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Big Ol' Smitty


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I think what's most important is that stories like this getting out changes the average American's philosophy about prisons. Any time I bring up the idea of a broken system, all I get is claptrap about prisoners having it so easy with their cable televisions and weight benches and three free meals a day.

I will respectfully disagree- I hear more horror stories than anything else.


And anyone who thinks that prison isn't the worst place to go is a fool.

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I think what's most important is that stories like this getting out changes the average American's philosophy about prisons. Any time I bring up the idea of a broken system, all I get is claptrap about prisoners having it so easy with their cable televisions and weight benches and three free meals a day.

I will respectfully disagree- I hear more horror stories than anything else.


And anyone who thinks that prison isn't the worst place to go is a fool.

Keep in mind where I live, of course.

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And the majority here, virgins all presumably, are in favor of the anal rape.


Personally..I Dont care..if they're in prison, odds are good they did something to deserve to be in there and its not like its a huge secret anymore that this kind of shit goes on in prison. There are worse things going on in the world than to worry about convicted fellons raping each other. Prison isn't supposed to be enjoyable and there needs to be things to make people NOT want to keep ending back up in there..youd think getting raped would work towards that goal.


The only way to prevent rape in prison is castration of inmates found to be raping other inmates, but that will never be allowed ever, so its going to continue. So obviously if you dont want to be raped in prison, dont do anything that would give you a risk of going to prison. If thats your thing..go rob a bank at gunpoint.

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Prison is the most controlled place in society.


If you cannot prevent it there, you cannot prevent it anywhere.



Thats my exact point. You can't prevent it anywhere.

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And the majority here, virgins all presumably, are in favor of the anal rape.


Personally..I Dont care..if they're in prison, odds are good they did something to deserve to be in there and its not like its a huge secret anymore that this kind of shit goes on in prison. There are worse things going on in the world than to worry about convicted fellons raping each other. Prison isn't supposed to be enjoyable and there needs to be things to make people NOT want to keep ending back up in there..youd think getting raped would work towards that goal.


The only way to prevent rape in prison is castration of inmates found to be raping other inmates, but that will never be allowed ever, so its going to continue. So obviously if you dont want to be raped in prison, dont do anything that would give you a risk of going to prison. If thats your thing..go rob a bank at gunpoint.


Or smoke a joint every once in a while. Because that will get you in prison...

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Prison is the most controlled place in society.


If you cannot prevent it there, you cannot prevent it anywhere.

Comparing prison to other places in society is a direct violation of the defintion of prison. You're put there to be separated from society, not to become an extension of it. There are different rules, therefore there are different norms.

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There are different rules, therefore there are different norms.


Well, I don't know about you all, but I'm certainly convinced now that repeatedly anal rape should not just be allowed, but encouraged.

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I don't get this idea that it's impossible to stop rape in prison. It's not, not even close. It's not like inmates are wandering around a five square mile campus or something. They're in small contained areas the entire time. Is it really that hard to have a few security cameras up that cover those areas? All it would take to solve this problem is three steps:


1) Put up a few extra cameras. The impact of this cost would be significantly smaller than the money saved by releasing that 5-10% of the prison population in for marijuana.


2) Make sure the guards actually investigate when a prisoner complains of rape. If they're found to be ignoring said complaints, fire them.


3) Seriously punish the inmates who commit the rapes. Give them a year added on to their sentence every time (unless they're lifers) and if they are lifers, then give them three months in solitary, with the length of solitary getting greater each time they're caught.


Someone tell me how this wouldn't solve the problem.

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I don't get this idea that it's impossible to stop rape in prison. It's not, not even close. It's not like inmates are wandering around a five square mile campus or something. They're in small contained areas the entire time. Is it really that hard to have a few security cameras up that cover those areas? All it would take to solve this problem is three steps:


1) Put up a few extra cameras. The impact of this cost would be significantly smaller than the money saved by releasing that 5-10% of the prison population in for marijuana.


2) Make sure the guards actually investigate when a prisoner complains of rape. If they're found to be ignoring said complaints, fire them.


