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Imus Remarks

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Calling someone a nappy headed ho is a racial slur.


Anus can be a body part or a insult.


bitch has multiple meanings.


Language will always have context and you are purposely skating around the obvious point. Sitting in a barber's chair and them saying "Your hair is pretty nappy" isn't the same as saying "those are some nappy headed hos" an you know it. How it is used is important here.

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Then, thankfully, there are instances where I could call someone a nappy headed fool and not be racist, even though I'm white and they're black.


Thank goodness.

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I think the real issue isn't whether or not this buttplug gets fired, but the fact that "serious" journalists and politicians (like Imus' best pal Joe Lieberman) frequent this neanderthal's show & schmooze with him.

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You can, but I'm not gonna argue with someone as stupid as you.

The irony of this one is astounding.



There's no irony. You're a moron.


All the people complaining about reverse racism (which is fucking absurd in its own right), shut the fuck up. Eric, take a line from one of your favourite shows, South Park, and realize "you don't get it." Ripper's post about groups of people saying offensive terms in context is pretty apt.


Also, why do people argue so much as to why they can't say a word? Of course you can say it, say it all you want, just realize the power of the word and that if you say it in some circles, you might piss someone off. The Amazing Racist, Mel Brooks, and countless other comedians have used the word nigger and not in the most affectionate way either. If you make a racist joke and it's not funny, then it's just racist. Michael Richards felt that one. If it comes off as funny, then you won't really have a problem.


It's amazing to me, the amount of racism in this thread (and it is racism). People assuming every black person likes to say the word nigger and doesn't like white people to use the word are just being ignorant. There's plenty of black people who disagree on white people using the word as well as other black people. There are also lots of black people who don't mind it so much, and applauded Trey and Matt (two white guys from Colorado) for their portrayal of the word.


I'm with Ripper on this one. I'll never know what it feels like to be a persecuted middle class white male, without the full rights to free speech. Eric should just put a piece of tape over his mouth and write the word nigger on it. That'll get the message across.

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Ripper's right, in this instance.


You honestly can't tell me that Imus wasn't thinking of race when he added the "nappy-headed" to the ho's comment that the other guy made.

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Just let everyone be openly racist


There, a solution for all

Buh, fuck the PC Police.......ohhhhhhhh you said something bad lets rant and rave about it for the next two weeks until the next b-list celebrity does something stupid!!!!!

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Baby was a black sheep. Baby was a whore.

Baby got big and baby get bigger.

Baby get something. Baby get more.

Baby, baby, baby was a rock-and-roll nigger.

Oh, look around you, all around you,

riding on a copper wave.

Do you like the world around you?

Are you ready to behave?


Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.

Outside of society, that's where I want to be.




Baby was a black sheep. Baby was a whore.

You know she got big. Well, she's gonna get bigger.

Baby got a hand; got a finger on the trigger.

Baby, baby, baby is a rock-and-roll nigger.


Outside of society, that's where I want to be.

Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.


(those who have suffered, understand suffering,

and thereby extend their hand

the storm that brings harm

also makes fertile

blessed is the grass

and herb and the true thorn and light)


I was lost in a valley of pleasure.

I was lost in the infinite sea.

I was lost, and measure for measure,

love spewed from the heart of me.

I was lost, and the cost,

and the cost didn't matter to me.

I was lost, and the cost

was to be outside society.


Jimi Hendrix was a nigger.

Jesus Christ and Grandma, too.

Jackson Pollock was a nigger.

Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger,

nigger, nigger, nigger.


Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.

Outside of society, if you're looking,

that's where you'll find me.

Outside of society, they're waitin' for me.

Outside of society.

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Guest Eagle Man

I was going to contribute to this thread, but I slipped in a pool of EricMM's menstrual blood and hit my head on the ground, so I forgot what I was going to say.

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He said something stupid and racist. This isn't an attack on the white race.


And likewise, making a racially insensitive joke isn't an attack on the entire black race, which is what Rev. Al and others are trying to make it out to be.


All this was, was a dumb joke on a radio show, but you'd think that all of a sudden we've gone back to "whites only" / "coloured only" drinking fountains by the reaction of some people.


It's ridiculous. This shit is like the new McCarthyism. Destroy the life and career of anyone who says anything that is perceived as being even the slightest bit offensive, even if it is free speech.

