I purchased WMs 1-22 (Yeah, they threw in 22) for $92 through WWEShop. It was on sale for $100, then an extra 8% off since they were doing this "8 Day Week" promotion late last year.

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Still no word on indvidual sets? I really only need 88-92.....


I do want this, but hopefully they release volumes like they did with Mania - 2002 through 2006 is useless to me.

They are indeed...


Vol 1 (1988 - 1992): http://www.silvervision.co.uk/product.asp?pf_id=WEBDVD17

Vol 2 (1993 - 1997): http://www.silvervision.co.uk/product.asp?pf_id=WEBDVD18

Vol 3 (1998 - 2002): http://www.silvervision.co.uk/product.asp?pf_id=WEBDVD19

Vol 4 (2003 - 2007): http://www.silvervision.co.uk/product.asp?pf_id=WEBDVD20


If I don't pick up the complete set I'll probably pick up Vol 1 & 2.



Yeah see, that's europe, not the United States...

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Guest JohnFTW
Apparently, these ARE the FULL events, as evidenced by these charts.




Interesting to note that the 1989 Rumble will feature Hake vs. Harley Race, which is not included in the Coliseum Video version that I have. As well as the addition of the Women's title match. Pretty cool that this set is truly complete.

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Still no word on indvidual sets? I really only need 88-92.....


I do want this, but hopefully they release volumes like they did with Mania - 2002 through 2006 is useless to me.

They are indeed...


Vol 1 (1988 - 1992): http://www.silvervision.co.uk/product.asp?pf_id=WEBDVD17

Vol 2 (1993 - 1997): http://www.silvervision.co.uk/product.asp?pf_id=WEBDVD18

Vol 3 (1998 - 2002): http://www.silvervision.co.uk/product.asp?pf_id=WEBDVD19

Vol 4 (2003 - 2007): http://www.silvervision.co.uk/product.asp?pf_id=WEBDVD20


If I don't pick up the complete set I'll probably pick up Vol 1 & 2.



Yeah see, that's europe, not the United States...

I kinda doubt that they'll be European only releases.


Besides, if they are, you could always import them.

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Guest KCC

Good news: The Demolition theme is in there in its entirety. Only editing I can think of so far (watched '88 and '89) was Ricky Steamboat and Rockin' Robin's theme songs.

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Good news: The Demolition theme is in there in its entirety. Only editing I can think of so far (watched '88 and '89) was Ricky Steamboat and Rockin' Robin's theme songs.

Steamboat's I think was a real song, so I can see that.


Rockin' Robin I'm sure about.

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Guest BlueStang302

Was Steamboat using "Sirius" at the time? Maybe they didn't want to pay Alan Parsons.


Question for someone who has it already (mine is on its way), what music does Ric Flair have? In the Wrestlemania's he seems to have a different song to my ears. It is definitely similar to Sprach Zarathustra but not exactly the same. In his WWF run he used a song that was also similar to Sprach but different. Sort of a random question, but I really liked his WWF theme. In fact one of my favorite Royal Rumble moments is Bobby Heenan's reaction upon hearing his music first in 1993. Only takes one second of the drums for Heenan to immediately recognize it and say "oh no".


Also great is his reaction as Perfect sprints down the aisle. ("OH NO! OH MY GOD NO!"). He practically hyperventilates the next 3 minutes until Perfect dumps Flair.


Thanks to anyone who answers my question.

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Guest BlueStang302

Also to anyone interested, CDUniverse has it for $169. Which is $20 less than most places I've seen with the exception of Walmart. I've had many good experiences with CDuniverse so I chose them.

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Cheapest way (so far I've determined), is FYE @ $169.99 + 10% discount if you have their backstage pass discount card. Really helps in states like mine (NY) that charge a high tax.


Deep discount.com has it for ~$ 172 with free shipping.

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Got this from another board, for the people who really want to know what the set looks like:








Picked up my set from bestbuy for $199.99 and mine still had like 5-6 sets left. It looks like they only sold one set yesterday before mine.


Just a couple of things to add, I have seen the 96, 96, 97, 00, 03, 04, and 07 Rumble's so far. I really like that fact that during the Rumble match each guy is a chapter. So if you want to see a specific entrance of a wrestler all you gotta do is press next. The only music edit I've seen so far is Cactus Jack at the 2000 Rumble.


A question I have too, does anyone know if the opening package for the HHH-Cactus match was remade? The one with this box set had WCW footage in it, and I'm pretty sure in 2000, WWE didn't own WCW footage.

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Guest BlueStang302

It looks great and I can't wait till mine comes hopefully tomorrow. Next set: Survivor Series!

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Apparently, these ARE the FULL events, as evidenced by these charts.




Interesting to note that the 1989 Rumble will feature Hake vs. Harley Race, which is not included in the Coliseum Video version that I have. As well as the addition of the Women's title match. Pretty cool that this set is truly complete.


