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TSM TV Badass Tournament nominations thread

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Omar Little - The Wire

Malcolm Rynolds - Firefly

Lucius Vorenus - Rome

Marlo Stansfield - The Wire

Antwan Mitchell - The Shield

Vic Mackie - The Sheild

Jack Bauer - 24

Roland "Wee-Bay" Brice - The Wire

Brother Mouzone - The Wire

Tony Sorpano-The Sopranos

Andy Sipowicz-NYPD Blue

Al Swearengen - Deadwood

James T Kirk - Star Trek

Titus Pullo - Rome

Commander Worf - Star Trek TNG

Big Dan Dority- Deadwood

Sawyer- Lost

Sam Beckett - Quantem Leap

Future Hiro - Heroes

John Locke - LOST

Kareem Said-Oz

Simon Adebisi-Oz

Keith Mars - Veronica Mars

Spike - Buffy/Angel

T-Bag - Prison Break

B.A. Baracus - A-Team

Lincoln Burrows - Prison Break

Richie Apreal - The Soprano's

George Hearst- Deadwood

Vern Schilinger- Oz

Jethro Gibbs - NCIS

Illyria - Angel

Buffy Summers - Buffy

Dr. Gregory House - House M.D.

Jayne Cobb - Firefly

Farik - Sleeper Cell

Holtz - Angel

Escobar- Nip/Tuck

Margos Dezerian - The Shield

Rupert Giles-Buffy

Al Bundy-Married with Children

Duncan MacCloud-Highlander

Dexte Morganr-Dexter

Johnny Drama - Entourage/Viking Quest

Admiral William Adama, BSG

Cordell Walker - Walker Texas Ranger

Robert McCall - The Equalizer

The Incredible Hulk

Macgyver - Macgyver

Jack Malone - Without a Trace

Ryan O'Reily - Oz

Hank Scorpio - The Simpsons

Glory - Buffy

Faith - Buffy

Nikita - La Femme Nikita

Aaron Pierce - 24

The Beast - Angel

Angelus - Buffy/Angel

Michael Knight - Knight Rider


59 names listed thus far, HOWEVER


To avoid saturation from one show, which of the following coule people do without








obviously not taking Angelas or Spike off the list...little suprised not to see The Mayor or Caleb make it though. If people wouldn't mind losing two from there that would be alright.








again, if we could lose 1 that would work better I think


DEBATABLE BADASSES: If anyone has any debate from someone on the list and doesn't think they belong please speak up now. There are some names I didn't add, due to the fact they were cartoons (minus Hank Scorpio cause he'd fucking rad) and comedic badasses. Serious badasses need only apply.


If the list stands as it is there are 5 open spots, but I'd like to cut a couple from Buffy and other from Oz, and if anyone sees a name that doesn't belong, maybe another here or there. Round 1 should be set to go by tomorrow

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Brock Sampson from the Venture Brothers should be the only animated exception, he must be added.


From Buffy drop Glory:


Mind sucking is fucking lame. Plus all you need to do is kill Ben, which unlike Buffy wouldn't be a problem for most of the people on this list.


From Oz drop Said:


Too much of a nice guy.

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Kato, The Green Hornet. Sure he was a man servant, but it's Bruce fucking Lee, people. I don't care if he wins. Bruce fucking Lee.


Captain Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek: DS9. Worf and Kirk are pussies by comparison. Just my opinion, of course.


And Joe Rogan, since he is a legit badass.

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Omar Little - The Wire

Malcolm Rynolds - Firefly

Lucius Vorenus - Rome

Marlo Stansfield - The Wire

Antwan Mitchell - The Shield

Vic Mackie - The Sheild

Jack Bauer - 24

Roland "Wee-Bay" Brice - The Wire

Brother Mouzone - The Wire

Tony Sorpano-The Sopranos

Andy Sipowicz-NYPD Blue

Al Swearengen - Deadwood

James T Kirk - Star Trek

Titus Pullo - Rome

Commander Worf - Star Trek TNG

Big Dan Dority- Deadwood

Sawyer- Lost

Sam Beckett - Quantem Leap

Sylar - Heroes

John Locke - LOST

Simon Adebisi-Oz

Keith Mars - Veronica Mars

Spike - Buffy/Angel

T-Bag - Prison Break

B.A. Baracus - A-Team

Lincoln Burrows - Prison Break

Richie Apreal - The Soprano's

George Hearst- Deadwood

Vern Schilinger- Oz

Jethro Gibbs - NCIS

Illyria - Angel

Buffy Summers - Buffy

Dr. Gregory House - House M.D.