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Speech is free. So are the consequences of speech. Radio air waves are regulated. He has boundries in which he has to adhere to. If can call everyone nappy headed hoes all he wants, but you can't bitch about the consequences of your actions if you do so.


If he had said those are some ugly chicks not only would he have been right for the most part, he wouldn't have gotten that much flack. Instead he decided to make a racial remark, and well. Fuck him. He has to live with the consequences.


Just last week Sharpton was calling for the banning of 50 Cent songs because of some shit that happend. This is what he does. He calls for the banning and firing of people for saying or doing dumb shit. Same way he was on those dumb DJ's asses for that Tsunami Song, and for that other shock DJ talking about raping another DJ's 5 year old daughter.


Imus is receiving the same treatment they got, only the mainstream press gives a shit about this story.

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By the way, anyone that had page 3 in the "When will someone bring up McCarthyism" pool, you win.


Now we start the "When will someone compare this to Nazi Germany" pool.

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Guest Smues

I predict page 2.


This incident is so like when Hitler was in control of Germany.



I win.

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I predict page 2.


This incident is so like when Hitler was in control of Germany.



I win.


We are on page 3...you lose.

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Guest Queen Leelee

Page 1 here. Damn hippies who don't use 100 posts per page.


BTW, has there even been a black referred to as a hippie? I'm racist...

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Speech is free. So are the consequences of speech.



I never realised saying "nappy headed ho" was a racial slur.

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Speech is free. So are the consequences of speech.



I never realised saying "nappy headed ho" was a racial slur.



whats the huh about?


People are free to make you pay for what you say. If you don't believe me, go and tell your boss he/she is a worthless cunt and see what happens. then say you have freedom of speech. See how that works out for you.


Imus is free to say whatever the hell he wants to say. MSNBC are free to punish him for said statements.



I give up. I don't see how anyone with a slight piece of what resembles a brain could take what he said and say "Well...that wasn't racial at all".

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Guest Smues
I predict page 2.


This incident is so like when Hitler was in control of Germany.



I win.


We are on page 3...you lose.


Page 2 for me. It'd be page 1 if it still let me have 100 posts a page.

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Guest Eagle Man
Speech is free. So are the consequences of speech.



I never realised saying "nappy headed ho" was a racial slur.

Are you fucking dense? How do you not see the racial implications of a phrase comprising a term for untreated African hair and an ebonicized pronunciation of "whore"? How is that not a racially-charged pejorative? Even I can see what this is about, and I always say dumb shit here.

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Imus has been a racist forever and a scumbag since before that. He also plugs the shit out of people's books, so they go on his show despite his obvious scumbaggery. That's how the world works. A few years ago he compared the animatronic gorilla effects in Instinct (good film) to "the starting lineup of the Knicks."


By the way, "free speech" means that the gubmint can't throw you in jail for something you've said. It doesn't refer to some social obligation to ignore stupid or offensive remarks, or to continue paying someone for making such remarks.

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Guest Eagle Man
By the way, "free speech" means that the gubmint can't throw you in jail for something you've said. It doesn't refer to some social obligation to ignore stupid or offensive remarks, or to stop paying someone for making such remarks.

THANK YOU. Man, I thought people stopped erroneously invoking their Constitutional-1st-amendment-in-the-U-S-of-A right to free speech after 7th grade or thereabouts. Now normally, I'd say that this doesn't warrant a firing, but it's Don fucking Imus, the worst morning programming on television, so if this is an excuse to take that mumbling, drooling, cowboy hat-donning half-corpse off television for three or four hours, then that's just a savvy programming move.

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It's ridiculous. This shit is like the new McCarthyism. Destroy the life and career of anyone who says anything that is perceived as being even the slightest bit offensive, even if it is free speech.


He got suspended for two weeks. The guy's been around forfuckingever and can basically retire today and have more money than he needs for the rest of his life. He's definitely not that relevant anymore, but his audience will come back when he does.


I do agree that political correctness has gotten way out of hand over the past ten years, but this is not something to get *that* riled up about on either side. His bosses thought his conduct was worth suspending him for and that's that.

Edited by KingPK

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I've never gotten the "nappy head" thing. Isn't it basically just a hairstyle?


Anyway, yeah, he said something stupid, but that's basically all talk radio is nowadays.

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