3) Seriously punish the inmates who commit the rapes. Give them a year added on to their sentence every time (unless they're lifers) and if they are lifers, then give them three months in solitary, with the length of solitary getting greater each time they're caught.


Someone tell me how this wouldn't solve the problem.


I do think things like that would help. Most of these people have devolved to the level of animals, and you need to treat them as such.

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I don't get this idea that it's impossible to stop rape in prison. It's not, not even close. It's not like inmates are wandering around a five square mile campus or something. They're in small contained areas the entire time. Is it really that hard to have a few security cameras up that cover those areas? All it would take to solve this problem is three steps:


1) Put up a few extra cameras. The impact of this cost would be significantly smaller than the money saved by releasing that 5-10% of the prison population in for marijuana.


2) Make sure the guards actually investigate when a prisoner complains of rape. If they're found to be ignoring said complaints, fire them.


3) Seriously punish the inmates who commit the rapes. Give them a year added on to their sentence every time (unless they're lifers) and if they are lifers, then give them three months in solitary, with the length of solitary getting greater each time they're caught.


Someone tell me how this wouldn't solve the problem.


1) I give up on the "innocent" marijana users crap. I really do. More camera...fine. thats just fine. But there is procedure. You can't just run it and say "Hey, STOP" You are equiped with non lethal weapons and raper is morelikely not. Its can be a dangerous situation for a corrections officer. What I am saying, between the time of realizing the rape is happening and being able to get there would be pretty long. But yeah. more cameras definately for later punishment at the very least.


2) So we are going to ignore the whole "no snitching" thing in prison. Who is going to go the the guards and get labeled a snitch? This is just ignoring how prison works. I guess the Cameras could remedy this some.


3) Seriously, get some and have to stay in solitary for a few months....I think some would take that offer.


And you do get solitary now for getting caught raping. And I think its longer than 3 months. But it is really hard to punish these guys in a way that they give a shit about.

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devolved...what, you think this stuff is NEW?


and Rip is right, people never snitch in prison...they'd rather live and get raped than get murdered for being a snitch.

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No, it's not new, but it didn't start this way. Granted, it has taken decades to get here, but it was certainly allowed to get here. Like I said, prison is theoretically the most controlled area in this country. At least one of.


The fact that, as you say, guards cannot prevent murders, AT ALL, and have to recommend the prisoners whore out for protection, is gross. The only reason people write it off the way they do is that prisoners are blamed for being in this situation. But new prisoner did not create the situation.

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If you read the whole article, it said that prisoners often complain about rapes and are ignored by guards, and also said that the standard punishment when prisoners do get caught for raping other prisoners is 30 days in solitary. If nothing else, leaving the rapists in solitary confinement for long periods of time will prevent them from continually terrorizing others.


I'm not saying you can stop anyone from ever getting raped in prison, but you could dramatically reduce the incidences if there was some effort put into it. I'm pretty sure that there are some maximum security prisons right now where guards are vigilant and rape is fairly infrequent. It's just a matter of making a national standard that's enforced across the country.

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Eric, where are you getting that prisons are controllable?


The reason that everyone in this thread hasn't been raped or murdered is because rapist and murders make up a small percentage of this country. There are simply not that many around thus, they can't attack and kill everyone. But then you take then and put them in one concentrated area and you call that controlled? You can kill someone in the whitehouse and every inch of that place is photoed. Thats just how it is. your goal HAS to be to stay away from the concentration of rapist and murders.

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You can't just run it and say "Hey, STOP" You are equiped with non lethal weapons and raper is morelikely not. Its can be a dangerous situation for a corrections officer.


Yeah, they're equipped with nonlethal weapons. Nighsticks, tazers, what have you. The rapist(s) are armed with a hard dick and their pants around their ankles. These people are trained to deal with outbreaks of violence, sometimes riots, you're honestly saying they can't stop a rape? Did I misunderstand.


"Oooh, that guy's getting raped. But if I stop it, I might get socked. Fuck that."

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Guest Eagle Man
The small-balled statements of people like MikeSC or Bob Knight foster the quiet allowing of everyday rape occurances.


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