Jayne Cobb - Firefly

Farik - Sleeper Cell

Holtz - Angel

Escobar- Nip/Tuck

Bob Fucking Barker

Joe Rogan

Margos Dezerian - The Shield

Rupert Giles-Buffy

Al Bundy-Married with Children

Duncan MacCloud-Highlander

Dexte Morganr-Dexter

Johnny Drama - Entourage/Viking Quest

Admiral William Adama, BSG

Cordell Walker - Walker Texas Ranger

Robert McCall - The Equalizer

The Incredible Hulk

Macgyver - Macgyver

Jack Malone - Without a Trace

Ryan O'Reily - Oz

Hank Scorpio - The Simpsons

Faith - Buffy

Nikita - La Femme Nikita

Aaron Pierce - 24

The Beast - Angel

Angelus - Buffy/Angel

Michael Knight - Knight Rider

Captain Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek: DS9

Ryan Atwood - The OC wink.gif

Lem - The Shield

Tommy Gavin - Rescue Me



63 on, the next reasonable name to make the list is on it.


(Also replaced "Future Hiro"...being that we've only seen him once and he's yet to do anything)


First round will be posted tomorrow

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Can we get a small bio of what makes these characters "badass"?

I can try for some... no real reason in particular for the choices save that I know the characters and/or want to be snarky.


Omar Little - The Wire - He's on The Wire. Even the kids on The Wire are required to be badass. Or so my buddy Mathan tells me.


Malcolm Rynolds - Firefly - Because Whedonites need to feel that Firefly had some level of importance in the universe. Which in an indirect way, it did - see James Cameron and the tomb of Jesus.


Jack Bauer - 24 - Has been legally dead, twice. Tortured by the Chinese for 20 months, comes back and his first kill is via vampire bite. Also survived a brief foray into being a Forrest Gump lookalike.


James T Kirk - Star Trek - Not many people sleep with green-skinned aliens on TV. On the negative side, both he and Riker did a lot of sleeping around with humanoid species, and got a lot bigger as time went on. I'm just saying


Commander Worf - Star Trek TNG - JTTS when it came to anyone who invaded the Enterprise. Which happened a lot, actually. And let's just ignore the whole Troi thing. Was a much badder ass when paired with Sisko.


Sawyer- Lost - Probably the best smack talker on episodic television today.


Sylar - Heroes - He's just a bit off. And that makes him a psycho killer who (maybe) eats brains to acquire powers.


John Locke - LOST - Was pretty badass in season one. We've since learned that he gets used more than a chick in a gangbang.


T-Bag - Prison Break - He's a perv, but if you wanna do something about it, he'll kill ya.


B.A. Baracus - A-Team - Showed incredible self-restraint by not killing Murdock.


Dr. Gregory House - House M.D. - I got nuthin'. Quite simply, he's House.


Bob Fucking Barker - Sure, he beat up Happy Gilmore, but that was in a movie. So I'll just say that I'm pretty sure his "inspiration putt" percentage is ridiculously good.


Joe Rogan - Crusader against those who steal jokes, and someone who could probably legit kick your ass.


Al Bundy-Married with Children - Two words: NO MA'AM


Admiral William Adama, BSG - Let's face it - Edward James Olmos is to badass leader like Christopher Walken is to creepy character.


The Incredible Hulk - If you ever get an autograph from Lou Ferrigno, expect to pay a lot.


Aaron Pierce - 24 - 6 seasons and he hasn't died yet. Plus, he's (probable) banging the ex-President's estranged wife.


Michael Knight - Knight Rider - Screw it. Knight was nothing without Mr. Feeney helping him.

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I think we should keep ryan O'reily from Oz on the list, because I found him to be the master of manipulation in that series. Everyone else would try and take care of their dirty business, and either end up dead or in the hole, but Ryan always had a scheme, a con, a way for someone else to take the heat. He could have been dead on so many occassions but his plans always left the crime unable to be traced back to him.

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Luke Danes-Gilmore Girls.


Big grumpy oaf that can throw down when needed but has a heart of gold to boot.




So Shane Vendrel from the Shield it is.


NOMINATIONS OVER, brackets will be up later today

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Bob Barker can control what everyone in that whole studio is doing with sheer personality. He makes thinly veiled leering dirty old man cracks at the beauties, and diplomatically calls a contestant a dumbshit well enough to where the shmoe doesn't get it, but the rest of the audience does.

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