That's great to hear! More reason to pick it up!

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I finally broke down and bought this yesterday, finally replacing my dubs of the original Coliseum Video versions, and my hundredth generation copy of the '88 show. I've watched the first 2 discs so far


The 1988 show is only 2 hours long, but it's so dull and anemic that it seems to drag on for much longer then that. The 2 non-wrestling segments, the Hogan / Andre Contract signing, and the Dino Bravo weightlifting segment seem to go on forever, and just aren't the least bit interesting. The Rumble itself is terrible, the guys can't really even figure out the logistics on how to work such a match and make it seem entertaining. The only thing even clsoe to a good match on the card is the Womens Tag Match


The 1989 show is much better, and is a lot different then the VHS release. On the Coliseum Video version, the tape cuts directly from the end of the womens title match, to the Royal Rumble. On this DVD, which is taken from the original PPV source, there's about 40 minutes in between which includes some promos, and the entire Haku vs Race match, which were all excised from the VHS. Haku vs Race is actually a pretty good match too, they would have been much better off keeping this one and chopping the womens title match. The added promos were likely cut because not only are they all really bad, including a particularly awful Brutus Beefcake promo, but they're all done in front of a blue screen and look awful.


I'm on 1990 now.


Another weird note after watching the 1990 show. This one is essentially the same as the VHS Version, but for some reason, the VHS version uses different camera angles then the PPV Version. I know this because I remember on my copy of the VHS Version, Bret Hart's elimination can only barely be seen as the camera is focusing on Demolition beating up Andre the Giant. On the PPV version, that same part of the match is shown from the hard camera angle which focuses on the entire ring, and you get a much clearer shot of Bret getting tossed out by Dusty. Pretty strange.....

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Guest BlueStang302

I thought 1988 was great cuz that's right when I was getting into wrestling. I appreciate anything with nostalgia and I like all the old school stuff. Pretty interesting to imagine that it was on regular tv, not a PPV.


I was HATING that lady in the front row with the megaphone, they must have taken from her about 1/2 way through the Rude/Steamer match.


The Royal Rumble itself was slightly disappointing in the way they focused too much on heels versus faces. I felt it constricted the action a little bit. It was interesting to compare this to later Rumbles though


I found the Bravo bit intersting, especially watching him absolutely blow through the first weights. Were those legit? He was certainly lifting them VERY easily, but any thoughts on if the weight was actually what was advertised?


The Andre-Hogan signing... again, I liked it just cuz it brought back memories. I miss when they could get so much drama out of a minor event like that. Andre swaying back and forth and staring at Hogan. Then pushes his head into the table and knocks the table over. He doesn't hit him with the thing 10 times and then piledrive him through it.

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I was a wrestling fan way back when, and grew up with the late 80's early 90's stuff. I never liked Hogan, and I know why I dont likr him now. But, I never knew why me as a kid hated Hogan. I always assumed it was the USA thing, since I am Canadian. But I loved Macho and Jake, none were Canadian or nothing. Plus Macho and Snake were anything but clean cut babyfaces.


After watching Royal Rumble 89 agian, I think I figured it out:


A: Hogan was the biggest cry baby ever. He was elimianted as fair as possible. Not only does he pull Bossman out of the ring to beat him up, he then later eliminates him illegally from the outside! What the hell, why would kids cheer for a guy like that. What an asshole!


B: Savage had every right to snap and turn on Hogan at SNME. Here, Savage called him on eliminating him and he had no comeback! If its two guys left, fine go at it. But he dumped his teammate out, when the smart move was to keep him as long as possible. And you help him earlier, so why turn on him now?


Rewatching this stuff, I am glad I hate Hogan. He was sich a douchebag.

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I was going to wait for volumes but last tuesday I saw it at work and I had to get it, CC was selling it for 159.99, but with my employee discount it came to 149.99 (well plus tax of course so closer to 160). not bad. The box looks awesome (Although I have noticed that it seems I hav epurchased th eonly copy so far in a week, we had like 4 to begin with and now still 3) Though I have no use for the last volume (since I have 03-07 on dvd already)and If I had known I was going to get the box, I wouldnt have bought the single disc release of 07 already OH WELL. I have only browsed thru some of the dvds so far looking for edits and such. 2000 indeed is weird editingthe opening package to show wcw footage (instead of the original japanese death matches footage which I guess wwe was too cheap to pay for this time around) even weirder is them again dubbing in "Mr Bang Bang" over the WWE cactus jack theme which I thought they owned? i hate the blur a mania era ones cuz they often blur out the wrestlers themselves (notably during angle-tazz at 00 ) but hey the 00 one used here is directly from the orginal dvd since they show all the bonus footage like angle and tazz interviews and HHH getting stitched up


man 99 had a great opening video package (the debut of "no chance in hell" song) but again it seems to have that camera zooming issue that first was noticed on the Taker dvd.


