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oAo WWE Raw 3/19/2007 (13 days until WM23)

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Wrestlemania needs Cryme Tyme


and what bombshell is being dropped?


So will Benoit-MVP open it?. You don't want MITB to lead it off, Lashley/Umaga will probably go in the HBK/McMahon spot of last year, and they'll probably go Cena/Michaels, Women's title (as a popcorn match) then Batista-'Taker


Probably the Tag Battle Royal/Turmoil match for a hot opener. Match order is probably


Tag Battle Royal




Billionaires Battle

ECW 8 Man Tag

Woman's Title

WWE Title

World Title

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...That leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


As if they really needed cena to be put over ANY more.

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Guest robrabies

Why can't they just have Cena cleanly pin Benoit. He could have transitioned into the FU easy enough. Instead, they make the most feared submission wrestler in the company get punked on a Sharpshooter, Crossface, and have him tap to the fuggin STFU. Someone needs to backhand the bookers.

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People are drastically over reacting about Benoit tapping. Benoit's tapped before. It's not a big deal. Why shouldn't they put over that Cena can win in a great manner of ways.


Don't act as if Benoit is ruined by it.

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People are drastically over reacting about Benoit tapping. Benoit's tapped before. It's not a big deal. Why shouldn't they put over that Cena can win in a great manner of ways.


Don't act as if Benoit is ruined by it.

But this is awful for the good of the Company...They might as well have Cena lay down for HBK at WrestleMania....

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People are drastically over reacting about Benoit tapping. Benoit's tapped before. It's not a big deal. Why shouldn't they put over that Cena can win in a great manner of ways.


Don't act as if Benoit is ruined by it.



I understand why they did it, and I accept that. Heck, I don't even really hate Cena like I once did, almost to the point where I can get behind him every now and then. It's just...the STFU, the move just looks weak no matter who he does it to. I have no problem with him having a submission, but come on. That move has always looked weak, no matter if he's doing it to Benoit or someone else. When a guy like Benoit taps to it, someone always built up about being all about submissions, it just makes them look that much worse.

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Guest Montresor
People are drastically over reacting about Benoit tapping. Benoit's tapped before. It's not a big deal. Why shouldn't they put over that Cena can win in a great manner of ways.


Don't act as if Benoit is ruined by it.


Chris Benoit shouldn't be booked like Johnny Nitro. This does hurt him.

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Guest gfanikf

The worst part was how Benoit had to keep walking to the ropes and Cena wasn't even making look like it was his effort, that was just ugh. Granted I'm suprised it ended cleanly.

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Benoit jobbing was kinda bad but at least it served a point of putting Cena over strong. For the most part they have done a great job of this in the WM build. Let's face it, Benoit at this point has little future or heat. He's probably going to job the US title at WM to MVP anyway.


What I have a problem with is the Vince/Lashley crap scheduled for next week. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the ENTIRE point of Umaga vs. Lashley due to Vince being unable to physically wrestle Trump himself? I mean WTF? I have a big problem with this on numerous levels. First, Lashley is probably going to job to Vince via nefarious Umaga/AAE run ins. Thing is, Lashley isn't like The Rock or someone who can bounce back from that and not lose any heat. They've done a great job hyping Lashley thus far, and they're about to undo all of it the moment Vince pins him next week. Second, as I noted it's a complete continuity error. Either Vince is unable to wrestle or he's not. If he IS able then we are to believe he was afraid to fight Donald Trump but not afraid to challenge Lashley?? This match is a terrible idea.


Ah well, at least Lashley made Masters his bitch. Time for a new finisher, Chris. Or maybe just release the guy.

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