02 seems to have the most theme edits so far as I have noticed 1. Tazz (1st wwf theme dubbe dover the cypress hill song which actually debuted at the 02 rumble). 2.Lance Storm (2nd wwf theme dubbed over by his ECW song knockoff used at ONS 2005),3. Taker (rollin dubbed over by some awful generic rock), 4. Maven (TE 1 theme dubbed with even more generic song than takers)5. the show theme which was Kid Rocks "Cocky" dubbed with really generic song (which actually was done in the original dvd release too IIRC) so the pre-rumble package suffers cuz steve austin yelling what makes no sense (and here you cant even hear his voice you just see his mouth move)


04 theme (nothing left to lose) and 05 theme (find the real) which actually were on the original dvd releases are dubbed out as well. but I guess I understand why show themes have been dubbed .


Ill give you more as I actually watch the shows.

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Forgot before, 02 also edits Jazz' ist generic rock theme with her second theme with well the jazzy opening. plus Trish's 2nd theme (after the T and A theme) is replaced with the Lil Kim one.


If you want to know what themes I mean check smackdown: shut your mouth on ps2, they have these themes on there.

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sorry for the multiple posts,But I forgot to mention that i noticed that WWE actually secretly put in chapter breaks for every rumble participant after the first 2. I figured it out when I noticed the champter list on my dvd on screen display said something like 56 chapters on one of the rumble dvds. I checked it out and indeed they did do this. kinda cool I guess, easy way to skip ahead to various points in the rumble matches, this has been on every dvd I have tried out yet (88,99,00,02,03,05)

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Vinny Mac made me laugh near the end of the islanders Vs young stallions match from the first rumble. He said to jesse " look at the size of those toes (talking about one of the islanders), he can swing off the top rope with those!" Jesse replied " well, thats a bit of a racist comment dont you think" :lol: :lol:

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Bobby Heenan did the greatest Color call to a match ever in the Royal Rumble 92 match


*Out comes the Barbarian*


Heenan: "They don't get any smaller, just bigger and tougher!"


Monsoon: "Barbarian dosn't like Flair"


Heenan: "Barbarian doesnt like anyone, when I managed him he barely liked me.

Thats why he is called the Barbarian! He isnt a hair dresser on his day off!"

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2003 has edits as well, the show theme (which I dont know the name of or who sang it is replaced not with generic music but with an actual song with LYRICS) I compared it with my 1st edition 03 rumble dvd from back then to see the diffs, on the original the Dudlez Powerman 5000 music is not edited , but is on here (like most dvds after early 03). Chris Nowiniskis harvard music is changed to a generic soundalike. Of course Edge's Rob zombie music is edited like always. Plus on the anthology dvd they immediately cut from team angle celebrating by the entranceway to chris benoits post-match standing ovation (on the original live show and dvd , there was an ad break for the WWE Anthology cd set)


I watched the 88 show all the way thru, and it pretty much sucked, the rumble match being the exception though it was still going thru growing pains (and how weird to see all the faces and heels help each other, I didnt see too many faces and heels fighting each other in the match, gotta love the 80s) other dubs included finkel overdubbing steamboats entrance, as well as the jumping bomb angels intro (I guess they had to dub their theme over)


The show seemed like one giant commerical for the Hogan/Andre Main Event special (which is basically was supposed to be, besides trying to take WCW audience away on a night they had a ppv- that being The Bunkhouse Stampede)

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For those who own it: Any production problems? (E.g.: sound missing, audio/video unsynchronized, etc.) I've looked into picking this up, but only if I know that they produced everything as well as they can (theme song changes notwithstanding). Even then, I've only looked into it a little, since it's one thing to pick up a WrestleMania box set (since it's WrestleMania), but another for the Rumble.

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I haven't watched the last two matches yet (Rumble and Islanders-Young Stallions) but I don't really see what a lot of you guys are saying about Rumble '88. Am I the only one who kind of likes Royal Rumble '88? I mean sure the non-wrestling segments go on for way too long and it does feel like a bit of a hype job for the Main Event (Which really was it's purpose) but Steamboat-Rude is a solid match, maybe disapointing on Steamboat standards but on the whole a solid **1/2- *** match. The Women's Tag Team titles match was quite revolutionary for the time. Plus ya gotta love McMahon and Ventura on commentary.

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Guest BlueStang302
Something I've been wondering. How did they handle the infamous Mae Young incident? Is it exactly the same or did they edit some of it out?



I don't know how it was handled originally, but there are huge "CENSORED" used whenever Mae is.... um... revealing. You don't see anything thankfully.

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Something I've been wondering. How did they handle the infamous Mae Young incident? Is it exactly the same or did they edit some of it out?



I don't know how it was handled originally, but there are huge "CENSORED" used whenever Mae is.... um... revealing. You don't see anything thankfully.


Those lumpy boobs hanging down to her waist are forever burned into my memory. :throwup:

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